Ship art
Edited by 2P51
I really like this because it says to me: What if the Imperials took the popular YT-1300 and made them for their own uses?
I really like this because it says to me: What if the Imperials took the popular YT-1300 and made them for their own uses?
That is exactly the intention of the guy who created this ship — see
Note that the weapons on this ship are pretty extreme. The way this guy works, those thing long-barrelled thingies are twin light turbolasers, and the quad emplacements are quad heavy laser cannons. This thing is very seriously over-gunned, compared to a YT-1300.
Six weapons mounts, all in turrets (though there are some blind spots). I approve. Heartily.
Don't forget the things that look like missile racks just to the side of the mandibles. Also this strikes me more as an interdiction vessel, forgive me if I am way off base but it looks like a boarding hatch just below the cockpit and just above the lower turbolaser turret.
It is absurd on the guns but it's a really sharp design.
It is absurd on the guns but it's a really sharp design.
I actually like the VT-49 Decimator better.
That quadjumper link is ridiculously awesome. You can see a ton of detail in the cockpit when you zoom in; I applaud the modeler's hard work.