Road to 1,000 Likes!

By clontroper5, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

Drats, my dreams of being a pillar on a forum about plastic spaceships is shattered.

There is plenty of room on the Pedestal...

I dare say you'll hit it before I do, anyway :D

They like pushing me off that pillar almost daily ^_~


Huh. . . just hit 3k likes today.

I got 245.

I didn't even know this was a thing

Might hit 1k today!

Seems I should be thanking for Cactus pissing me off this morning. Reeling in the likes now America is awake.

I read the thread... I just sat here shaking my head on the initial read-through...

... I'll save some liking for once I've had a coffee... (I DON'T LIKE ANYTHING RIGHT NOW! GIMMIE JAVA!)

But I don't think I'll comment. I think you said enough.


and a quick check, of this post, I'm 40 likes away from having 1000 more Likes than Posts in total... Interesting.

Edited by Drasnighta

It is by Caffeine alone I set my mind in motion,

It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,

The hands acquire shakes-

-the shakes become a warning;
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.

It is by Caffeine alone I set my mind in motion,

It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,

The hands acquire shakes-

-the shakes become a warning;

It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.

That deserved a like. . .

Hit 2k likes. The second 1k gained in under fourth months.


I think you mean


8274 Posts


Still somehow ahead of the Curve, despite my relentless tides of inanery in Article Predictions....




Amanal, this is your fault.

Edited by Drasnighta

Always, blame it on the hand puppet. :D

Though I did learn (again maybe) that you have a daily limit to likes.

I liked that post Amanal, good job.

I'm trailing my post count by 57 posts (58 After I hit post).

C'mon guys, don't let me down.

I'm trailing my post count by 57 posts (58 After I hit post).

C'mon guys, don't let me down.

Amazing what a little Rebel Terrorism can accomplish now, isn't it?


Edited by Drasnighta

I'm trailing my post count by 57 posts (58 After I hit post).

C'mon guys, don't let me down.

Amazing what a little Rebel Terrorism can accomplish now, isn't it?


Edited by Mikael Hasselstein

Hey Dras, I am trailing by about 800....


Dras is still accelerating away

It warms my heart to see Clontroper's thread still chugging along.

... I passed 12,000 posts without realising it.

Also: why is it always my contentious posts that get Likes, but not my helpful ones? :D