A day or two ago I crossed 900 likes for my profile. I am very excited that within the next few days/ weeks I am going to Reach 1,000 Likes!!
Anyway it makes me happy and I'm going to treat myself to a gloating thread
A day or two ago I crossed 900 likes for my profile. I am very excited that within the next few days/ weeks I am going to Reach 1,000 Likes!!
Anyway it makes me happy and I'm going to treat myself to a gloating thread
75 to go...
I Gave you one...
I'm honestly surprised at how many I had myself. I hadn't even bothered to look.
40 more to go...
You're at 965, I'm at 966...
...if I give you one more we're even
...there, 966 to you!
...there, 966 to you!
30 more!
Well more like 29...
Likes for all!!
Thanks Amanal!!
Edit:wow you just dropped like 15 likes on me
Edited by clontroper5
11 to go
Yeah, what's not to like?
Oops, mis counted
Edited by clontroper5Well, if it was 8, its Done now.
Hah! I think I also passed that threshold recently! Likebrothers!
Does this mean I'm good? bad? loud? dunno.
Hah! I think I also passed that threshold recently! Likebrothers!
Does this mean I'm good? bad? loud? dunno.
Grats Clon!
... if I'm anything to go by, Post in the Rules Forums... I came in this morning to 11 likes spread over 2 threads there...
... and my Likes are now outstripping my posts, despite the fact that I post fairly prodigeously... _._
... if I'm anything to go by, Post in the Rules Forums... I came in this morning to 11 likes spread over 2 threads there...
... and my Likes are now outstripping my posts, despite the fact that I post fairly prodigeously... _._
Wow, I have 370 more likes already!
It took me 16 months to reach 1000 and now 1 month to add another 30%
My Likes have increased quite drastically since I became "famous" on this forum.
You're quite the e-celebrity now. Ready for the hardship of twi'leks swooning as you pass by?
You're quite the e-celebrity now. Ready for the hardship of twi'leks swooning as you pass by?
Cloooooooooooon .
Too many people are agreeing with me.
I'm 10 off 3000 likes.
Do something about it with your Clonisher Forum Personality Power!