Monster Cards Project

By Wario, in General Discussion


Here is two variations - More dark orange and also text box is more coloured to.

Second one red is matching Health "Heart" red colour (blood lost detail a bit but it can be fixed if chosen) and text box have subtile red around edges. What do you think ?


Edited by Wario

Personally, I prefer the bottom one, Wario. This colour combination makes the card stand out more.


Cleaned updated "Epic" card borders. Here is Spinner of Webs and Shub-Niggurath Epic Monster card samples. Which is better art for Shub ?



Edited by Wario

Those eyes that stare into your soul.... Great work Wario.

Superb, Wario! Truly superb ! Not a single complaint here.

Amazing work Wario!
I'm gonna print this for sure when it's ready!
Gonna check this thread frequently, keep the updates coming!


Thank you for support! Here is Tick Tock Men Epic Monster card sample.

Can somebody help me please to find Chthulla and Nug art ?


Edited by Wario

a Picture of Yeb, who is the twin of Nug

of course there is also the Call of Cthulhu image of Nug him the LCG by FFG

there was a good Cthylla custom art job in the Arkham horror Custom AO's list on the Arkham horror board here on, but i can't for the life of me find it.

good luck, and i love the creations. ^_^

they do, seem a bit hard to implement, but i could certainly see using them at the very least for the Epic monsters.


iGniGhted thank you for Yeb picture and hope it can work for Nug.

If you look for easy implement, its - Monsters as "small cards". Shuffle deck ( just like the Assets ) take Monster card from top and spawn on map as it will fit on, or next to most of locations.


Edited by Wario

so, i think Nub and Yeb are Black and Red, respectively, according to the CthulhuWiki, and typically when i see artists versions of them. Also, Nug on the moon, while Yeb blots out the sun.

i touched up that FFG photo and blew it up a bit so the logo doesn't show anymore.

just to keep things thematic ^_^


iGniGhted if we will have good picture of black Nug, no problem to do it, but at the moment i can only edit Yeb picture.

Picture from FFG card is to low quality to work with. Wind-Walker sample card uploaded.




Edited by Wario

Wario, your project is very interesting and you make a very good job!

1. Maybe I am wrong, but I think the cards info it's kind of small..

2. Do you have the pics in a better resolution?

3. Can you post also the template?



Good news - only one Monster card for base game left to do.

Hey suras333 :

1. Its possible that card info is to small. I will remember your point when will edit all cards for final.

2. Yes, they are in bigger resolution. Project is 697x1063 pix with resolution 300. http://s10.postimg.o...ung_preview.jpg

3. Template at the moment is total mess. I will share template after final edit and global fix of base game Monster cards release as was mentioned in topic before.


Edited by Wario

WOW, its almost done! Very good! I'm so excited to print this! Thank you for your hardwork!


Cthulhu as the last Epic Monster card for base game is here. Art can be changed if somebody will find better one.

Next steps : Create Monster card - back side (I already have idea). Fix grammar and graphical errors for all cards cards one by one. You are welcome to write a list ... :)


Edited by Wario

The epic frames look much better and more professional than the basic monsters.