Adding New Options to Spaces... and How?

By JCHendee, in Talisman Home Brews

Ah ha! That's in the Reaper pack, and I don't have it here (a cohort owns it). According to its description, does it affect any card placed on the board or only Adventure cards?

Overall, considering Spells, Events, etc., there is no way to avoid an Adventure card being interacted with in some way, so giving them new classifications isn't going to keep them in place. The only way to do the permanently is if they are not an Adventure card or somehow completely outside of game mechanics. That precludes them being "drawn" and requiring them to be "placed" before a game begins. And as much as your new mechanic counterbalances, its beginning to be too much text on the card not related to what it does.

It's all beginning to sound like adding too much that's not standard to the game in order to keep it in place.... hence, back to square one, so to speak. I'm probably going to go with Strangers and Places like I originally did in ITB. And let the cards fall where they may.

Later, I may create alternative cards that are the same and place before a game begins. But for now, it just seems like too much trouble.

JCHendee said:

Ah ha! That's in the Reaper pack, and I don't have it here (a cohort owns it). According to its description, does it affect any card placed on the board or only Adventure cards?

Overall, considering Spells, Events, etc., there is no way to avoid an Adventure card being interacted with in some way, so giving them new classifications isn't going to keep them in place. The only way to do the permanently is if they are not an Adventure card or somehow completely outside of game mechanics. That precludes them being "drawn" and requiring them to be "placed" before a game begins. That's beginning to sound like adding too much that's not standard to the game.... hence, back to square one, so to speak. I'm probably going to go with Strangers and Places like I originally did in ITB. And let the cards fall where they may.

Later, I may create alternative cards that are the same and place before a game begins. But for now, it just seems like too much trouble.

"any faceup Adventure Card"

Thanks N.... and again, unless a new type of card is used that is not an adventure card (and therefore can't be drawn) it's all getting to be too much. A Stranger or Place (or even otherwise classified) that has a brief instruction as to where it is place would be enough. Anyone encountering it elsewhere would read it and have to reposition it anyway by the "Place this card on..." line. The spell would essentially be wasted, unless trying to take away an option from someone landing there.

I'm not sure encountering it in the "wild" so to speak is worth the extra text. And overall, with groups who want new options in the non-draw spaces, they are probably going to give someone hell who uses displacement to mess that up.

I would.

Well, I've finally made some decisions concerning space expansion. I'll outline what I've done herein - not as a recommendation for others but just to explain. Perhaps there are even things you'll disagree with that could lead to other options. But I think we've probably covered about everything possible. At the end of this LONG post, I have proposal as well. Right-Click any image and View / Save to see the full 300ppi version.

Space Cards vs. Adventure Cards

Space_Card_Sharp.jpg Space_Expander_Card_Sharp.jpg

I decided to do each card in two versions rather than crunch two methods of play into one card format. That just doesn't work cleanly. Twined cards provide players better options for their preferences in separate approaches when editing the board is not desirable.

Instructions distributed with cards can outline the two different uses: not to mix them, recommended card limits per space, etc. In the end, it leaves players groupe to decide what they prefer. The new format for the "Space" Cards (placed before play) is shown along with its Adventure Card counterpart (shuffled into the Adventure deck). A card back for Space Cards will have to be developed soon.

The Space Card variation was developed so that when used it is clearly not a card regardless that it physically is one. It is a sub-space, so to speak, or a new or replacement option for a space. There is also the possibility that this format could be used for space specific micro decks. A stack of these space cards related to one space could even be used as a random draw, should now of the standard options be usable or desirable for a particular visit to a space. But that's something for the future.

Banner and Title

card_stack.jpg Rather than format like a space, I added a banner to the space cards. This is useful should a particular group want to place more than on such card on its related space. Multiple cards can be stagger stack for compressed space available and still live visible notice of what new options are there.

Most titles begin with a definitive article. This provides immediate cuing the case of an Adventure card, so that players unconciously know they are dealing with something out of the ordinary. A subtitle on the Space card also provides quick visual recognition of the associate space among a stack of such selectable for use. That part may need some work, such as increased font size and/or repositioning for easier reading, as I have not done a print test as yet.

Type and Subtype

This only applies to the Adventure cards. It's an issue we batted around several ways. The point was made that Adventure cards need to be accessible to game mechanics. I agree in general, but after some second and third considerations, not in this case.

Events can affect Places and Strangers, removing or closing them down temporarily, but they rarely (if ever) affect the board's spaces. Though these Adventure card space expanders are drawn, they are intended to become part of space, adding to it or modifying it. And hence they are more "space" and "card." Function trumps form in this case for me. I've gone gone back to the alternative classifications concept Jon first introduced. This keeps them out of reach of effects upon Strangers roaming the land (which Personas do not) and Places being built in the wild (which these are not). This does not remove them from being affect by players actions, and that is unavoidable.

Use of the space's name as the Type also helps reinforce for some players that they are dealing with a card out of the ordinary when draw. The subtypes I'm using akin Place and Stranger distinguish them; a location can be seen as inside of something else, such as a City, Village, etc. A persona implies something more than just a title, and someone who is familiar for a place (space) in the Land vs. a "stranger" encountered in the wild. Other terms would work just as well.

Space_Darkest_Knight.jpg Space_Expander_Darkest_Knight.jpg Card Placement or re-Placement

The possibility of the Adventure card variation being moved has been dealt with through a more concise wording in their instructions for placement. "Move this card to..." easily applies to encountering it when drawn or when landed upon after it is somehow moved off of its associated space. Either way, it ends up back where it belongs, and in most cases the Locations and Personas on them could not operate, or offer services and goods while dislocated from their intended space.

Order Number

This has been left out of the Adventure version. At times, some Adventure cards end up on a non-draw space where these new ones might be placed. The Ghost is a good example. Any order numbered card on a non-draw space should be encountered and overcome before an adventurer can access the space. Even a Place or Stranger card might end up on a space with one of these space modifying cards. Those should also be dealt with first before the space itself. Since these Adventure cards are consider part of the space, they should be encounter with the space and not before.. Removing their order number is a step in that direction.

Final Notes and a Proposal

I'm not adverse to others using the Space Card for their own card creations. Once I have a card back for it, I'll consider releasing it PNG transparent templates for general use with the lower scroll in 5 different sizes. It's still a bit crude in the details and might need a little more work. I will not be releasing the master PSD to the general public.

NOTE: No elements of this new card where taken from any part of an FFG product. The scroll work was clipped from my ongoing work to create an economy sized 20"x20" or 18"x18" board for my wife and I. When playing by ourselves, we truly are tired of wrestling with that monster board. This card is therefor 100% my own creation, irregardless that it was designed to be visually compatible with board's motif. I retain full copyright on it.

A lot of different and even a unique notions have come out for altering spaces without editing a board. Some are even to be found in released full space overlays which with their authors' approval could be turned into cards as well. These are ways to add something unique to a game, and even change the board differently from game to game for a little extra spice. Considering all of this, and those of us who've been debating in here, an obvious notion comes mind. Would anyone be interested in building a group expansions pack of Space Expander cards for public release?

Aside from coming to agreement on how to do so in the details... the objective would be to provide as many unique possibilities for players groups to chose for themselves rather than as a set expansion designed to be used by one person's requirements. Of course recommendations could be included in the pack, along with acknowledge in general or specific for all contributors. I'll leave it at that, and wait to hear from others on concerns or the how it could be done. Here's a few more of my cards to close off this too long post; others are in process and not yet complete.

Space_Ossuary.jpg Space_Expander_Ossuary.jpg Space_Storehouse.jpg Space_Expander_Storehouse.jpg Space_Port.jpg Space_Expander_Port.jpg Space_Sewers.jpg Space_Expander_Sewers.jpg