Aurora Squad Builder: News and Updates

By VanderLegion, in X-Wing

Super thanks for fixing that 32-bit bug! I know it sounds other-worldly, but I won't get rid of a perfectly good $500 IPhone4. Having apps that still work on older phones makes me smile =)

Version 1.2.9 is live!

Beginnings of Heroes of the Aturi Cluster support
- New option in the settings to show HotAC upgrades
- Pilot abilities available as EPTs, with the cost based on PS (all factions)
- Extra munitions as a Modification upgrade

Custom pilots should no longer disappear from lists
Custom upgrades with ship requirements should keep those requirements when saved.
Fix multi-section huge ships (will have to remove and readd huge ships to get it working right again, but newly created huge ships will now remain linked when you relaunch the app)

This is great news. Still can't work out how to build my pilot though.

9 hours ago, Shockwave said:

This is great news. Still can't work out how to build my pilot though.

For heroes of the atur cluster?

Yep. I've found the option to active HotAC but still haven't worked out how to get a pilot build.

1 minute ago, Shockwave said:

Yep. I've found the option to active HotAC but still haven't worked out how to get a pilot build.

For now, you have to jsut create a custom pilot. Pick a name, rebel faction (or imperial or scum if doing alternate campaigns), pick the ship you're suing, and set stats/upgrade slots desired. When you have the HotAC support turned on, selecting an EPT will include all of the pilot abilities for that faction in the list to choose from, and Extra Munitions will show up as a mod slot option.

I'm planning to add full HotAC support when I have the time to get it implemented. At that point, it'll be a whole different section separated from normal lists, and will be a lot more comprehensive (and not require custom pilots)

OTA Update is available for the Vaksai and StarViper Mk.II titles and Viktor. Note that at the moment the Vaksai title won't actually reduce the cost of upgrades so you'll have to figure it out yourself. I'll have to do a full upgrade through the app store to get that part added (also, it will let you equip multiple of the same modification currently. Also needs an app store update to fix).

Just switched back to iOS after almost a year. Glad to see how far Aurora has come and how polished it is now.

Great work :)

One additional caveat: the app will need a full app store update to be able to equip autothrusters after engine upgrade on the kihraxz as well.

Version 1.2.11 is live. Vaksai title is now fully supported (point reduction works and you can equip autothrusters if you have engine) and custom upgrade cards can be created again without crashing.

In TestFlight we are only 1.2.9 ?

12 minutes ago, PoorGreedo said:

In TestFlight we are only 1.2.9 ?

I can fix that!

To the OP; thanks for building and maintaining such a handy squadbuilder!

Any update coming? You didn't rage quit because of Nym, I hope. Wait are you the leaker!?! ?

Great builder keep up the good work.

1 hour ago, skins1924 said:

Any update coming? You didn't rage quit because of Nym, I hope. Wait are you the leaker!?! ?

Great builder keep up the good work.

Rage quit because of Nym? Why would I do that? I'm FLYING the guy! :P

And yah, an update is in progress. I wanna get the dials in there for wave 11 (and actually have that part done already), but am working on a large update so haven't been able to push them out yet. I finally got around to figuring out how to get the x-wing font working in the app, so I'm adding symbols to the text where appropriate (and probably elsewhwere in the app, hoping to have the attack symbols for instance showing arc types)

OTA update is live for the Vaksai spoiler article

Just used it to figure out my Bomber list in the other thread! Thanks a bunch!

Not sure if it's my iPod or if it's the app, but I have been using the app to make some custom cards and the app will crash when I try to put custom upgrades onto ships when squad building. This has been with Crew and Titles, I haven't tried it with other upgrades yet. Custom pilots show up just fine in the squad builder, which has been great.

By the way, I love your builder. I've been using it pretty much since I started playing.

9 hours ago, Praetorate of the Empire said:

Not sure if it's my iPod or if it's the app, but I have been using the app to make some custom cards and the app will crash when I try to put custom upgrades onto ships when squad building. This has been with Crew and Titles, I haven't tried it with other upgrades yet. Custom pilots show up just fine in the squad builder, which has been great.

By the way, I love your builder. I've been using it pretty much since I started playing.

I had someone else report issues with the custom upgrades too. I'll be looking into it for the next version (which is in progress)

Awesome! Again, thank you for the work you do with this app! It's great!

Mine is crashing every time I try to open it.

Just now, skins1924 said:

Mine is crashing every time I try to open it.

Beta or app store version?

iTunes App Store

1 minute ago, skins1924 said:

iTunes App Store

Hrmm. That's no good. Did it just start recently? If so, do you remember the last thing you did in it before it started crashing? And do you have dropbox sync turned on?

No Dropbox, looks like my last action was scum list creation. That is were it crashes if I look at my recent open apps.

If I uninstall and reinstall will I lose everything?

Edited by skins1924