Aurora Squad Builder: News and Updates

By VanderLegion, in X-Wing

The manoeuvre dial are missing for both too!

The manoeuvre dial are missing for both too!

The dials require a full app update to get in. It's in review, so hopefully out tonight or tomorrow.

Is it just me, or is Zeb missing as a pilot for the Attack Shuttle?

He's in there

Thanks a lot for having made this. I use it on my phone and iPad, and it's a lot of help.

Great job on it, and keep the updates coming!

One feature request - could you add a search function in "browse cards" so you can just pull up what you're looking for without navigating to it?

One feature request - could you add a search function in "browse cards" so you can just pull up what you're looking for without navigating to it?

Definitely, not sure why I didn't in the first place.

OTA Update available for the C-ROC spoilers and fixes the tie striker action bar (requires deleting and readding to get the fix for existing strikers in lists)

One feature request - could you add a search function in "browse cards" so you can just pull up what you're looking for without navigating to it?

Definitely, not sure why I didn't in the first place.

I'd love to get the SWX number on the ships somewhere so it would make finding the dials you need for the upgraded dial kits easier.

When you're in the squadron listing, if you scroll left to see the copy/edit/delete option and you scroll the listing instead, the application crashes.

Also, the dials for the incoming Wave X are known so you can add those up (unless of course It's my update problem that is coming back! ;-) ).

Edited by PoorGreedo

Nice app. The browsing especially. Thanks!

The pilot ability for Zeb in Sabine's Tie is wrong. It should be "When defending, you may cancel [crit] results before [hit] results" instead of "After you perform an attack, assign the 'Suppressive Fire' Condition card to the defender".

Edited by PoorGreedo

Any idea when Wave 10 will hit the app?

1 hour ago, gennataos said:

Any idea when Wave 10 will hit the app?

Soon as I have the free time to add it

Possibly tomorrow

On 2/3/2017 at 5:08 PM, VanderLegion said:

Possibly tomorrow

I know this is a labor of love, thanks for doing it, this app is awesome.

Yeah, I use it all the time so the effort IS appreciated!

It's SuperBowl day, give him a break...

...until Midnight :-)

20 hours ago, PoorGreedo said:

It's SuperBowl day, give him a break...

...until Midnight :-)

I didn't watch the superbowl :P

OTA update is available to add rest of wave 10 and include them in the Collections page

Edited by VanderLegion
1 hour ago, VanderLegion said:

OTA update is available to add rest of wave 10 and include them in the Collections page

In case you missed it, it looks like Zeb's pilot ability for the TIE Fighter is off, it's repeating Rex's.

1 hour ago, ArbitraryNerd said:

In case you missed it, it looks like Zeb's pilot ability for the TIE Fighter is off, it's repeating Rex's.

Ooh right, I had someone report that hte other day. Forgot about it, I'll get that fixed.

Pushed a fix for zeb. Should show up shortly.

Now, how can we convince you to work on ios apps for Armada and Destiny?