The Cataclysm new expansion is announced

By The Thing In The Attic, in Talisman

Lorinor, I am anything but patient. That comment of mine was because I have been told to not expect another preview for about 2 months and maybe 2 weeks.

And I wonder where the Vampires go when their Tower freezes over.

But I guess we won't know for a while if Cataclysm is actually a reboot dressed in expansion clothing or maybe sort of both.

I'm excited! I'm going to use both main boards for a mega game. I used to play with two boards during the first and second edition years. You could transfer by teleporting by adventure cards. Even or odd would transport you. The timescape spell you could choose to go to the other main board or completing a warlocks quest. It was fun and help de crowd the boards.

Plan on doing my part. Two copies for me please!

I'm excited! I'm going to use both main boards for a mega game. I used to play with two boards during the first and second edition years. You could transfer by teleporting by adventure cards. Even or odd would transport you. The timescape spell you could choose to go to the other main board or completing a warlocks quest. It was fun and help de crowd the boards.

Interesting variant, though I doubt it will be included in the official rules since the word "replacement" was used in the preview when referring to the new board.

That being said, an interesting thought came to mind.. there could possibly be an official variant where the 2 main boards are to be played side by side.. which can open up the possibility of there being 4 more (!) sideboards for the new main in addition to all the boards of the Old World.

If this is the case... I think a lot of fans here will need to make a run to Ikea and invest in a significantly larger playing table..

honestly if anything im disappointed how much like base game it is rather than a complete rework of the build of the map. But given all the reactions from people who are taken out of their comfort zones by these limited changes I can see why they are taking babysteps^^

There are more options if you can use the new board with the expansions. This put restrictions on how the new board can be. My guess it that the new board have a more modular feel as the different "characters" are put on different spaces.

Is this a standalone box or you need the base game to play it?

First, let me state my admiration for the logic of this expansion's premise :) . By the time you reach the later Omens of the Harbinger expansion, most of civilization will indeed have been destroyed. I always imagined the Armageddon Crown would give you the power to make a new world after the end of the old one, but of course even if I'm right, there are plenty of other endings besides that one which could have been reached. I do hope we find out in the rules, though, what happened to whichever character reached the Crown of Command space and stopped the end of the world twenty years ago!

Since this is supposed to be twenty years later, I'm certain there's no instant switch from the old board to the new one. I'm assuming all of the extra boards will be compatible with this expansion except for the City. Let's face it, in a post-apocalyptic world, there's no place for the medieval DisneyWorld which is the City expansion ;) .

Kudos to the artist! I really liked seeing that the Scavenging card apparently depicts one of the kids finding the Celestial Bauble :lol: .

Finally, let me be the first to point out the famous phrase which will undoubtedly be spoken by Talisman players worldwide once they get the Black Knight and lose a life from him: "Tis but a flesh wound!"

Is this a standalone box or you need the base game to play it?

It's an expansion. You will still need the base game.

I agree with Solan, that the City would be the corner expansion that fits in least, thematically. Perhaps there will be rules or options for that. One thing that comes to mind would be severely limit the amount of magic/armoury items available. Likewise potions and pets - perhaps taking only several from the batch and randomly placing them on the streets. Shops themselves would be closed/inaccessible. If you find the one axe or ring that actually still exists - you were lucky.

And the wharf, Jail and High Temple would all be closed too.

I agree with Solan, that the City would be the corner expansion that fits in least, thematically. Perhaps there will be rules or options for that. One thing that comes to mind would be severely limit the amount of magic/armoury items available. Likewise potions and pets - perhaps taking only several from the batch and randomly placing them on the streets. Shops themselves would be closed/inaccessible. If you find the one axe or ring that actually still exists - you were lucky.

And the wharf, Jail and High Temple would all be closed too.

Or introduce separate limit for magic objects one can carry. That could be interesting.

It's entirely possible that wharf or high temple will be obsolete with new board.

Edited by Bludgeon

I agree with Solan, that the City would be the corner expansion that fits in least, thematically. Perhaps there will be rules or options for that. One thing that comes to mind would be severely limit the amount of magic/armoury items available. Likewise potions and pets - perhaps taking only several from the batch and randomly placing them on the streets. Shops themselves would be closed/inaccessible. If you find the one axe or ring that actually still exists - you were lucky.

And the wharf, Jail and High Temple would all be closed too.

I think you are "jumping the gun" here lets wait until we have more information. I'm sure players can work something out if it does come to that. Like my Forever Talisman rules for example I'm thinking (shameless plug warning) of adding a Cataclysm card (maybe taking out the Total War card) and saying that a player can choose to use the Cataclysm board and also choose a expansion board already chosen to not be played with. Thus allowing bot only the Cataclysm board play but also allowing a board removal as well making it a good start card game draw.

Edited by Uvatha

I'd like to put forth the idea that if all go's well, we'll see a third expansion based on these ideas - one that is further in the future of the land of Talisman. For some reason the Toxic Spring reminds me of the "Rad Effect" from Timescape.

Of course we wouldn't get a whole new board again, but an expansion that will explore the idea of even more post-Apocylyptic lands and times?

To me this expansion sounds awesome. It's as unexpected as it's appreciated.

If you ask me the next logical step would be to include the corner expansion with new post-Cataclysm cards and possibly some overlays for some spaces. But then ffg never was very logical, in my opinion at least, and I've never played expansions from older editions since they weren't translated to swedish.

Still, I'm not too worried about the corners or otherwise fitting with other expansions. Ffg has done a marvellous job up til now and I've no reason to believe they will do anything less now.

To me this expansion could indicate a master collectors edition somewhere down the road! Think about it, the main board could be printed on both sides! :-)

But I for one am really exited about it and will be buying one at first availability! I am going to reserve judgement because we really do not have any information that is substantial about the mechanics and materials. But like many games out there, it is cool to have expansions that you can swap out and choose to use or not use (Formula D, War of the Ring battles of the Third age and Carcassonne come to mind). I think this speaks volumes to the staying power they believe Talisman can and will have. It also speaks volumes that this is probably not the last expansion since they have new minds involved in developing expansions.....

Think about all the little tweaks we believe the main board and mechanics of the game could use and how it could benefit from some refinement? What better way then to make a new main board, some new rules to clarify things? Maybe this IS the miskatonic type expansion we seek? Maybe there are some card replacements for the game to add descriptions like Trinket to cards. Maybe there will be a streamlined set of rules here for the entire game? There are so many things they could be doing here! SO I do not understand some of the negative comments and skepticism in this thread. This is fantastic guys!!!!!

Eagerly awaiting more information......

This one looks good. I am excited!

1st quarter, does that mean we should see this for sale between January and March - very excited about this new expansion, the board looks gorgeous :)

1st quarter, does that mean we should see this for sale between January and March - very excited about this new expansion, the board looks gorgeous :)

I'm fairly certain it will be in first half of march.

Sneak Peek #1 has been posted over on Talisman Island -

Happy New Year everyone!

Will there be an actual difference in the spaces of the board or is this just a re-skin? If it's a re-skin I'm out. It looks already like the same setup based on the picture supplied; dice with death, the sentinel, your typical corner areas.

I am sure FFG will say more in news updates as we get nearer to release.

Will there be an actual difference in the spaces of the board or is this just a re-skin? If it's a re-skin I'm out. It looks already like the same setup based on the picture supplied; dice with death, the sentinel, your typical corner areas.

There are definitely changes to a lot of spaces on the new board. While the picture is too small to read the spaces, you can see that the amount of text and its position is very different to the original board.

Looks like a pass for me. Like Gates of Arkham for Elder Sign, Cataclysm looks to push much/some of the stuff I already have off to the side if I'm playing with Cataclysm. If that is the case, like with GoA, not getting this one, if I have something, I want to be able to use it all in one game (with GoA, you use one or the other Adventure deck for example).

I tend to agree, but we will have to wait and see as the news comes out. We were not fans of Harbringer and we tend to not play that at all now, so fingers crossed it is not too linked with that theme. I am also hoping it doesn't add too much to the playtime of the game.

Edited by rfisha

Getting back to sneak peek #1 - an event called "rebirth" that everyone will be very happy to see?
Don't tell me... it can actually revive dead characters???
(If yes, ... :blink: )

Or maybe it just sets everyone back to base life / fate value?
[That would also be cool, but not as much as revivals would be...]

1st quarter, does that mean we should see this for sale between January and March - very excited about this new expansion, the board looks gorgeous :)

I'm fairly certain it will be in first half of march.

or the 21st of March according to the bottom right hand corner of this page:

Looking forward to this​ one. :)