Sorry for the inconvenience but this is an updated list of the Citadel to Vallejo paint conversion chart. Some updates include using Vallejo’s Luftwaffe Uniform WWII (816) for Citadel’s Mechanicus Grey and Vallejo’s Panzer Aces’ Dark Rubber (306) for Citadel’s Eshin Grey.
Keep in mind that these are just approximations I have acquired from other paint conversion charts and I am new to miniature painting so use at your own risk. If I had access to Citadel paints I would use them because that is what Sorastro uses and his work looks GREAT!!!!
My original thread is kind of off topic for this and I would not feel right posting stuff on Sorastro’s thread clutering it up with my stuff, so I will also start to post my paint pictures and conversion charts here as I get them. Hopefully this will help some US painters that are in the same boat as me as far as paint availability goes and give them a boost to jump into painting.
I have a deep respect for Sorastro and his videos. He is the one who got me into this game and into painting miniatures so I hope he doesn’t mind me making a conversion chart of his video paint list.
Edited by Boomer_J