Boomers paint page and conversion charts

By Boomer_J, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

Sorry for the inconvenience but this is an updated list of the Citadel to Vallejo paint conversion chart. Some updates include using Vallejo’s Luftwaffe Uniform WWII (816) for Citadel’s Mechanicus Grey and Vallejo’s Panzer Aces’ Dark Rubber (306) for Citadel’s Eshin Grey.

Keep in mind that these are just approximations I have acquired from other paint conversion charts and I am new to miniature painting so use at your own risk. If I had access to Citadel paints I would use them because that is what Sorastro uses and his work looks GREAT!!!!

My original thread is kind of off topic for this and I would not feel right posting stuff on Sorastro’s thread clutering it up with my stuff, so I will also start to post my paint pictures and conversion charts here as I get them. Hopefully this will help some US painters that are in the same boat as me as far as paint availability goes and give them a boost to jump into painting.

I have a deep respect for Sorastro and his videos. He is the one who got me into this game and into painting miniatures so I hope he doesn’t mind me making a conversion chart of his video paint list.

Edited by Boomer_J

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Cheers for this sir! I use primarily Vallejo paints and this will certainly come in handy!

Thank you for doing this!

Well here is my first ever attempt at painting miniatures. I guess they turned out ok but I would like the line work to be a bit thinner and cleaner.

Some lessons learned and things I have taken away from this experience are, first off slow down and take your time. For some reason I was in a rush to get all my Troopers done. When you rush you make mistakes. You also will not take the time to fix those mistakes if you feel rushed. Those mistakes will drive you crazy later on if you let them go. No one else will probably notice them but in the back of your mind you will know that they are there and they will haunt you.

Second check your work. I don’t know how many times that I would go to the next step in the painting process and find something I missed in the previous step. You can always stop and fix but it’s a lot easier to fix something before you start the next step.

Third, let it dry! Don’t be in such a hurry that your layers can’t dry. Try to work on something else while you let your paint layers dry. This is where having multiple miniatures to work on comes in handy. Work in an assembly line fashion and by the time you’re done with a layer on the last miniature the first or previous miniature’s paint work should be dry enough to start on the next coat.

Fourth, have everything that you need handy and all the paint colors that you will need laid out. I know this sounds like a no brainer but you will be surprised at how easy this can be to overlook. This includes all reference pictures.

Fifth, it’s not the end of the world if you make a mistake. I know I sound hypocritical after what I said previously about my rushed way of working but you can either fix the mistake or if worse comes to worst strip off the paint and start over.

And finally the thicker your layers the more detail in the casting of the miniature you will lose. Try to keep your layers thin and to a minimum.

One thing not to forget if you like to photograph your miniatures is the camera will distort the proportions of the miniature and magnify any defects you don’t like in your work. So don’t be too disappointed or hard on yourself if you miniatures don’t look perfect in your photos.

Well that’s what I found on my first go at painting miniatures. I hope my work improves as I continue to paint. I know this may be common sense to most but I hope this helps some of you out there that are first timers like me or those on the fence about painting to take the leap.

So feel free to offer some constructive criticism and add some good pointers for first time painters.

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Edited by Boomer_J

Fantastic work Boomer! (Both on the painting and on the conversion charts). The community surrounding this game and hobby is just so helpful and awesome :)

Here’s my Imperial Probe Droids.

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Those are some bad. ass. probe droids sir and I really like the use of the yellow dots around the edge to highlight the units

Edited by KMitchell

Excellent work. I love Kayn Somos's orange shoulder piece. I think you got it very close to the color it is in the card art. I also like the dot idea to mark the squads. Your probe droids look good too. I ruined some of the details on my droids. Too much primer or too thick undercoat. But yours look so neat, detailed and crisp like straight out from the Imperial production line. :)

Thanks for the handy charts, makes the search un-necessary for the paints, and great job on the figures !!!

Royal Guard

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Got my Imperial Officers done but I’m not happy with them. My finale transparent coat was too dark and covered all my shading work. I already striped them down and repainted them once and don’t know if I should go for a third time. I Guess I will let them pass for now and move on to my AT-ST.

The arms on the General Weiss miniature are bugging the crap out of me!!! For some reason to me they look too small. I don’t know if it’s the armor that makes them look too short or if they are actually too short. I thought about getting two General Sorin packs and using one miniature to replace the General Weiss one. I don’t know if that will work though because of the position of General Sorin’s arms being folded behind his back.

Anyway here are my Officer pictures.

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Here is the list of paints converted for Han Solo. Feel free to suggest other colors that are closer than what I listed. I have not used these colors to see how close they are. Will be in the future.

Sorastro colors Vallejo Game Color Vallejo Model Color
>Bugman's Glow Tan (72.066)
>Screaming Skull Beige (70.917
>Ceramite White Foundation White (70.919)
>White Scar White (70.951)
>Mechanicus Standard Grey Heavy Grey (72.145) Russian Uniform (924)
>Abaddon Black Black (72.051) Black (70.950)
>Steel Legion Drab Earth (72.062) English Uniform (70.921)
>Mournfang Brown Beasty Brown (72.043) Flat Brown (984)
>Tallarn Sand Desert Yellow (72.063) Japan Uniform WWII (70.923)
>Mephiston Red Heavy Red (72.141) Red (70.926)
>Evil Sunz Scarlet Bloody Red (72.010) Vermillion (70.909)
>Celestra Grey Heavy Bluegrey (72.144) Pale Blue Grey (70.905)
>Runefang Steel Silver (72.052) Silver (70.997)
>Agrax Earthshade Umber Wash (73.203)
>Nuln Oil black wash (73.201)
>Druchii Violet Pale Grey Shade Wash (73.202)
>Reikland Fleshshade flesh wash (73.204)
>Drakenhof Nightshade blue wash (73.207)
>Cadian Fleshtone Heavy Skin Tone (72.140)
>Kislev Flesh Elf Skintone (72.004)
>Aministratum Grey Stonewall Grey (72.049)
>Lahmian Medium Matt Medium (540)
>'Ardcoat Gloss Varnish Glossy Varnish (510)
>Eshin Grey dark rubber (70.306)
>Kantor Blue Imperial Blue (020) Dark Prussian blue (70.899)

Are those dots on the base just paint? I am totally stealing that idea for unit marking!

Are those dots on the base just paint? I am totally stealing that idea for unit marking!

Yes it's just paint.

Sorry it took so long I just got back from vacationing in Belize so here is the conversion chart for Ep.16: Han Solo.


Here is Ep 17 Luke Skywalker’s conversion chart.


Crap, I was looking for something like this when I made the sheet I referenced here . Don't know how I missed this thread! I was going to do a Vallejo conversion column but you've already done that and better than I could have, since you have experience with that brand that I don't. I'll keep the formatting on mine as the updates come out.

Crap, I was looking for something like this when I made the sheet I referenced here . Don't know how I missed this thread! I was going to do a Vallejo conversion column but you've already done that and better than I could have, since you have experience with that brand that I don't. I'll keep the formatting on mine as the updates come out.

I like all the extra information on your sheet. Nice work! :)

Here are my AT-STs. They still need some grass tufts on the bases and General Weiss needs to be painted but I will wait until Sorastro’s Painting guide on the Generals comes out. As stated before the arms on General Weiss bug the crap out of me. They seem too short but it might be an illusion caused by his armor. I am thinking of getting an extra General Sorin to use to replace Weiss with but I don’t know if he will look right with his arms folded behind his back. I guess I could always model his AT-ST with the hatch closed but where is the fun in that? I did not use the big guns on his AT-ST because they just look too big and non-Star Wars to me but that’s just my opinion. So for now it’s off to paint Darth Vader.

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Ok I painted General Weiss. I wish I had more skill but maybe with time.

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I finally got to painting Darth Vader and for me this one has been the most enjoyable so far.

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I finished my Trandoshan Hunters. Now on to the Nexu.

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I put some grass an my AT-STs.

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Nice work, with the hatch.

That Darth Vader is beyond amazing.