Indianapolis, IN

By Totengraber, in Organized Play

A group of us were casually playing 1.0 a year or so ago, but now our interest in playing more seriously has risen since the release of 2nd edition. We're looking for more players and a store to support us and anyone else who wants to join in.

If there's enough interest, I'll start a Facebook group.


I didn't play the first edition but I recently bought the 2nd. I am definitely intrested in playing seriously and on a regular basis. I live on the north side in the castleton area.

I'm new into gaming but if there is anything I can do to help organize let me know.


I live in the downtown Indianapolis area and would definitely be interested in helping form a local group!

Most of us are on the south side and are going to be at the Game Preserve in Greenwood on Sunday. You're welcome to come and play some games with us!

I have two friends that joined me in picking up a few cores to play. We are looking for some players as well. Looks like we might join along if you make it a consistent thing!

New FLGS Opened up 86th & Michigan called Family Time Games. I'll be there playing some Thrones probably every Thursday (would be open to changing if needed) if anyone is in the area. Probably be a few of us playing. Hoping to build a community. A consistent day of the week would be a good start I think!

I'd love to go to Family Time sometime and get more games in, but I live on the south side, so it would probably have to be a weekend situation.

I can usually do weekends, not much problem. I'm actually there every Sunday morning from 11-3 playing D&D campaign. Most of the time stay there until dark to get more gaming in. Most Saturdays are open for me as well, and sometimes I end up at Family Time anyway, playing something.

I am trying to get a group together for 2nd Edition in the South area as well. However, I will not go to Game Preserve. Is there any interest in CBU? I know they had a decent Netrunner group there for a while.
