Austin, Texas

By KUVNYNTO, in Organized Play

Just in case anyone from the city happens by this forum....

We've got a fairly large meta in Austin for 1.0, and we're hoping this will only get bigger with 2.0.

There's a group that meets on Wednesdays at Dragon's Lair, which is their LCG night. We're trying to get a group together weekly at Emerald Tavern as well, though we've not settled on a day. I know there's a group of folks meeting there on Wednesday too, but ideally we'd like to spread them out so you didn't have to commit to only going to one. We've not met up yet but it's only a matter of time.

There's a facebook page, here:

There's also a GroupME; you should be able to just sign up with a facebook login. Feel free to add me, jennings3188 AT, and I'll add you to the group.