Which preview will be out today?

By Mu0n729, in X-Wing

I keep assuming that the new preview is the GA-1 since it has a cloaking device. Everyone's fears about it's failure rate should be put to rest.

Next is assuredly going to be the Gozanti. It's on the boat, Wave 8 isn't.

It's not like we can't already proxy the Cloaking Device on the tabletop and see how well it works for ships like the Virago.

I just hope there more Standard Playable items besides kallus, otherwise im buying another 100$ ship for More ties i dont need and 1 card which i do...(fkn palpatine)

Didn't see that coming. A repeat preview.

I keep assuming that the new preview is the GA-1 since it has a cloaking device. Everyone's fears about it's failure rate should be put to rest.

Next is assuredly going to be the Gozanti. It's on the boat, Wave 8 isn't.

It's not like we can't already proxy the Cloaking Device on the tabletop and see how well it works for ships like the Virago.

I just hope there more Standard Playable items besides kallus, otherwise im buying another 100$ ship for More ties i dont need and 1 card which i do...(fkn palpatine)

It is $75. You may want to wait to see what the new TIE pilots do, as well.

Didn't see that coming. A repeat preview.

The title gave me a start though.

I keep assuming that the new preview is the GA-1 since it has a cloaking device. Everyone's fears about it's failure rate should be put to rest.

Next is assuredly going to be the Gozanti. It's on the boat, Wave 8 isn't.

It's not like we can't already proxy the Cloaking Device on the tabletop and see how well it works for ships like the Virago.

I just hope there more Standard Playable items besides kallus, otherwise im buying another 100$ ship for More ties i dont need and 1 card which i do...(fkn palpatine)

Do you really need Kallus? He's good for Phantoms, but it kinda feels like he's showing up a Wave too late. He excels in the two-ship meta, but that part of the game seems to have passed.

Didn't see that coming. A repeat preview.

The title gave me a start though.

Agreed. Held my breath and clicked.

I keep assuming that the new preview is the GA-1 since it has a cloaking device. Everyone's fears about it's failure rate should be put to rest.

Next is assuredly going to be the Gozanti. It's on the boat, Wave 8 isn't.

It's not like we can't already proxy the Cloaking Device on the tabletop and see how well it works for ships like the Virago.

I just hope there more Standard Playable items besides kallus, otherwise im buying another 100$ ship for More ties i dont need and 1 card which i do...(fkn palpatine)

Do you really need Kallus? He's good for Phantoms, but it kinda feels like he's showing up a Wave too late. He excels in the two-ship meta, but that part of the game seems to have passed.

when people realize that flying your 2 ship list like a 3 ship list isnt that bad 2 ships will come back. Also in my area Iggy-B-C or B-D is still pretty big. it can help a whole lot being as i love to fly phantoms... and have always wanted to fly an imperial FireSpray... Kath with kallus and Calculation is a pretty swanky way to get around needing to have Rec spec Calc essentially does the same thing for a point cheaper. Potentially 3 focus uses per turn.

see you all next Monday


I keep assuming that the new preview is the GA-1 since it has a cloaking device. Everyone's fears about it's failure rate should be put to rest.

Next is assuredly going to be the Gozanti. It's on the boat, Wave 8 isn't.

It's not like we can't already proxy the Cloaking Device on the tabletop and see how well it works for ships like the Virago.

I just hope there more Standard Playable items besides kallus, otherwise im buying another 100$ ship for More ties i dont need and 1 card which i do...(fkn palpatine)

Do you really need Kallus? He's good for Phantoms, but it kinda feels like he's showing up a Wave too late. He excels in the two-ship meta, but that part of the game seems to have passed.

In Epic Kallus could matter.

see you all next Monday


You're gonna drive yourself crazy you know. :)

see you all next Monday*SIGH*

Trailer though! Monday cannot fail us.

see you all next Monday


I will be genuinely surprised if we don't have actual news related to the Gozanti on Monday.

The time is right. Rebels just kicked off Season 2. The Gozanti is on the boat. I'M READY FOR THIS. BRING IT ON.

Man, I don't. I was pretty jazzed about the Dracula expansion, but i don't know about this new mars expansion. The ships really don't fit the star wars feel.

Every time i see the Dracula game, i read it as Blacula...


Edited by That Blasted Samophlange

I keep assuming that the new preview is the GA-1 since it has a cloaking device. Everyone's fears about it's failure rate should be put to rest.

Next is assuredly going to be the Gozanti. It's on the boat, Wave 8 isn't.

It's not like we can't already proxy the Cloaking Device on the tabletop and see how well it works for ships like the Virago.

I just hope there more Standard Playable items besides kallus, otherwise im buying another 100$ ship for More ties i dont need and 1 card which i do...(fkn palpatine)

You're half right.

Msrp of $70. And miniature market has it for $50.

So... If all you want it for is Kallus and 2 TIEs, you're valuing Kallus at $20?

Also: I don't understand anyone who can look at the Raider or the Gozanti and not _want_ one. Or two.

I will take TFA playmats as a consolation of no preview.

I will take TFA playmats as a consolation of no preview.

You do realize those are for the LCG and not X-Wing right?

I will take TFA playmats as a consolation of no preview.

You do realize those are for the LCG and not X-Wing right?

Sure, but they're still pretty . ;)

How about this preview? Poe and Finn!

Edited by Slugrage

Please FFG, just a little Gozanti goodness!


Nah, Gozanti, I need to know which upgrades the Ghost will have :lol:

6 crew member, a new turret, a new bomb ... that's a lot of new stuff. Not even mentioning how the Phantom / Ghost really interact with each other. Gimme gimme!

... I'd also take the Astromech the T-70 carries though :D

Edited by surly88

We got like 8 months for the wave 8 news leaks.. Some big "G" info would be nice!! wonder how the ties attach to the Gozanti? magnetics? and if so will ONLY the included ties attach to it then? Also my cat "Batman" is tired of waiting on the info or is he just protesting that the vet put him on a Diet and I call him "Fatman" now... who knows?? He is normally pretty good about predicting release dates. His best friend Smudgeroo has a Siamese connection and is an official Maneki Neko.. yeah just figured I would ramble on a bit this morning.. At least during the football game we get a new Star wars trailer!! I was also thinking that the new Shuttle that looks like a flying wing would be a total pita if it gets put in the game due to its long wingspan!! Have to fly it around with its wings folded all the time!!

wonder how the ties attach to the Gozanti? magnetics? and if so will ONLY the included ties attach to it then?

4 docking pegs are shown in the preview article picture, and you can see them in use in the pictures on the Essen thread . Looks like they'll attach to the usual stand pegs, and as such they should be usable by other TIEs with a ball cockpit.

But yes, with the Gozanti already on the boat it looks odds on for the next preview article, and I for one welcome our new Imperial Assault Carrier overlords!

Edited by FTS Gecko

So who else has been refreshing the main page every three minutes today?

oh god i thought it was just me...

I want a Ghost preview most of all.