Iconic Card Titles

By Kiseki, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

So we know that the cast of characters is completely up in the air, and will depend on FFG's direction with the game. One thing that I'm hoping is that they'll use some of the iconic card titles. A lot of the best ones were drawn from the Book of Five Rings and Art of War, and I feel like they added a lot to the flavor of the game. Note: I'm not advocating reprints or "bringing back" of these cards. A head nod to the original purpose would be nice, but in no way necessary. A lot of these cards were deemed either overpowered or too widely used, and were eventually phased out. Their new incarnations should be powered appropriately.

Here are the ones that come to mind:

Rallying Cry


Deadly Ground

Superior Tactics

To Do What We Must

Be Prepared to Dig Two Graves


Iaijustsu Challenge/Duel


Block Supply Lines

A Test of Courage


Confusion at Court

There are others I'm sure, but to me a lot of the old cards captured this better than newer ones. What action card titles are iconic to you?

I think any card title that can be shouted bears serious consideration. :D

Concepts from The Book of Five Rings:

Strike With No Thought

Bend Like A Reed

Strike of Flowing Waters

the Shouts

Iconic to L5R for me:


Enough Talk!

Superior Tactics (and Strategist)

Also, the terrains from the Art of War.

Edited by Matsu Domotai

Iconic for me:

Today We Die

The canonical list of shoutable cards (bolded my personal favorites):




Be Silent!

Begone, Fool!

Bow Your Head!



Defend Yourself!

Dirty Scum!

Do Not Delay!

Do Not Turn Your Back!

Enough Talk!

Face Me!

Fall Back!

Fear Me!

For My Brothers!

Forward, March!

He's Mine!


Honor, Bah!

I Carry Two Blades!

I Do Not Die So Easily!

I Will Not Die Alone!
It's a Trap!

Not This Day!

Out of My Sight!

Rise Again!

Run for Your Lives!

Stand Down!


The Trap is Sprung!

You Die With Me!

Your Clan Needs You!

The canonical list of shoutable cards (bolded my personal favorites):




Be Silent!

Begone, Fool!

Bow Your Head!



Defend Yourself!

Dirty Scum!

Do Not Delay!

Do Not Turn Your Back!

Enough Talk!

Face Me!

Fall Back!

Fear Me!

For My Brothers!

Forward, March!

He's Mine!


Honor, Bah!

I Carry Two Blades!

I Do Not Die So Easily!

I Will Not Die Alone!

It's a Trap!

Not This Day!

Out of My Sight!

Rise Again!

Run for Your Lives!

Stand Down!


The Trap is Sprung!

You Die With Me!

Your Clan Needs You!

I remember having entire turns that were nothing but shouting card titles at each other. It was fun when they countered each other back and forth.

Edited by Kiseki

Wheels Within Wheels (The original card was likely a nod to the directive card from the 24 TCG that Ed Bolme worked on. Thrones also has a card with this name, fittingly enough.)

Noone has said " The Arrow Knows the Way " or " Blackened Sky " yet. Unforgivable!

;) Mental block, I'm sure. That's not to say that the titles can't be used again. The Arrow Knows the Way I'd put on that list for sure. I can't remember the name of that other card you listed. Was there a second card? I only remember one card in your post.

To Do What We Must.

Kharmic Strike.

Definitely the Art of War terrain, especially Deadly Ground

Although please actually read the Art of War before deciding what Deadly Ground does, this time. It's all about how weaker forces that are trapped and have nothing left to lose can often beat larger, stronger but less desperate forces. So making it a terrain that prevent the weaker army from doing anything to avert its destruction is...kinda like making a card called "CHARGE!" and making it a limited action that give a bonus to personal honor.

Edited by Himoto

It would be neat if we got The Deciding Moment back, since it was like, a pretty big deal, t-shirts and everything. Kind of lame how depending on your favorite Clan, you might've paid an arm, leg and firstborn child to acquire the appropriate version, only to learn that the game you got it for is retiring.

More in the direction Attachments:

Ogre Bushi

Ashigaru Spearmen
Goblin Chuckers
Legion of Death
<Family Name> House Guard
War Dogs
Earth Becomes Sky
Essence of Jigoku
Katana of Fire
Piercing the Heavens
Seeking the Way
Touch of Death
Sword of the Righteous Emperor

Some that haven't been mentioned.

Breach of Etiquette

The Arrow Knows the Way

Arrows from the Woods

Outmaneuvered By Force/In Court

Kolat/Geisha Assassin

Strength of Purity

A Perfect Cut

Steel on Steel

Know no Fear

A Good Day to Die (yes, yes, it's so cliche by now that the friggin' Klingons have claimed it for nearly twenty years. Don't care.)

Consumed by Five Fires

Dramatic Assassination

Enough Talk!

I Will Not Die Alone!

The Fires That Cleanse

Memorable, if not iconic:

Come One at a Time

Sneak Attack

Fall on Your Knees

Stand Against the Waves

Test of Might

One Koku

Evil Portents

Iris/Chrysanthemum Festival

In Time of War

Occult Murders

Unexpected Allies


Edited by Kaiu Tamotsu

Breach of ettiquette? :D

Breach of ettiquette? :D

Anything can technically come back as a new card. It doesn't have to be game breaking and not-fun like before (or super fun, depending on which side of the table you were on). :P

The strenght of the Spider

Tiger Climbing Mountain

falling leaf strike

Grappeling the snake

Breach of ettiquette? :D

Anything can technically come back as a new card. It doesn't have to be game breaking and not-fun like before (or super fun, depending on which side of the table you were on). :P

Breach of ettiquette? :D

Anything can technically come back as a new card. It doesn't have to be game breaking and not-fun like before (or super fun, depending on which side of the table you were on). :P

One of my favorite cards ever is Game of Sincerity. So versatile, so sneaky. Anyone can feel like a courtier with this card!

That's a good one from a later set.

Game of Sincerity - you win, or you get naked!

Knife in the Darkness

And this time more of the dynasty variety:

In Time of War
Chrysanthemum Festival
A New Wall
Akodo's Grave
Bamboo Harvesters
Border Keep
Family Library
Famous Bazaar
Forgotten Legacy
Jade Works
Kabuki Theater Troupe
Kitsune Den
Nexus of Lies
Seat of Power
Secluded Outpost
Shinsei's Last Hope
Shrine to Fukurokujin
Silk Works

Small Farm.

Doesn't have to be a free holding, but the most basic holding/resource should absolutely be the small farm - the heart of Rokugan's economy.

All Under Jigoku

Laughing Grave

Ok, neither of these exist, but FFG should make cards with those titles. ;)