Agis IA painted minis ...
When I get back to the states I will try it out. I have an extra core set so I have the models to spare if it goes badly. Will post it up after chopping to let you know how it went. BTW I also picked up some of the WOTC Tie Crawler tanks- which I hate- but which I think I can convert into Chiss Clawcraft- the wings are the easy part in that design. Might make for some awesome scenery bits in a Chiss base. Just an idea since you seem to share my joy with the Blue dudes...
Hmm, very interesting, how do you plan to do the wings?
Because I want to do 6 of them for a stronghold I'm building, I am planning to build a single wing using plastic card and Apoxie Sculpt- I'll then make a mold of it and cast 4 wings per TIE in resin. I am also going to need to sculpt and mold a fitting on the back end to mount all the wings to. I will mold that as well. If I had a laser cutter tat would be the smarter way to go for the wings, but I gotta go with what I have..,
All the leftover tracks that I end up with I think I will build a Jawa Sandcrawler for a future desert-based operation. No sense letting them go to waste...
The Elite Trandoshan Wookie Hunter is the most serious conversion so far. I only used the head, lower legs and arms of the FFG Imperial Assault miniature. All the rest are Dreamforge Heavy Valkir Troopers.
The mini is based on the Star Wars: The Old Republic Trandoshan companion of the Jedi Counsular class shown here:
“In contrast to many Trandoshans, Qyzen Fess rejected the path of a mercenary to become a hunter of the galaxy’s most dangerous beasts. Earning “Jagganath points” with every honorable kill, Qyzen has traveled for years, seeking worthy prey and honoring his goddess, the Scorekeeper. Although his travels have brought him to Tython several times, he is never seen by the Jedi if Yuon Par is not at the temple.
Despite his disdain of fame and fortune, Qyzen has attracted some notoriety. He often slips through apparently watertight Imperial borders to follow his prey, much to the consternation of the Empire’s officials. Qyzen is also the only living hunter to have killed a greater crested gundark, thought extinct for centuries. His simple habits and devotion to the Scorekeeper give him common ground with the Jedi, though many disapprove of the attitudes and instincts that come naturally to a Trandoshan.”
Once completing the Lvl 60 Yavin story line you can get a big set of armour for him, I coloured the armour light grey and black and tried to emulate that look on the miniature.
This is a great conversion, you've given me inspiration to some some converting eventually.
Agis, your Qyzen Fess conversion is fantastic! He's been one of my favorite NPCs from SW:TOR. A question, though... after going through all of the work to convert it, why not drill out the barrels on his carbine? It's a minor thing, but I find it adds a lot to a miniature.
I love it when a conversion looks like it's NOT a conversion- you've done a great job here! Very clean and very well-composed. Now if Miniature Market would restock their Dreamforge stuff I could get some fodder for my own conversions.
I think the Dreamforge and DUST kits can provide a lot of fodder owing to their WWII influence. Most of the stuff we saw in STar Wars was surplus WWII equipment repurposed and tweaked a bit. I have a squadron of the Axis heavy walker tanks I'm converting up to serve as the war machines of a force my Star Wars RPG crew if going to face off against and they're great for it!
Thanks folks!
...A question, though... after going through all of the work to convert it, why not drill out the barrels on his carbine? It's a minor thing, but I find it adds a lot to a miniature.
LOL, all the others are drilled, somehow I forgot to do it on the biggest conversion!
Simple update this week, just all 3 Probe Droids from the core box.
The elite Droid is distinguished by the additional antenna and the red colors.
One of my least favorite SW characters: Chewie.
Still a nice enough mini and very good to play!
The most famous smuggler, rogue and pilot of them all: Han Solo!
And for the fun of it an comparison shot with the old WotC range, an improvement, or?
More on my site (Group shot with Chewie!) -
The most famous smuggler, rogue and pilot of them all: Han Solo!
And for the fun of it an comparison shot with the old WotC range, an improvement, or?
The newer sculpt clearly has more detail on the pistol and his vest, but I feel like the proportions are more realistic on the older figure. The IA mini's knees are too high, making his shins look much too long, and he has that sort of chunky feel common to GW minis - what I believe they call "heroic scale."
Your mileage may vary, of course. In any rate, you've done a great job painting him. Quite consistent from one model to the next, too!
True the old sculpt suffers on the gun and face sculpt - and that might be only a problem of the soft material.
And yes again, proportions are a bit of on the new one (knees arms etc), on the table it looks however more eye catching and is consistent to the other GW like sculpts.
I recently got also into Star Wars Edge of Empire role playing. We played the beginners adventure and I got the (at least IMO cool) Twi’Lek Bountyhunter Oskara. After the second evening I decided to convert a mini to represent her.
So who is Oskara? “Osakara was a native of the planet Ryloth. When her sister, Makara, was captured by Aqualish thugs to work in the Ryll spice mines she offered her services to the gang leader as an "experienced bounty hunter." Her first job went well and she was mentored by Gyax, a veteran hunter. Oskara continued to work for the spice mine gang to keep her sister safe.
The spice gang loaned her out to Teemo the Hutt on Tatooine and although Teemo paid her well she learned that Teemo was planning on seizing the Ryll spice mine. Fearing for her sister's safety she partnered with the Wookiee gladiator Lowhhrick and the Human pilot Pash and sent a warning to her compatriots back on Ryloth.
Oskara was female Twi'lek with green skin. She would seem jaded and cynical due to her rough childhood. She was careful not to get too attached to anything or anyone and focused on her mission instead of emotional entanglements.” from Wookieepedia.
Since I am going to play Oskara using the Assassin talent tree I will use the Mak cards in Imperial Assault! The mini is based on a Dreamforge Eisenkern female Panzerjäger body with a WotC Twi’Lek Dancer head. Lots of greenstuff and Lekku bending were also involved...
Works for me next to the official IA minis...
more as usual on my site:
Just wanted to say, great work, it is very inspiring. Currently just started on my stormies my self and I notice now after looking at yours I just hate how bad they look. I'm still improving though.
Could you tell me where you got those terminals, I am having problem with finding them on the site you linked in the OP.
Sorry for necroing an old thread.
Edited by AriamnHe mentioned that the terminals are Sedition Wars terrain. Cool Mini Or Not manufactures the minis & game under the Sedition Wars brand; they have a terrain pack which probably contains what you're looking for. It retails for $40 US, but you can certainly find it cheaper through a variety of online retailers.
You can also find terrain for Infinity and similar games which will serve nicely for IA. Personally, I'd recommend CombatZone Scenery 's excellent terrain packs. Depending on where you are in the world, their shipping can be a little steep but the products are excellent and are made specifically for the game.
Don't be too hard on yourself with your painting. It's inspiring to look at the work of people like Agis & Sorastro but it can be disheartening, too. Keep it up & you will steadily get better. The community on these boards is really supportive and people are always happy to answer specific questions. Best wishes!
Just as SFC said...
As far as painting is concerned, I am doing this since the mid 80s, and somehow I picked up one or two skills...
Ep VII is out and I am happy.
Time for more SW related minis...
The RG Champion - Very Crimson Empire looking and a great dynamic sculpt.
more pics as usual:
Heavy Stormtrooper out of the box... just painted and rebased.
Boba Fett Villain Pack
One of the most beloved 2nd line characters of the original trilogy - Boba Fett!
It is a very dynamic sculpt, which I wanted to emphasize by putting the mini on a fitting base.
Some more views as usual on my site:
Ep VII is out and I am happy.
Time for more SW related minis...
The RG Champion - Very Crimson Empire looking and a great dynamic sculpt.
more pics as usual:
The RG Champion looks great... would you mind sharing what paint colors you used, assuming you went with Citadel / Vallejo, etc., and not custom mixes?
Hi i just got all my stuff from combatzone today can you post some more pictures of the scenery stuff ?
Love how you painted them hope my painter does it the same
Ep VII is out and I am happy.
Time for more SW related minis...
The RG Champion - Very Crimson Empire looking and a great dynamic sculpt.
more pics as usual:
The RG Champion looks great... would you mind sharing what paint colors you used, assuming you went with Citadel / Vallejo, etc., and not custom mixes?
I particularly love the blades on this one.
My take on the elite red Heavy Storm Trooper. Again a simple but IMO very effective head swap. The heads are from Anvil Industries Black Ops Exo Lords Helmets/Heads Set. After that a darker grey paint.
And a group shot with Officer (under the helmets they are all Chiss)
More as usual on my site:
Ep VII is out and I am happy.
Time for more SW related minis...
The RG Champion - Very Crimson Empire looking and a great dynamic sculpt.
more pics as usual:
The RG Champion looks great... would you mind sharing what paint colors you used, assuming you went with Citadel / Vallejo, etc., and not custom mixes?
Just like the online paint advice from Sorestro.
My take on the elite red Heavy Storm Trooper. Again a simple but IMO very effective head swap. The heads are from Anvil Industries Black Ops Exo Lords Helmets/Heads Set. After that a darker grey paint.
Awesome! It reminds me of the bounty hunter in the latest Marvel comic Star Wars issue No.#. 16