Adventures on Virbius

By cpteveros, in Only War Game Masters

Hello fellow GMs,

I just ran the Old Soldiers adventure from the GM kit, and rather liked how it all turned out. There were a few parts that weren't clear (i.e. who makes the opposed Stealth/Survival rolls to avoid enemies) but overall, it was good fun. Do any of you have any experiences with the adventure? Have you fleshed it out more, or ran more sessions on Virbius? The GM kit gives a few plot hooks that could be additional missions.

I ran it PbP over on Paizo:

The group had just killed the General Haravax Scarus when it fell appart as PbP games have a tendency to do. They had yet to escape with their lives, in fact the heavy gunner had lost a leg and the commissar died...

Anyway my plan was to have some of the Dark Eldar tail them back to their HQ and attack in in force a few nights later. They would have to rush to the defence and would only be thrown some odd equipment. If the guardsmen had captured Scarus, the dark eldar would have endeavoured to kill him and the PCs might realise this and foil their plan. In the fighting the squad was to get cut off from the main Imperial Forces who will have been forced to fall back. They would have received word via vox that an officer has gotten stranded behind enemy lines too and they would have been tasked with finding and retrieving the man.

My overall plan was to end up having the Guard fight off the few Dark Eldar on the planet and to turn the local populace against the Severan Dominate.

I also had some other themes that I was exploring, relating to the regiment gaining acceptance but they were unrelated to the scenario.

On stealth I'd say the answer is in what the PCs are doing. If they have 1 person scouting ahead, then I'd say only that player rolls. If they are doing something to overall to be stealthy then I'd say the best stealth guy can do it with a -10 for everyone without it. If they are paying no attention to stealth (like I seem to remember mine did) then everyone rolls! I did put a negative penalty on flyers trying to spot them and they did all have stealth from their homeworld/regiment.

I hope that helps :)

Sounds pretty interesting, like almost ready to buy the game masters kit to have a read of the adventure. Right now I'm reading No Surrender and it seems a step in the right direction, with a chase to Virbius to investigate the further dealings with General Scarus. His name keeps popping up so why not have a mission objective to snuff him out if not capture for torture, knowledge and cleansing.