Painted miniatures and other bling

By bulldoguk, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

Hi mate, I like to keep things simple so only 3 colours used on the troopers. Base black, airbrush dark grey, then sky grey then finally white. To make them ping I then brush blend the White onto the high areas, that's it! Oh, all tamiya colours btw

Keschnell, hopefully be on February releases, masters are drying as we speak, in theory I should have some samples painted up by this I am assuming there IS a Sun behind these never ending sodding rain clouds and it may show up sometime soon!

Arctic scenery done! Added a few extra elements such as the downed droid which isn't an interactive part of the game board but just seemed too cool not to include so you could use it as an objective in your own missions or skirmish games!

The Arctic set


painted example



Some in game examples




I'm not to ofond of the raised floor pieces but the screens, the downed droid and snow speeder... wow. Your sculpting certainly improved over the first sets (which I am painting right now).

wait are these for sale somewhere? :o

wait are these for sale somewhere? :o

Where have you been?! Heh, just kidding. To prevent Bulldoguk from having to toot his own horn, I'll share: you can find all of the scenery, plus naval, space, and Wings of War scenery & game aids here . He's based in the UK, so shipping can be a tad steep, but the scenery is quite affordable. Enjoy!

Rob/Shaun, please let me know if I've spoken out of turn.

Cheers snuffy :)

Murm, the raised platforms are a very practical piece of scenery we find, once the board gets busy those little dashed lines can be a real pain in the ahole to spot and we were forever making illegal moves, etc, can't go wrong with the raisers now, they do look quite funky once figures are on board and thanks, practice makes perfect as they say and I can't seem to put down the modelling clay lately, also helps if you really enjoy what you are making and the game it is for too :) tbh also there isn't that much new scenery in this expansion so I felt it needed padding out a little :)

Edited by bulldoguk

Is there a way to calculate shipping on the site? I'm considering buying a full set when the Hoth expansion is out, but I'm fearing the shipping costs to the U.S. might make it cost prohibitive.

Amazing work btw. You make me hate myself... :)

Hi hestis, all that web stuff is Rob's department but I am pretty sure that if you go right through to the checkout it will bring up a total shipping cost based on weight, any problems just drop us an email on the support address ;)

When will the Return to Hoth environment pieces be for sale? Or did I just miss seeing them?

Thank you again for making these. They're fantastic.


Pretty sure the Arctic set and a few other things will be going out end of this month, if you sign up to the newsletter it will keep you up to date on new stuff, I usually have to read it myself, I'm making so much stuff for so many games we love to play I lose track myself! It's pretty amazing how the boardgame business has taken off over the past few years, I feel we are really in a golden age with regards to fun choice and quality and **** my bank account knows about it!

Playing catch up finally on some of the latest releases, also some WIP on a set for use with the Bespin expansion and a booster set of caches and cannons




Finally got round to painting the sets up! Also finished up the contents of the Bespin expansion, latest figure expansions just landed today looking forward to slapping a little paint on them :)









Bulldog, you rock mate! :D


Made some time to catch up on the figure releases and finally finished the last waves...all up to date now an waiting on the Jabba expansion which looks awesome!


Newly discovered footage sheds new light on Cantina shooting!


Newly discovered footage sheds new light on Cantina shooting!


That is great 8)

Made some time to catch up on the figure releases and finally finished the last waves...all up to date now an waiting on the Jabba expansion which looks awesome!


That Inquisitor looks great, and I love the lightsaber effect you did for Jeremy Corbyn in the middle there.

This might be a stupid question, but does the Bespin terrain set come with the clear plastic rod to hold up the spybot thing?

Hi mate, yes the rod is included, and yes, I thought all the way through painting 'Jeremy' not surprising however as the Inquisitor has an uncanny resemblance to Teresa May IMO :P

Core minis finished and nearly done the stuff for jabba's expansion, bloody loads of it!


I have already purchases all your scenery. I must paint them.

Wow... very nice.

Really poor light for painting but managed to squeeze out the indoor set for Smuggler's Den. There is a lot in this expansion so we have split it into an 'inny' and an 'outy' (currently painting the outy, pics when its all done). I fiddled around with the layout of the throne, the original artwork was a little too small to sit his lordships booty on, it still keeps the same restrictions but now you can sit the big slugster on it to watch over proceedings. I also magnetised my barge cannon so it can rotate and elevate, it's the little things that please :) Oh there will also be an additional objectives set with most of the bling required from the campaign book
That's the 'outy set' painted!
The pits not actually designed to be a complete circle but that said the tow halfs go together quite nicely, mounted on some board and joins filled it would make a nice bit of tabletop scenery!
The stones on the pit are not random btw, they represent the boundaries of the squares on the board, figured this was a much prettier way of aiding figure placement than ugly great lines in the scenery piece itself