Painted miniatures and other bling

By bulldoguk, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

Starting to hate you, reminds me I really need to get mine painted! Simply stunning work! Vader's glow effect and the 3d terminals in particular.

I can't chill.

I came to post my painted minis but Ima just relax.

The level of painting is astounding. Very inspiring.. I was thinking I didn't want to get an airbrush but now I'm rethinking that.

I mean... don't tell me this is pure brush work.... Oh, and those 3d terrain pieces.. Man I just gotta go.



The scenery is so, so pretty, but I just can't justify the international shipping. :(

The scenery is so, so pretty, but I just can't justify the international shipping. :(

I feel like I missed something. Is there a link to the stores somewhere?

The scenery is so, so pretty, but I just can't justify the international shipping. :(

I feel like I missed something. Is there a link to the stores somewhere?

He mentioned it, but didn't link it.

Hi Malev, I generally lay down base colours and shading with the AB then finish things off with the old hairy stick as it gives a little more definition and strength of colour to gaming miniatures I feel, I seriously don't spend too long with these things as they are not commission pieces but just for my own gaming porn, eyes are not painted in most cases for example, the house we play in has terrible lighting, I may as well finger paint them with custard tbh!

in the meantime....

Second core set 'Rocky Skirmish' examples painted, adds a little bling to that boring flat surface!




Just had a nosy through my Twin Shadows Expansion and my brain is already working on some more funky scenery ;)


Any chance you could give some newbie friendly painting tips for these?

I had to own these. However, my only painting experience is following Sorastro's video tutorials and I'd be completely lost trying to paint these myself.


I also expect a new pack to be released for the cantina in Twin Shadows. :P

Edited by Muz333

Hi Muz333, I'm terrible at remembering to put up Tuts (generally too busy doing stuff!) but I will try and get something done over the next few days as I have another core set to paint up, I do use airbrush for basic colours but pretty awesome effects can be obtained using straightforward drybrushing techniques if you don't have access to an AB, I tend to keep colours down to a minimum to keep my workload low too so no complicated stuff!

Final set from core box examples painted! Now to have a proper peek in that Twin Shadows box and see what I can come up with, not to mention paint all the new figures!




Finally started the campaign this week, always been a fan of the Descent system both 1st and 2nd edition and this is an excellent port over into the Swars Universe, absolutely loving it and looking forward to continuing the campaign over the coming weeks. The 3D scenery really made the board pop :)

Anyhow, onto other things!

Twin Shadows and wave 2 figs painted, working on a scenery set for TS right now, hopefully have some WIP shots by the weekend

Heavy Troopers, Trooper commander, Tusken raiders, 3PO & R2, a couple of new heroes and of course the Fettster!



That R2-D2 is perfect!

These are absolutely gorgeous, I am very jealous of your skills.

Just got a picture sent to my phone by my partner, looks like my scenery arrived safely!

Brilliant Muz, have fun painting it mate! Just finishing up the weird interrogation chair/scanner thing, or at least that's what I interpreted it as from the top down view and it looks like it's in a cell of some sort! Should be an interesting objective for custom quests. the TS pack should consist of several small wall sections, double rocky sections, interrogation equipment, what I assume to be some sort of garbage disposal chute? and the bar, because everyone loves a good pub brawl! Pics soon :)

Ps. it's actually fun trying to work out what stuff is from the top down art work, I don't always get it right so lets call the items 'unique' :P

Where's the T-16, bulldog? ;)

Edited by ibsh

LOL ibsh, I DID actually think about that but then I thought it's probably a little too close to the line of screwing around with the starwars IP and also figured surely there is a micromachine or something out there that might suffice?

Ps. **** it dude, now you got me thinking, hmmmm, maybe a good lookalike with wings folded, etc...GAH!

It appears my work here is done! :)

Finally started the campaign this week, always been a fan of the Descent system both 1st and 2nd edition and this is an excellent port over into the Swars Universe, absolutely loving it and looking forward to continuing the campaign over the coming weeks. The 3D scenery really made the board pop :)Anyhow, onto other things!Twin Shadows and wave 2 figs painted, working on a scenery set for TS right now, hopefully have some WIP shots by the weekendHeavy Troopers, Trooper commander, Tusken raiders, 3PO & R2, a couple of new heroes and of course the Fettster! IM%20wave%202%201_zpshjyvv6tp.jpg IM%20wave%202%202_zpszu2gshoy.jpg

That's the best saska I've seen yet, and I love your weapon highlights. Only complaint is the "styrofoam pool noodle" thing going of with the gaff i sticks. Mine are sadly curved as well, was hoping to be able to correct that before painting.

BulldogUK, I don't suppose you have a US distributor? I think £15.00 is quite reasonable for the IA Core set, but I'll pay nearly that much again for shipping to the United States. Realistically, that's not that bad either, but it stretches the gaming budget a bit. I might have to wait a month and I don't want to! :lol:

Hi tomkat, any bent bendy bits are easily rectified by pouring hot water on them, they usually pop back into shape, if not hold them in position while still warm and run cold water over them. Either before or after painting, I straightened mine out after painting and taking these pictures so they are now perfectly straight ;)

Snuffy, we are only a tiny 2 man business, just under a year old but we have had several requests to try and find US distributors to cut down on postage, I know it hurts, I'm at the whim of the postal services too as I buy a lot of Martian Front and other games directly from the U.S! Pesky import duty really doesn't help either! The only solutions we have found so far are quite costly as they require bulk shipping and take a large cut for the pleasure which we just can't afford right now, it's a real shame too as we probably sell most of our stuff to the U.S. market. We are still looking for alternatives, hopefully we will come across a way to ease postage costs sometime soon as we would love to share more of my crazy ideas with the rest of the world!

As a side note I think Rob has a raffle planned for our birthday next month with a prize of £100 worth of goods from the webstore, I think you just need to join the FB page or sign up to the news letter to get a piece of the action but I would have to check on that, I don't often look up from the workbench so I don't particularly have a clue what's going on around me :P the newsletter can be quite interesting, I often forget myself what I have been making through the month!

Truly great stuff.

Edited by Murm3l

Dear BulldogUK, I would certainly make good use of the scenery. Please let me know when you go into production? Kind Regards Coop457

WIP Twin Shadows scenery pack. double space rock piles, wall sections (there will be about 6 so you can create the canteen room, they are also designed to sit back to back so you can make larger wall sections for skirmish games). Couple of weird ones too, couldn't quite work them out so I winged it and went for some sort of disposal chute (should be great used in conjunction with the trash compactor board) and a sort of scanner/interrogation device. Also 2 pairs of tunnel entrances, spotted these referenced on the 3PO side mission our heroes just pulled and figured it would be nice to have physical representations of them on the board. I think when I have done this set I might nosy through all the side mission sheets and see if a miscellaneous scenery set is needed!....Oh and let's not forget the bar...because everyone loves a good pub crawl & brawl!



You even did the oil bath, heh. Looks great!

I hate you.