Painted miniatures and other bling

By bulldoguk, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

Figured it was high time I cracked open that box and splashed some paint on these chaps before they start piling up, will get some better pics when I have painted a few more but for now I started with the usual suspects, the Vaderman himself and his armour clad groupies! Of course, nowadays I cant seem to open a boardgame without wanting to replace all tose boring tiles with 3D stuff so working on some drop scenery to play with too!




Jesus. Those are the best stormtroopers I've seen. I bestow props unto you.

I like the reflection of the lightsaber on Darth's cape.

All the models are cool, but Darth stood out.

beautiful stormtroopers

I wonder how often Vader has to replace his cape.

Those are some really awesome paint job! And the 3D props are most excellent.

Bravo Zulu

....the stormies...wunderbar!

looking great. I look forward to the rest

That is some masterful paint work.


I will be really interested to see your 3D scenery pieces.

Edited by cvallinie

They look awesome. Vader is the best ever

Thanks guys, really enjoying this stuff and should hopefully get it all done before the next expansion and figure sets :)

meanwhile painted on a table in a galaxy not so far away...

Added a few more, AT-ST's, Royal Guard + Champion and Probe Droids



Should have some sample scenery pieces painted up by the end of the week, got a lot of Rivet Wars bits to do though as the KS is starting up next week but I will try and find some time :)

SOLID!!!! i especially love the royal guard look; AT-ST's are looking might good as well

keep 'em coming!

Few more bods finished. Rebel Troopers & Saboteurs, Trandoshan hunters, Nexu, Imperial commanders and IG88 who just reminds me of the Tinman from Oz every time I look at him!





That's the scenery done, should cover most occasions from good Vs Evil to fallouts at the local coffee morning. Doors will be two parts, a frame and a door which simply slides out to show wether it is open or closed. Consoles are designed so you can simply slot the card token on the top to show if it has been activated or not. Probably sell them as sets, a large core set covering all aspects of the starter box (4 doors, 8 consoles, 8 crates and various scenery parts to cover most of the little red squares on the boards such as bacta tanks, moisture doodahs, etc) maybe group them also as 'inny' & 'outy' sets to allow you to boost your collection, this should be fun for sandbox skirmish games. Guess I better get some samples painted!







Your work is disgustingly good.

I am disgusted.

Frankly ibsh, I am disgusted that you are disgusted, is there anything I could do to lower your opinion to slight disdain? :P

shut up and take my money

Really interested in the scenery :)

Those are so pretty it hurts.

For the scenery, have you thought about using Shapeways?

B-E-A-utiful work Sir! I especially like the shading on Weis' AT-ST :)

That's the heroes and Allies finished. Just in time for the Twin Shadows Expansion! Right, now to get to work on these scenery elements!


Oh god, Jyn looks like Ezra (but seriously these are beautiful).

Very hiqh quality painting.

had to google Ezra....uncanny!

Sorted the scenery into the sets, will be away for a week so will have to paint them when I get back...meh! Can't wait to play with all the painted minis and scenery now! Twin shadows and all the new figures will be waiting for me when I get back too....gah!

core set to cover the tokens you get in the box (8 crates, not the 9 shown, must have snuck in when I wasn't looking)

Exansion set A for want of a better name


And, you guessed it, expansion set B until a better name crops up


We will probably do a complete set with everything in there at a saving which should be nice for sandbox skirmish games, looking forward to looking at the tiles in TS when it lands, see what new stuff I can make for expansion set, hmmmmmm, let me see....C....yes...let's call it C! :P

Right, that's the core set painted examples done! They come unpainted of course but are very easy to paint!



As snug as a bug in a rug in my KR case too!


I will be away until the bank holiday but these are available for pre-order from our website combatzone-scenery under the 'new releases' section, as soon as I am back I will begin production on a first come first served basis and will also crack on with some painted examples of the other sets....not to mention my copy of Twin Shadows should be waiting for me, will be interesting to see what other scenery sets I can add for that!