This game does not need a new edition. As others have said, it is fine as is, and is the most epic, engaging, 4x space game out there, and one of the top strategy games in existence; in essence, TI3 is a modern classic. I am a purist for this game, one of the die-hard fans. In fact, I own a copy of the original 1st edition copy of the game. I can say, as owner of 1st edition, the 3rd edition base game and both expansions to it, that the game has come a long way, and I honestly don't think you could do anything new to justify a fourth edition. New editions, as a rule of thumb, generally are for stream-lining game play, and that has already happened over the two previous editions and their expansions.
If anything, it could get an expansion, adding a few new races (1-2), some new objectives (secret, public, or maybe even race specific objectives), some new tech, and some new units. I really liked the frigate idea from Wonoz, especially the stat line and heavy barrage rule. However, I think just adding new tech to improve the frigate would be better than require the research of existing techs. I would also like to see maybe interceptors or bomber-type units that must be supported by a carrier/Warsun, similar to fighters. Intercepters could have a battle score of 9 or 10, just like fighters, but get +1 or +2 when enemy fighters, bombers, and other interceptors are present in a system, and the opposing player must apply interceptor hits to his/her bombers, fighters, or interceptors. Similarly, bombers would battle at a 9 or 10 get a +1 or +2 bonus when certain capitol ships like dreadnaughts, warsuns, and flagships, are present and the other player must apply bomber hits to warsuns, dreadnaughts, and flagships. Bombers could even bombard planets just like dreadnaughts and warsuns, but not through a PDS shield. Bombers and fighters would probably cost the same as fighters.
As far as techs, you could start by adding a tech each to improve the value of interceptors, bombers, and frigates. For interceptors you can add a tech that improves their combat value (+1, cybernetics, just change the wording on the card) and then that grants access to a blue or yellow tech that allows up to 4 interceptors to be present on a planet with out a space dock, carrier, or warsun support but still must be carried to the planet or built there at a space dock (allows more defense of a key system). For bombers you could make a tech that gives them +1 during bombardments and allows them to bombard with a PDS present(red tech). Both of those techs could be midway or deep down the tech tree to ensure balance. For frigates you could also add to their capacity (+1 or +2, green tech). A tech I would really like to see is one that would allow GFs to participate in Space Battles and actually be able to commandeer enemy ships instead of destroying them, in other words, boarding parties (green or red tech). You could even have a rule where you can't board if interceptors are present in the enemy fleet or something as a counter. The Automated Defense Turrets tech could be modified to allow for a barrage against fighters, interceptors, and bombers.
Another interesting mechanic for an expansion would be a campaign style of play, similar to what FFG did to descent with the Road to Legend expansion for 1st Edition Descent, but with fleets of ships instead of single heroes. Such an expansion could support as few as 2 players, but as many as 8 and each session (2-4 rounds) could be a scenario with objectives to complete, different starting units per race, and the outcome would give certain players an advantage in subsequent linked scenarios. These scenarios could be historically based around the Fall of the Lazax or could be in the standard time era from the base game. FFG could also re-introduce leaders to this expansion, utilized in a way similar to what has been revealed in Star Wars Rebellion. The more that I think about it though, such a game could easily be stand alone by itself.
I also think FFG should expand the TI universe with an RPG, an imperial assault/ descent type game, and an Armada-Style game. I think the Armada style game could do really well, and has a lot of potential for expansion, as the game currently has 17 playable races.
What I really would like to see is a digital APP or version of the game. They did it with Battle Lore, no reason it could not be done with TI3. I would buy that in a heartbeat. The main downside to TI3 is its game length, and therefore it is hard to get 6 people to commit to 4-8 hours of gaming. A digital App could allow people to connect with other players anywhere and play or even play against the AI, catching the itch for most people in-between sessions. For me, such an APP could bring my original group back together, as I originally bought this game when I was in college, and all the guys I got to play lived on the hall together or were in the same social circles/frats. We have all since graduated, moved to various places around the country, and started families, making playing this game physically impossible.
I am interested in thoughts and feedback.
Edited by Redleg1785