[Nashville, TN] Competitive Players?

By ALovell317, in Organized Play

Any enthusiastic AGoT fans in or around Nashville? Looking to form a group to commit to a store so that we can get OP support and begin building a community.

Hey, I'm totally in! I searched for a group from 1.0 but never found anything. I live in Antioch and would be willing to play anywhere in the area. I've currently got x2 core's from GenCon.

Also i just recently talked about this exact thing to a part owner of Game Cave in Hermitage. He seemed interested if a group forms. He mentioned they already did it for Netrunner, which i do not play.

I think we're going to be trying to do a bi-weekly tournament at Game Cave 2 in Hendersonville. I know it's a bit of a drive, but I live in Spring Hill, so I would be driving the farthest of anyone I think!

Anyway, Dave Spears, who will be running the new Game Cave, is very interested in supporting us if we can turn out the players. The shop will be opening the first week in September I believe. My group currently consists of myself and one of the guys I work with (I have three cores, he has none until they release). We're really hyping it up though, so hopefully we will have a few more.


We've played LotR LCG at the Game Cave in Hermitage, as well as Outer Limits in Franklin. I know that several of us will be buying AGOT 2nd Ed when it comes out and will be interested in playing.

The OP has started a Facebook group for us to organize in now. I know I'm anxioulsy waiting the store opening and for the core sets to arrive.

Edited by scooterbombs

The OP has started a Facebook group for us to organize in now. I know I'm anxioulsy waiting the store opening and for the core sets to arrive.

Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/943575792372613/

Scooter, myself, and two others got together this past Saturday. I think we have a great core and would love to add more regular players. We're ordering Game Night kits, Store Championship kits, and The Game Cave Hendersoville is super excited to support us however we need.

Please reach out to us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/943575792372613/ to keep up with our upcoming get-togethers, events, etc!