I seriously get you guys so confused and crossed up all the time.
Also, T. Hawk is going to destroy face.
I seriously get you guys so confused and crossed up all the time.
Also, T. Hawk is going to destroy face.
TripsEX said:
I seriously get you guys so confused and crossed up all the time.
Also, T. Hawk is going to destroy face.
One of us speaks proper. The other not so much.
Yes - They've shown some inklings of combos with his diving hawk thing and wow I am impressed.
If he can still wake-up throw as well as he could in Super Turbo/HDR, then he is going to be a force to be reckoned with. Especially considering how good Zangief is.
TripsEX said:
If he can still wake-up throw as well as he could in Super Turbo/HDR, then he is going to be a force to be reckoned with. Especially considering how good Zangief is.
From what I gather they're nerfing 'gief.
dshaffer said:
They DO both like girls.
I can't say being dropped from a 3 story building into a rising kick feels good, but she seems to ask something along the lines of "feels good, doesn't it?" before dropping you on your face in her Ultra.
The major thing I want to see is Seth nerfed to manageable levels...... I hate that guy.....
seth is pretty weak... he has less health than akuma!
Luthon said:
seth is pretty weak... he has less health than akuma!
Does it matter if he don't get hit?
Anyway, Seth was manageable for everyone except Zangief. Disadvantages, annoying, yes but workable. Not even top 3.
DaiAndOh said:
Luthon said:
seth is pretty weak... he has less health than akuma!
Does it matter if he don't get hit?
Anyway, Seth was manageable for everyone except Zangief. Disadvantages, annoying, yes but workable. Not even top 3.
Even then I generally tear through Seth with 'gief.
What I DO love though is putting the smackdown on flowchart nubcaiks with Balrog.
You may....but try it against a real one
DaiAndOh said:
You may....but try it against a real one
Against any REAL PLAYERZZZZ name the game and I will get sodomized.
DaiAndOh said:
Does it matter if he don't get hit?
Anyway, Seth was manageable for everyone except Zangief. Disadvantages, annoying, yes but workable. Not even top 3.
Seth sucks balls. People are so mislead by his "arsenal" they forget his arsenal sucks balls. His health is the lowest in the game, his combos are far and few, from what all I've seen and done his damage output is extremely meager...
He's not the boss version, people, and he doesn't play like Dhalsim, so don't fake like he does
LOL Seth's Arsenal does not suck balls. It's the most versatile in SF history. Ok projectile, DP, Great teleport, Great command grab, 17 hit special is really good, great walljump as well for top class runaway combined with teleports and some of Dhalsim's best pokes, and a solid Ultra that stops jump ins most of the time. Damage output is...moderate but you land more pokes. Taking damage....doesn't stop Akuma, and yes I know he has it worse but. If you have great tools not to get hit who cares.
He's not the boss version by any means, but he's a VERY strong threat in the right hands, and plenty viable and can take a strong tournament.
Sample vid:
DaiAndOh said:
To be fair, the Balrog you posted had the fundamentals but man CRITICAL play mistake in round 2 first match. It's like he WANTED to eat the EX SRKs.
No one's perfect. Guy was in the grand finals of a tourny with Arturo, can't be horrible
DaiAndOh said:
No one's perfect. Guy was in the grand finals of a tourny with Arturo, can't be horrible
The same Arturo that goes to local tournaments if money's involved, regardless of talent, only to roflstomp on total n00bs and leave, rather than help them afterwards.
So... yeah, not putting much stock in that guy. He's not horrible - I can see eating it the first time, but the second? Ugh.
Arturo was just on the East Coast team that almost 10-0'd (10-1...Joe) the best players on the West Coast a couple of days ago. And everyone played during that match. Though he's been spending a couple months in Japan as well, so he's even better than he was.
DaiAndOh said:
Arturo was just on the East Coast team that almost 10-0'd (10-1...Joe) the best players on the West Coast a couple of days ago. And everyone played during that match. Though he's been spending a couple months in Japan as well, so he's even better than he was.
"stock in that guy" = Arturo's opponent.
I know of Arturo when I was heavy into the scene waaaaaaay way back in 2002-2004. I couldn't stand all the douchebaggery.
Figured a 50-50 shot
Though whether someone falls for something or not twice, people don't always expect the same thing to happen twice.
Either way....Seth is really good
DaiAndOh said:
Indeed. Low health means nothing when you don't get hit.
What I hate about Seth is how much you have to hit for any appreciable damage to happen. And I play as El Fuerte so that says something.
What Abel COULD have looked like.
And unlike what all the other games site have said...no, it wasnt meant to be a boy originally, they translated it wrong. Reminds me a lot of Makoto, honestly.
From what i read about SSF4 is there eight characters beening add to the roster with 2 complete new ones
And the only ones that have been confirm are T.hawk, dee jay and Juri (one of the new ones and most likly a shadaloo doll like juni and juli) the rest are just hear say at the moment
Never played against a human using Seth - I just hate how the computer uses him. Makes playing 1 player no so fun. Unfortunately, I am the only person I know with the game (no second controller ATM), and I don't have an interest in playing online.
Strafesolaris said:
From what i read about SSF4 is there eight characters beening add to the roster with 2 complete new ones
And the only ones that have been confirm are T.hawk, dee jay and Juri (one of the new ones and most likly a shadaloo doll like juni and juli) the rest are just hear say at the moment
Enero (January in Spanish), Février (February in French), März (March in German), Aprile (April in Italian), Satsuki (May in archaic Japanese), Juni (June in German), Juli (July in German), Santamu (August, derived from Vietnamese), Jianyu (September, derived from Chinese), Xiayu (October, derived from Chinese), Noemberu (November, derived from Spanish and was a member of T. Hawk's Thunderfoot tribe) and Decapre (December, derived from Russian, although she has no country of origin).