Dark Heresy Digital Character App now available

By Tim Huckelbery, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

I have to agree that selling each Gameline as it's own app is a turn off. I would definitely buy a program for $25-30 that handled all of them in the same app as you released them, but I am not likely to buy one for each system as a seperate app at the $8 price point. Ideally what I'd want is something like Hero Lab, but for the 40k RPGs.

With regard to the Gear/Vehicles thing: I'd like to be able to keep track of any Modifications or Upgrades a character's weapon has and the bonuses/penalties they provide. Same thing for Vehicles, though it would also be nice to track if/how a vehicle is damaged as well.

As I said, there is nothing set beyond the two apps planned at the moment. I like the idea of having one app for everything, but then it would be overpriced for people who only play one or two systems, which is the majority (at least thats what our feedback indicates). In my opinion, there will be ways to solve this in a way that everyone is happy. But for the moment, we will focus all our efforts on expanding the DH app and think about the other systems later :-)

Modifcations and Upgrades for weapons are a point we don't track very well in the app, that's right. We will dive into the rulebook to see if there is a good and user friendly way to add this. Sames goes for the vehicles, this is just something we did not had the time to implent yet. We wanted to give the user all of the options displayed on the character sheet first and then add other features.

Wait are you seriously making a second, different $8 app to handle Only War character sheets? That is four asterisk-ing ridiculous. They're the same game with a couple options renamed and moved around. I mean yes, FFG did convince a handful of gamers to shell out cash money for a game they already own if they own OW, but it had pictures and storywords and crap. You're making a character sheet app. It doesn't have any of that.

What the christ.

Wait are you seriously making a second, different $8 app to handle Only War character sheets?

No, I did not said that anywhere. I can only repeat: we are making the DH app. Everything after that will be up for discussion and based on user feedback.

Abandon thread! Abandon thread! It's turned retarded.

/\/\/\ very constructive

No, I did not said that anywhere. I can only repeat: we are making the DH app. Everything after that will be up for discussion and based on user feedback.

Well that's good. $8 is already pretty steep for an app. You said that adding support for the other games would increase the cost, which doesn't make a lot of sense presented as an update or as a separate app.

Edited by cps

since each of the games in the FFG/Warhammer line seem to have different systems it would seem that they would have to make different apps for each until they sync up the systems in a second edition.

Perhaps something like a core framework, which can then have the different game packs loaded into it, as in-app purchases.

IF all the 2e systems (assuming there are any more) use Aptitudes, then you could also allow users to pull from multiple games. e.g. I want my IG Mystic to be able to pull some of the Talents from Only War 2: Only Warrior. Basically a "turn on houserules?" thing. I think it'd be cool.

Oh, hey, there's an app now! I bet it'll be useful and free like chummer or eclipse phases', because the books are already pretty expensive.

Wait, it's only for one version of the game, and it costs 8$/€? And some people are seriously willing to pay even more to get basic functionality out of the thing instead of a hyperlimited scope that is inferior to the competition's FREE alternatives?

Yeah, somebody hit jackpot here. And somebody just went lower than Catalyst.

Edited by DeathByGrotz

Yeah, it's pretty sad how greedy, backward, and foolish GW is forcing FFG to be. All we can do is act like gw fans for over a decade and vote with our feet.

I like that the price is low and that the quality is "up" - I applaud the programmer / author and hope he does more in the future - 5 STARS

So about one month till Windows 10 hits the market, and with free upgrade I imagine many will upgrade.

In windows 10 they promise that it is much easier to port ios and android apps to the windows platform (they will make libraries available so it "almost straight away" compiles to windows platform). Is this something you are looking into?

Cause my "tablet" is a windows (surface pro), so I am kinda hoping for that. :-)

If we want generators - handcrafted (lol) then we as a community should do Kick Starter campaign (licensed by Games Workshop so they don't stomp us good) and hire / pay people to do so - that way everybody gets their say and thus their plug gets put into the whole +++ the people doing the work get paid!

Granted - I tried to code a simple ship sheet with the ability to post as per a CMS - I gave it to a programmer who then took me to town (I think it might have been innsmouth, i wasn't sure) and showed me the sights - next thing I knew I got a fat bill back LMFAO



+1 for getting modifications into the system. I much prefer the approach of having a basic list of weapons with standard X, Y, and Z modificiations you can attach in different combinations and variant ammo types rather than having umpty-ump ever so slightly different variations of the stub pistol such that the consolidated slug weapons list takes up two pages....

Content Update 1.1.0 „Data-Slate“ released!

What are the stats for the stub revolver again? Which Autogun did I just found on this dead brute? Where is the rulebook, I need to check the armour rating of an enforcer light carpace armour again.

These were questions common while playing Dark Heresy 2nd Edition and often broke the immersion completely. But the Emperor‘s light shines upon you and your personal data-slate. And now - all these questions are only a fainting memory of the old days...

Today we are happy to announce the release of the next free content update for „Dark Heresy: Digital Character Sheet“. The new features in this content update are:

  • Searchable database for talents
  • Searchable database for weapons
  • Searchable database for gear
  • Searchable database for armour
  • All databases include the core rulebook and the enemies within supplement items
  • Personal initiative tracker
  • improved inventory handling
  • and as always: bugfixes

-- Details --

With the implementation of searchable databases, you are now able to click the search button located in the footer of each inventory add/edit screen. This will open another popup with all items of this category. Filter your results with the filter by textfield on top of the table and select an item by touching it and click the select button. The database popup will be closed and all stats of this item will be put in the corresponding fields.

Talents now work similar to this. We also added a searchable database here, but the talents database is even more incredible! While searching for a talent you like, you automatically see if you have learned the aptitudes for each talent and also see if you have the prerequisites needed for this talent. After selecting a talent, you now have the same options as in the skills section, meaning you are now able to automatically add the exp needed for the talent to your experience sheet.

Finally, we added a initiative tracker for you. At the beginning of a combat encounter, go to your combat tab, touch the initiative number to open the initiative popup and touch the Roll Initiative button in the popup‘s footer. The popup will close and you will see your initiative roll including a detailed description on how you end up with this initiative. We also included options for altering the initiative rolls if you have a talent that‘s changing the calculation.

-- How to Install --

The new update will be automatically downloaded to your app if your device is connected to the internet (download size 9mb). You don‘t have to wait for the update to go live on the app stores. Once the download is complete, the app will restart and you should see the new additions immediately. If you want to be sure, check the version at the bottom of the overview tab, it should read version 1.1.0.

-- What‘s next --

We‘ve already planned another content update called „Elite Psykers“ to be released in a few weeks. In that update, we will concentrate our efforts on elite advances and psychic powers. After that, we will collect feedback from you to find ideas and features for another content update, and work on the Dark Heresy First Edition version in the meantime.

We will also create a bunch of tutorial videos on how to use the app in the near future.

+1 for getting modifications into the system. I much prefer the approach of having a basic list of weapons with standard X, Y, and Z modificiations you can attach in different combinations and variant ammo types rather than having umpty-ump ever so slightly different variations of the stub pistol such that the consolidated slug weapons list takes up two pages....

We will also add the function to attach Weapon Modifications to a specific weapon as well as a searchable List of ammunition. Weapon mods are currently selectable in the "gear" list with the upgrade limitations set in the description part. My current workaround for knowing which weapon mod is attached to which weapon is creating the mod with a unique name (like Custom Grip 1) and adding this to the weapons description field.

-- Feedback --

If you are experiencing any problems with the new content update, found a bug, have an idea for a new feature or just want to talk about the app, just write us an email, comment and like us on facebook and follow @dievo on twitter :P And of course don‘t forget to check or company blog at http://blog.dizlabs.com for news, updates and stories about the ongoing development of the Dark Heresy: Digital Character Sheet App.

Have a nice day!



web: http://www.dizelabs.com

blog: http://blog.dizelabs.com

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/dhdcs

We will also add the function to attach Weapon Modifications to a specific weapon as well as a searchable List of ammunition. Weapon mods are currently selectable in the "gear" list with the upgrade limitations set in the description part. My current workaround for knowing which weapon mod is attached to which weapon is creating the mod with a unique name (like Custom Grip 1) and adding this to the weapons description field.

That sounds excellent, Tom! I hope Cybernetics gets the same treatment.

Looking forward to that Windows update so that I can get this on my PC. ;)

I wish I knew a way to get the app on my PC? waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggghhhh lol

Now it's starting to sound like it's worth closer to that $7 price point. I'll probably pick it up when the elite advances update hits, but I'm excited to try the initiative tracker.

I have some suggestions for the app.

1) Combat Tracker: Have a list of actions available on turn for that character. Each action including a base percentage chance from the character sheet as well as an option to add modifiers. Include a listing of the number of half actions or free actions or reactions remaining. Work hard on making this super easy and intuitive in terms of GUI. Ideally this would also be able to simultaneously work with player and GM copies of the app so that players could all simultaneously track initiative in combat and the GM could apply universal modifiers to all actions such as darkness. Also include things like wound or condition tracking for players that automatically provide modifiers to available actions and so on.

2) Have something similar for skills, that includes talents and all the special actions such as using Medicae that have specific outcomes. Basically make it so that players don't have to reference the book to use a skill and just pull it up on the app and get a modifier and an outcome. Same thing goes for psychic powers.

3) have a combat tracker for vehicle combat.

Basically, take all of those fiddly rules and so on for dark heresy that potentially bog down play and just have them all able to be instantly pulled up in the app so players can instantly reference them and even resolve them. I realize that this would require including a large chunk of the core rules in an app, so I think features like this would be reasonable to have in a deluxe version or something that is a bit closer to the PDF in price.

I'm not a huge fan of the DH ruleset, but if you were to come out with an app like this that could automate action, skill, and power resolution, I would buy it just to support FFG. That's the kind of innovation I saw from the company in wfrp and Star Wars, and ID LOVE to see it here.

I may have to get this. Whats the chance for a Rogue Trader version? :)

I have some suggestions for the app.

1) Combat Tracker: Have a list of actions available on turn for that character. Each action including a base percentage chance from the character sheet as well as an option to add modifiers. Include a listing of the number of half actions or free actions or reactions remaining. Work hard on making this super easy and intuitive in terms of GUI. Ideally this would also be able to simultaneously work with player and GM copies of the app so that players could all simultaneously track initiative in combat and the GM could apply universal modifiers to all actions such as darkness. Also include things like wound or condition tracking for players that automatically provide modifiers to available actions and so on.

2) Have something similar for skills, that includes talents and all the special actions such as using Medicae that have specific outcomes. Basically make it so that players don't have to reference the book to use a skill and just pull it up on the app and get a modifier and an outcome. Same thing goes for psychic powers.

3) have a combat tracker for vehicle combat.

Basically, take all of those fiddly rules and so on for dark heresy that potentially bog down play and just have them all able to be instantly pulled up in the app so players can instantly reference them and even resolve them. I realize that this would require including a large chunk of the core rules in an app, so I think features like this would be reasonable to have in a deluxe version or something that is a bit closer to the PDF in price.

I'm not a huge fan of the DH ruleset, but if you were to come out with an app like this that could automate action, skill, and power resolution, I would buy it just to support FFG. That's the kind of innovation I saw from the company in wfrp and Star Wars, and ID LOVE to see it here.

Yes, there is a lot of possibilities with automating combat and skills and we will discuss these once we finished our current vision of the app, for sure. Personally I'd love to have the app automating all the fiddly rules but this is beyond the scope of the app at the moment. We will address combat and vehicles in a future free content update to improve the game flow. This will include using the combat actions from page 219 of the rulebook in the app and should be a first step in the automation direction.

I may have to get this. Whats the chance for a Rogue Trader version? :)

I'll add a vote for Rogue Trader on our internal "next app" wish list :-) Looks like Rogue Trader is in the lead. At the moment, we are adding free content updates to the DH2 and building the DH 1st edition app. Once these apps are done, we will sit together with everyone and discuss our next steps.

Ooh, I haven't looked at the app since the update, and it sounds like it's getting just the features I'm looking to see.

My group plays back and forth between DH2 and OW. If an OW app is released, I'd rather not pay out quite so much for it, considering that I already have the DH2 app. If I could just pay an extra 2-4$ to get access to OW content within the DH2 app, it'd be worth it to me.

Nimsim's requests look great as a long-term design spec. It'd also be nice to have communication between multiple devices so that GMs can reference & roll player awareness/warp sense, and also pass notes.

While using the previous version, I noticed that an added Common Lore didn't correctly reduce in xp price based on the General aptitude - I'll have to see if that's been fixed.

I've been enjoying the DH2 rule set a good bit more than OW, glad to see the product in motion.

Ooh, I haven't looked at the app since the update, and it sounds like it's getting just the features I'm looking to see.

While using the previous version, I noticed that an added Common Lore didn't correctly reduce in xp price based on the General aptitude - I'll have to see if that's been fixed.

We try to get a free content update out every two weeks. We also have some top secret features planned for the future of the DH2 app :-)

The General aptitude is currently treated as an aptitude like the others. This means if you get the wrong xp calculation, try to add the General aptitude to your aptitudes list. This bug will be fixed with the next patch for all characters generated by the character creator. In the meantime, this workaround should do the job.


I don't want to add another reply for this, so I'll add this here:

If you enjoy the app, please rate it! We don't want to add one of this annoying "rate now"-popups, so we need your help here :-) Rate the app with the amount of stars you think the app deserves and if you like, write a short review to help other DH2 players to find and have fun with the app. And as always, if you've got any feedback, you can reach us here in this thread :-)

Edited by TomDeal

I didn't know you were taking votes for the next app! Is there an official place to vote? I would like to see a Black Crusade app!

I didn't know you were taking votes for the next app! Is there an official place to vote? I would like to see a Black Crusade app!

No, there isn't a place yet, but I'll set up something soon :-)

Wow. That last update is quite robust.

Gut gemacht. :-)