Dark Heresy Digital Character App now available

By Tim Huckelbery, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

Microsoft is going to make it possible to recompile your Android/iOS apps into universal apps so it might make sense to wait for a windows version. The universal app would also run windowed on a desktop environment in windows 10 so you would be killing 2 birds with one stone.

Edited by Kaihlik

No, it's a good question. A version that could run on a PC would indeed be useful. GM's could use it to generate NPCs as well. I'll ask on it.


I've been thinking of creating web app for my group, like this but with added few more options (maybe some already exist i'm yet to buy the app). Like:

-Connecting to a "GM" (even cross platform) so he can have copies of everyone's pc and for combat diffilculty XP calucaltions and much more options for online as for in house play

-Combat tracker and auto roller for NPCs for easier tracking and speeding up big combats

-NPC history, pre-made combat scenarions,...

-Digital map (my group uses projector for battle map)

-Quick access to skill descriptions

And option to buy inapp scenarios with created battle-maps would be awsome or even making it open for community home-brew ones with them taking % of the $$ even better.

Why web app? Because these days its cross platform compatible (even mobile devices now support most of graphic libraries and even OpenGL) and you can do almost everything you could with specific app even use it offline with a bit of modification.

I wanted to apply for FFG app developer when they were offering but i'm still 1 year short of finishing degree that they required :/

Edited by hobbit1337

Is there not a table of talent I can choose from? When I go to add a talent it looks like I have to type the name and the description and then remember to go add the xp cost. In addition is there a way to make it always track xp costs when adding skills or do I need to check that box every time. It seems like the default should be it costing XP with a box to check for adding it for no cost.

Is there not a table of talent I can choose from? When I go to add a talent it looks like I have to type the name and the description and then remember to go add the xp cost. In addition is there a way to make it always track xp costs when adding skills or do I need to check that box every time. It seems like the default should be it costing XP with a box to check for adding it for no cost.

Databases for Talents, Skills, Traits and Aptitudes will be added with the next patch. At the moment, we are trying different ui solutions to display these preset options. Our favorite at the moment is a "typeahead" feature, which adds options as a dropdown without changing the behaviour of the input field. We want to avoid adding another select field if possible, because especially for equipment on mobile phones, there are already too many form fields.

We set the xp cost for skills to be the option, not the default behaviour because of the error case. If you select a new level by accident and then save the skill, you have to remove the xp from the xp list by hand and change the skill back. We don't want to change data thats not in the current popup screen by default. If the player sees the wrong level increase, he might change back the level but forgets the xp increase. This is the same reason we do not increase the skill level automatically on a skill level change. There will however be a new +5/-5 button in the next patch for faster skill level changes.

Databases for Talents, Skills, Traits and Aptitudes will be added with the next patch. At the moment, we are trying different ui solutions to display these preset options. Our favorite at the moment is a "typeahead" feature, which adds options as a dropdown without changing the behaviour of the input field. We want to avoid adding another select field if possible, because especially for equipment on mobile phones, there are already too many form fields.

We set the xp cost for skills to be the option, not the default behaviour because of the error case. If you select a new level by accident and then save the skill, you have to remove the xp from the xp list by hand and change the skill back. We don't want to change data thats not in the current popup screen by default. If the player sees the wrong level increase, he might change back the level but forgets the xp increase. This is the same reason we do not increase the skill level automatically on a skill level change. There will however be a new +5/-5 button in the next patch for faster skill level changes.

Typeahead for selection sounds wonderful. For XP expenditure it makes more sense for removing to also automatically refund the XP paid. Same thing for skill ups, it should add the 5 points automatically when purchased, and remove 5 points when unselected. Even with a +5 button, I now have to remember to do 3 distinct things - select the upgrade I want, check the spend xp button, and manually increase the attribute. That seems like a lot of UI interaction for what should be a straight forward task. If XP costs were always entered as 1 entry per rank, programmatically removing those entries would also be easy.

And please don't think I'm unhappy, it's just a little rough at the edges and I think it could be really great. It's nice to have a responsive developer answering questions too, so thank you for that!

Typeahead for selection sounds wonderful. For XP expenditure it makes more sense for removing to also automatically refund the XP paid. Same thing for skill ups, it should add the 5 points automatically when purchased, and remove 5 points when unselected. Even with a +5 button, I now have to remember to do 3 distinct things - select the upgrade I want, check the spend xp button, and manually increase the attribute. That seems like a lot of UI interaction for what should be a straight forward task. If XP costs were always entered as 1 entry per rank, programmatically removing those entries would also be easy.

And please don't think I'm unhappy, it's just a little rough at the edges and I think it could be really great. It's nice to have a responsive developer answering questions too, so thank you for that!

Yes, you've got a point there. We are experimenting with some UI options to increase the responsiveness. I just don't like if you select the upgrade and the skill value changes automatically, you maybe don't see it and change the value again. We are testing solutions with highlights, modifying the font when something has been edited by not saved yet or a flash when something changed without a user input. There are multiple solutions, we just have to find one that fits for all purposes and all devices.

We hope the app will be great, too :-) And the only way the app can improve is by giving feedback, so we are very grateful about every piece of feedback we get.

Give $7.52?
To GW?


Give out free codes in your over-priced, poorly-constructed, copy-paste books, you vultures.

We are happy to announce even more value for $7.52 or your regional equivalent!

The patch 1.0.3 has been released now with tons of bugfixes (thanks to Thomas (not me) who reported a lot of them!) and a few new additions.To get the new version, just open your DHDCS app while connected to the internet and wait a few minutes (depending on your internet connection speed). The app reloads after applying the patch and if you read 1.0.3 in the footer of the overview tab, you are good to go.

The App store versions will follow in a few days, just in case you need a fresh install and can't connect to our server.

If you have trouble with the app, find a bug, have an idea for a new cool feature or just want to chat about the app, just mail or twitter us or reply in this thread :-)

And here are the complete patch notes for 1.0.3:

  • NEW: Added option to add character sheets to inquisitor warband
  • bugfix: fixed error with manual points allocation in character creator
  • NEW: aptitude new/edit autocomplete
  • bugfix: weight rounded to 2 digits
  • bugfix: fixed fatigue threshold calculation in overview tab
  • bugfix: added mechanicus implants trait to adeptus mechanicus background
  • bugfix: cut some weight from the imperial robe in character creation (5 to 4 kg)
  • change: changed characteristics increase/decrease button to 1 and 5
  • bugfix: allow added SB to melee weapon on weapons without extra damage (e.g. 1d10)
  • NEW: specialist skills in skill view
  • NEW: unknown specialist skills are always at a zero chance to succeed
  • bugfix: unknown normal skills are now -20, not half value
  • bugfix: manual allocation in character creation on a second character doubled the amount of points
  • bugfix: fixed display of news & welcome popup from link in footer
  • bugfix: display „character name“ in inquisitor add player form
  • NEW: added dice rolls for inquisitor (subtlety & influence)
  • bugfix: double quirks rolls in character creation now work correctly
  • bugfix: background mementos of adeptus astra telepathica are now displayed correctly
  • bugfix: fixed hatred talent for hierophants
  • bugfix: added „SB bonus on melee damage“ on weapons in overview tab
  • NEW: option for two-handed weapon in combat tab (in left hand select)
  • bugfix: equipment generated during character creation has „location: player“ now.
  • bugfix: typo in Malignancies fixed
  • bugfix: fixed error in character creation, preventing the second of two weapons (e.g. imperial guard) to be added to sheet
  • NEW: added fatigue threshold modifier
  • NEW: all ranged weapons from character creation are generated with two clips of standard ammunition
  • bugfix: SB bonus on melee damage whitespace fixed
  • bugfix: ranged weapons from character generation don’t have clipsize 0 anymore
  • bugfix: quirk in character tab now editable
  • bugfix: fixed beliefs selection for forgeworld characters
  • NEW: added aptitudes selects to skills edit
  • bugfix: fixed wrong aptitudes in skills

Give $7.52?

To GW?



Give out free codes in your over-priced, poorly-constructed, copy-paste books, you vultures.

Thank you for your input. It will be treated with the attention it deserves.


Thanks for this. I do like having an online character sheet. Yes, I could whip one up in excel but this (a) is more aesthetically pleasing and (b) the money is (in part) going to keep it up to date as new options get added to the game. the [xenos] and [malleus] sourcebooks (whatever they end up being called) and equivalents being in one package makes everything much easier.

Give $7.52?To GW?Bwahahaha!...No. Give out free codes in your over-priced, poorly-constructed, copy-paste books, you vultures.

Thank you for your input. It will be treated with the attention it deserves.

The only thing I would pay $7.52 for is an app that manages character sheets AND does all the math and rolling for this Byzantine system. I would pay $7.52 to be insulated from the poor design decisions, even if that means play is basically all my friends sitting around the table with tablets. Just make an app that lets me never have to use the books or game system. I'd buy that.

Edited by gdiddy

Give $7.52?To GW?Bwahahaha!...No. Give out free codes in your over-priced, poorly-constructed, copy-paste books, you vultures.

Thank you for your input. It will be treated with the attention it deserves.
Thank you for quoting me, allowing others to read my words multiple times. I hope this better allows readers to evaluate the laughable concept of giving more money to GW/FFG. Two companies that are grossly gouging fans for access to intellectual property.

The only thing I would pay $7.52 for is an app that manages character sheets AND does all the math and rolling for this Byzantine system. I would pay $7.52 to be insulated from the poor design decisions, even if that means play is basically all my friends sitting around the table with tablets. Just make an app that lets me never have to use the books or game system. I'd buy that.

I like this guy. Please go post in other threads so we can read your opinions on the wide range of DH2 topics. I have a feeling you will be a boon to the community.

Why would I post about DH2? It's just going to encourage Tim. I want him to acknowledge to himself that DH2 was a misstep that can be learned from. Hopefully, they will start development on DH3 from scratch without 30 year old linear percentile dice resolution and half a book dedicated to combat in an investigation game.

Can you add support for third party game systems like Fate or HERO to the app until DH3 comes out.

Edited by gdiddy

Yes, convince us ignorant forum users by spamming more out of proportion exaggerations about the game's supposed shortcomings. It will be an amusing read, though I fear about your credibility.

Haters gonna hate, too bad they don't go away easily.

Edited by Gridash

I honestly don't have the time to improve other peoples' taste on the internet. I don't think anyone does. But I do know that FFG listens to its community more than GW. And I hope a couple voices that say "hey, your product decisions drove me away, please reconsider next time" every couple months might ultimately improve what could be an amazing product.

Tl;dr, I don't care about you, grimdash. I speak for the love of the game.

Edited by gdiddy

I am not sure if I am doing something wrong but the Gender and Age keep switching or displaying. On the Overview it displays the Age in the Gender and it puts a 20 in the Age.

Just FYI.

I honestly don't have the time to improve other peoples' taste on the internet. I don't think anyone does. But I do know that FFG listens to its community more than GW. And I hope a couple voices that say "hey, your product decisions drove me away, please reconsider next time" every couple months might ultimately improve what could be an amazing product.

Tl;dr, I don't care about you, grimdash. I speak for the love of the game.

I don't think they can develop a product that will universally please everybody. I understand that some people are frustrated because the game took a different path than they would have liked. That doesn't however mean I suddenly respect the kind of people who constantly makes snide and childish remarks on this forum about the game and its developers, just because they don't personally like DH2. If you want to reach FFG, do it in a respectful manner otherwise you'll just be ignored. At best you'll just annoy the people on this forum, until they'll learn to ignore you, that's it.

For the record, I speak for the love of the game.

Edit: I'll stop posting about this now since I don't want to derail the thread into some hatefest.

Edited by Gridash

But is the App any good? $7.52 is kind of a lot (since most range from 0.99 to 3.99)

But is the App any good? $7.52 is kind of a lot (since most range from 0.99 to 3.99)

I'd say yes, but I think I'm pretty biased :P What do you get for this 7,52 (or your regional equivalent):

- a digital character sheet app with a lot of features

- free content updates with new features every few weeks

- free content updates for every supplement release

- and a developer who really cares, tries to help and listen to the community :D

I think this is worth one McDonalds Menu or a Pizza you eat while playing Dark Heresy with your friends, but in the end, it is up to you.

And as always, if you have any questions about the app, just ask and I will try to answer them as fast as possible.

Is there any directive that prevents the app from supporting third party systems/sheets?

That is an honest question, because I would buy five copies for my group if I could run FFG content with a different system.

I do like the idea presented of having the App be as complete as possible. Tracking vehicles, equipment and all their mods.

Come to think of it, any chance we could see an App for Only War?

Is there any directive that prevents the app from supporting third party systems/sheets?

That is an honest question, because I would buy five copies for my group if I could run FFG content with a different system.

Do you mean a different FFG system like Only War or Deathwatch or a complete different system like D&D?

Let me grab the other comment, too, since the answer is the same :-)

I do like the idea presented of having the App be as complete as possible. Tracking vehicles, equipment and all their mods.

Come to think of it, any chance we could see an App for Only War?

We hope there will be an App for Only War too, but we don't know yet. We will complete the DHDCS App first, that is our main focus at the moment. Then we will release the App for Dark Heresy First Edition. After these two apps are complete (complete as in we are happy with the state of development, but we will continue adding free content updates), we will sit down with FFG and GW and discuss our next steps. I don't think we will put more than one system in an app, but as I said, this is not set in stone in any way. We just want to provide the best character sheet apps on the market :-)

Regarding "tracking vehicles, equipment and all their mods", could you describe that in detail what you think the app should provide there?

I wasn't thinking D&D, as that product has a very expensive license and is in direct competition with FFG, but there are large number of open license and open source systems that could be included to increase the sales base of the app. (Fate, for instance)

I am taking Griddy's advice and refraining from ascerbic commentary on charging 8 bucks per app for each 40krpg 1e game. Please reconsider this, the games are all virtually identical and aging. Customers might pay 20 for everything if you bundle it all together. Not to mention the bundled app gives greater flexibility building characters and advertises the whole line.

$8 per game? Holy lol that's dumb.

Then again if GW's absurd pricing tells us anything it's that 40k nerds have far more dollars than sense (or regional equivalent).

It's mostly dumb from a business sense, mostly because they're so late to the game and their competition is free...


I have to agree that selling each Gameline as it's own app is a turn off. I would definitely buy a program for $25-30 that handled all of them in the same app as you released them, but I am not likely to buy one for each system as a seperate app at the $8 price point. Ideally what I'd want is something like Hero Lab, but for the 40k RPGs.

With regard to the Gear/Vehicles thing: I'd like to be able to keep track of any Modifications or Upgrades a character's weapon has and the bonuses/penalties they provide. Same thing for Vehicles, though it would also be nice to track if/how a vehicle is damaged as well.

Edited by Cripple X