My "upcoming" Forever Talisman set of rules: these setup a game of talisman by a set of 18 cards giving all players in the game options on what boards, endings and rules will be played with.
My "upcoming" Forever Talisman set of rules: these setup a game of talisman by a set of 18 cards giving all players in the game options on what boards, endings and rules will be played with.
Please tell us more.
Please tell us more.
Sure will, but I'm half way through the play testing..
Right'o' need playtesters.
Heres what you need knowedge of and expansions owned
Forever Talisman
Advanced rules on Talisman setup and game play
Note on playing with Talisman expansions:
So if anyone is interesting in testing these rules out just holla'
I'd be keen to test them out - not sure when our next game will be, so I can't confirm I'll be too much help, but I'd like to if I can!
Aok I'm just proofreading the rules PDF and getting together all the other stuff thats needed to test it out.. Send me a meassage with your email if you can so I can send the stuff to you, not alot of printing to do 18 start game cards and some of the DE characters can be used in the rules too. Oh and a close shop template for the city.
Forever Talisman Cards are up on my Pinterest.
some cool character abilities in there, stole a bunch:)
some cool character abilities in there, stole a bunch:)
Which ones are you talking about? all my old fan made characters?
yeah, specifically:
yeah, specifically:
black cat with 9 lives that causes loss of fate (i had a lifeloss version of this)move another charactercausing discard of followers/objectsminimum 1 goldskullreaders ability to manipulate adventure deck also during other players' turnstifling other players' abilitiesgaining fate when other players lose lifeI like unusual abilities that either manipulate gamemechanics in a new way or offer player interaction and strategic choices.and silly ideas like a cat with 9 lives that still works mechanically, offering a new type of character;)
Yeah the Black Cat, this was before the follower too.
New Closed Shop Templates for Forever Talisman.
Sorry for all the posts but it was the post way I could post the card images.
Forever Talisman Cards are up on my Pinterest.
Great work, I like the design
Version 1.1 now. Small changes nothing deep. I have it all up on Dropbox now for play-testers to get access to the files so we can improve the rules.
Version 1.3 now live. Works very well. Dropbox link: Box link:
Download and try it and let me know what you think?
Edited by UvathaVersion 1.5 now live. Harbinger friendly "I hope" normal links for download aok.
These look great Uvatha
I will be reading up on these rules for sure. Although I still have Orcs! to work my way through
The official Version 1.5 now live. added some rule changes like added more effects that take away endings due to the shear volume of them at mo. Awaiting my Harbinger set to play test its involvement - normal links for download aok.
Right 1.53 uploaded a lot better now that I've play tested with The Harbinger. Dropped a lot of stuff and streamlined the rules also added another way to generate start game cards.
1.54 up changed how The Harbinger works within the rules now you can play with the expansion but weakened down a bit.
Where can I read your expansion set? All I can find is link to pinterest with some graphics.