SirWilli's Workshop: Armada stuff

By SirWillibald, in Star Wars: Armada

the new box looks great can't wait to start building these

thanks for all the hard work

After 3 actual built prototypes, about 20 wasted sheets of cards to know and about 8 hours of work I did it:

Slightly more effort to build, but the destroyer fits firmly inside this amazingly sturdy (no kidding, I didn't expect it to be that sturdy) "MacroHangar", along with his GearBox. I have to admit, I'm somewhat self-satisfied... :)

I absolutly love your work, but for this one, the prefix "micro" is totally inappropriate, even in sarcasm-quotes.

You've verging on MegaHangers.

That's awesome

I was just looking at your site hoping you had some wave 2 hangar plans available to download.

Great news that it's in the works, I just finished boxing my wave 1 gear. I really appreciate your work, it's great to be able to save my pennies for ships instead of foam!

And that's the main reason why I spend my time on those boxes... Stupid foam, Planos...

After 3 actual built prototypes, about 20 wasted sheets of cardstock and about 8 hours of work I did it:



Slightly more effort to build, but the destroyer fits firmly inside this amazingly sturdy (no kidding, I didn't expect it to be that sturdy) "MacroHangar", along with his GearBox. I have to admit, I'm somewhat self-satisfied... :)

You could omit the little rectangle things, but they completely prevent the destroyer from rattling. And the large one under the lid holds the GearBox in place as well as helps increasing the sturdiness.

Those look awesome. I cannot wait to get my grubby fingers on the file :) .

Thanks a lot guys, it's really encouraging to read all your nice comments, in fact I wouldn't be so dedicated if I didn't have the feeling that there are people around who actually make use of all my stuff.

And FYI: Hangars for MC30c and Imperial Raider are done (and they are really cute... :) ), currently working on Home One. Gearboxes will follow, of course.

Can't wait! I've had my wave two stuff on the shelf because I have no way to transport it safely. Once your boxes are released I will feel much better about taking wave to on the road with me :) .

Great news that it's in the works, I just finished boxing my wave 1 gear. I really appreciate your work, it's great to be able to save my pennies for ships instead of foam!

And that's the main reason why I spend my time on those boxes... Stupid foam, Planos...

After 3 actual built prototypes, about 20 wasted sheets of cardstock and about 8 hours of work I did it:



Slightly more effort to build, but the destroyer fits firmly inside this amazingly sturdy (no kidding, I didn't expect it to be that sturdy) "MacroHangar", along with its GearBox. I have to admit, I'm somewhat self-satisfied... :)

You could omit the little rectangle things, but they completely prevent the destroyer from rattling. And the large one under the lid holds the GearBox in place as well as helps increasing the sturdiness.

Aye carrumba! That is a beautiful hanger! I'll be making that as soom as it drops on your site... I was in a touranment on Sunday and everyone was cooing over your micro hangers, so I'm guessing they'll be seeing more use in my area now.

Impressive. Most Impressive.

you sir are a master of your craft.

As always, your work is beautiful sir!!!

I've been posting in the wrong thread, ha! That's what I get for trusting a search function!

Love the boxes, all of my Wave 1 got boxed up last night. I got a little high on the glue, but it was worth it.

Anyway, has anyone found a good carrying case that can hold a whole mess of the hangers? I figure since they are all square I can find something, but figured I would ask if anyone has found a perfect solution.

I've been posting in the wrong thread, ha! That's what I get for trusting a search function!

Love the boxes, all of my Wave 1 got boxed up last night. I got a little high on the glue, but it was worth it.

Anyway, has anyone found a good carrying case that can hold a whole mess of the hangers? I figure since they are all square I can find something, but figured I would ask if anyone has found a perfect solution.

I went for a plastic bin with a locking lid, probably $10 at my local store. I will probably need to get a second one once SirWillibald releases the Wave 2 boxes, but it's much less expensive than the Battle Foam case I'm using for X-Wing.

I've been posting in the wrong thread, ha! That's what I get for trusting a search function!

Love the boxes, all of my Wave 1 got boxed up last night. I got a little high on the glue, but it was worth it.

Anyway, has anyone found a good carrying case that can hold a whole mess of the hangers? I figure since they are all square I can find something, but figured I would ask if anyone has found a perfect solution.

I use these and they are perfect for the microhangars

I've been posting in the wrong thread, ha! That's what I get for trusting a search function!

Love the boxes, all of my Wave 1 got boxed up last night. I got a little high on the glue, but it was worth it.

Anyway, has anyone found a good carrying case that can hold a whole mess of the hangers? I figure since they are all square I can find something, but figured I would ask if anyone has found a perfect solution.

I use these and they are perfect for the microhangars

And the blue ones are half off. Nice, thanks!

Aye carrumba! That is a beautiful hanger! I'll be making that as soom as it drops on your site... I was in a touranment on Sunday and everyone was cooing over your micro hangers, so I'm guessing they'll be seeing more use in my area now.

Impressive. Most Impressive.

you sir are a master of your craft.

As always, your work is beautiful sir!!!

Hey guys, easy, I'm starting to actually believe all this praise, my wife won't be amused, she already thinks I'm taking this far too serious and that I spend too much precious time on building silly paper boxes ("You have WHAT? A WEBSITE? You mean there are more freaks like you out there? You gotta be kidding me...").

Thanks for your praise, really like to read it! :)


Wave 2 stuff is done (MicroHangars, SquadHangars and GearBoxes), now I'm looking for some help from native speakers:

I do my best not to make any mistakes, but due to the ever growing size and amount of my PDF files, this is becoming more and more difficult, despite proof reading. Every now and then little bugs occur and I have to build the PDF file again and you guys out there might waste ink/paper/money. I'd love to reduce the amount of those tiny bugs by having a few more eyes for proof reading. Here's what I'd like to have:

Language teams of a handful of native speakers for each supported language, I already assembled a german team and now I am looking for an english one. Since I speak english myself and have access to all english rules and cards this team merely needs to proof read everything, translation shouldn't be a problem.

I already started a french version of my Armada stuff and have been asked for an italian version, as well, so I'd need even more teams. Those teams should consist of people speaking both their native language and english and I'd need them not only to proof read, but to translate a bunch of phrases from an Excel sheet I'd provide in the first place. Because I'm nearly finished with automating my Armada workflow adding additional languages is not a big deal, feel free to ask. :)

Should you be willing to help, simply let me know by PN and send me your mail address!

Edited by SirWillibald

Wave 2 is done - fantastic!

I can help proofread english

Tell your wife you are internet famous, if you ever come to New Brunswick Canada I'll buy you and your wife a nice dinner.

Edited by OgRib

LOL, tell your wife you are a pillar of the community! People across the Globe ooh and aah when your work is displayed. Your screen name is spoken in game stores in every major country and even a bunch of the small ones. You're kind of a big deal.

:D :D :D


Wave 2 is done - fantastic!

I can help proofread english

Tell your wife you are internet famous, if you ever come to New Brunswick Canada I'll buy you and your wife a nice dinner.

That's very nice, thank you! :)

LOL, tell your wife you are a pillar of the community! People across the Globe ooh and aah when your work is displayed. Your screen name is spoken in game stores in every major country and even a bunch of the small ones. You're kind of a big deal.

:D :D :D


:D Wow, that's nice, I'll take this thought with me into my weekend, thank you!

My newly formed Armada proof reading team (Thanks!) just received the first bunch of files, keep your fingers crossed...

Wave 2 is done - fantastic!

I can help proofread english

Tell your wife you are internet famous, if you ever come to New Brunswick Canada I'll buy you and your wife a nice dinner.

That's very nice, thank you! :)

LOL, tell your wife you are a pillar of the community! People across the Globe ooh and aah when your work is displayed. Your screen name is spoken in game stores in every major country and even a bunch of the small ones. You're kind of a big deal.

:D :D :D


:D Wow, that's nice, I'll take this thought with me into my weekend, thank you!

My newly formed Armada proof reading team (Thanks!) just received the first bunch of files, keep your fingers crossed...

Just one error found, sent to your email.

It's done!


Upload (ENG and GER version) will follow within the next few days...

Awesome work yet again. Looks like I will be playing with card stock and scissors this week!

We'll, I know what I am doing next weekend :)

Thank you for the great work SirWilli.

Great work as always Sir :)

you have just planned my spare time for this week,hopefully at work :)

thank you.