SirWilli's Workshop: Armada stuff

By SirWillibald, in Star Wars: Armada

Thank you for your work, Sir Willi. My entire fleet is protected by Willi Corp, minus wave 2. I modified one of your hangar boxes to hold all of my cards in one, too. Even the ship cards. Works great.

Sir Williband. The same offer for dinner goes for Fort Worth/Dallas area in Texas. You are awesome and I love your stuff.

Wave 2 stuff ready for action!〈=en

Awesome, thanks. Any chance you can put 2 boxes (of the same type) per page where they will fit (e.g. MC30)? Will save on a little card and help a few trees here and there ;)

He mentioned when we were proof reading that the single box per page was due to the automated PDF creation process. They are offset to allow paper flipping to maximize card stock usage.

I have a full set printed up and need to start cutting tonight. I grabbed a few of the Really Useful Boxes that Swusn recommended so I am ready to fill them up with Wave 2.

He mentioned when we were proof reading that the single box per page was due to the automated PDF creation process. They are offset to allow paper flipping to maximize card stock usage.

This. I'm really sorry for the - hopefully - minor inconvenience, but creating pages with multiple boxes would crash my thoroughly constructed time saving workflow, and since I'm doing stuff for a bunch of games by now time spent on such things will be missed elsewhere.

I tried to further ease the pain with the PNG archives, which gives you even more flexibilty in creating your very own print sheets of any desired size.

OK with that? :unsure:

And by the way, I seem to have pushed too hard trying to make the fold lines unobtrusive, I got some feedback that they are almost invisible this time. I think I'll let my above mentioned workflow do its work one more time and increase the thickness of all lines. For the sake of comparison: Before the automated workflow building all pdf files again would have cost me something around 4 or 5 hours (no kidding), now I can do it in less than one hour. Believe me, that's a huge relief.

Great Scott, I ordered a Really Useful Box lately, it arrived today (4l), wanted to see for myself if it goes well with my Armada stuff...

It seems like they were meant for each other, the ISD hangar fits exactly(!) inside of it and both the squad hangars and the upgrade cards boxes have just the right height. The squad card boxes and small GearBoxes, as well, but see for yourself:


Notice that it holds 5 squad hangars in a row, again like there were meant to be there.

And what's best, the lid closes both firmly and easily and the box is really sturdy, especially the bottom, most likely the best one I tried so far. Thanks for the hint!

Edited by SirWillibald

can you please post a link to that box, and where you got it online? Thanks!

can you please post a link to that box, and where you got it online? Thanks!

Here you go.

He mentioned when we were proof reading that the single box per page was due to the automated PDF creation process. They are offset to allow paper flipping to maximize card stock usage.

This. I'm really sorry for the - hopefully - minor inconvenience, but creating pages with multiple boxes would crash my thoroughly constructed time saving workflow, and since I'm doing stuff for a bunch of games by now time spent on such things will be missed elsewhere.

NP, just thought it was worth asking. If it saves you that much time, I can understand you not wanting to change it. Thanks again for all the hard work you do to provide these for the community :)

Great Scott, I ordered a Really Useful Box lately, it arrived today (4l), wanted to see for myself if it goes well with my Armada stuff...

It seems like they were meant for each other, the ISD hangar fits exactly(!) inside of it and both the squad hangars and the upgrade cards boxes have just the right height. The squad card boxes and small GearBoxes, as well, but see for yourself:


Notice that it holds 5 squad hangars in a row, again like there were meant to be there.

And what's best, the lid closes both firmly and easily and the box is really sturdy, especially the bottom, most likely the best one I tried so far. Thanks for the hint!

Do all of the various hangars fit in this box? The Assault Frigate seems like it's pretty fat. No problems there?

I'm going to need another box...


My collection is 2 of every ship but the AF, Home One, and ISD, 2 of each fighter pack, and 1 Rogues. The AF, 1 Glad, 1 MC30, Rogues, and 1 Imp fighters set are missing from the above, still waiting on those to arrive.

I imagine 4 of these boxes used with Sir Willi's boxes would hold an average collection.

Thanks again Sir Willi!

Edited by elijahdprophet

can you please post a link to that box, and where you got it online? Thanks!

Here you go.

From Amazon UK, is this the same one?

Is anyone else having problems printing these from an iPad? The boxes seem to come up a touch small, as if they were actually Letter sized rather than proper A4. I've looked for a scale option but there doesn't seem to be one in either iBooks or my printer's own app.

sorry man - pc master race ;)

I did a quick search and I read that ibooks prints at the same scale you are viewing at, can you adjust that?

My wife uses an ipad heavily, but it always drives my batty trying to do specific tasks/configs like this. Maybe you'll have to take these to a print shop like kinkos or staples?

Any suggestions on the best way to subdivide a TokenBox for Armada use?

Is anyone else having problems printing these from an iPad? The boxes seem to come up a touch small, as if they were actually Letter sized rather than proper A4. I've looked for a scale option but there doesn't seem to be one in either iBooks or my printer's own app.

I strongly advice not to print from any mobile device or directly from a browser, this won't ensure the correct size, and even a few mm off would result in your hangars not fitting.

Download the file and open it on a PC/Mac using Adobe Reader. When printing make sure to print in real size and everything should be OK!

Any suggestions on the best way to subdivide a TokenBox for Armada use?

A maybe helpful tip:

Build one of each compartments and simply try what kind of tokens need which size. After that check if you can fill up complete boxes, maybe you have to enlarge one or two compartments or add another one and split up other compartments. This is what I did when building my IA boxes.

can you please post a link to that box, and where you got it online? Thanks!

Here you go.

From Amazon UK, is this the same one?

It looks like it is.

Just assembled the first ISD box last night and it is a thing of beauty. It really is easy to assemble following the informative and amusing instructions on the website. I love how it all fits together - paper engineering genius. Looking forward to getting the rest of my collection boxed. Thanks again!

Can anyone confirm if the Assault Frigate hangar fits in the Really Useful Box that has been mentioned above? It's a bit fatter than the other hangars and I really want to ensure that whatever storage solution I settle on will work? Would it be safer to get the double tall (9 liter instead of 4) one and just be safe?

I'm going to need another box...


My collection is 2 of every ship but the AF, Home One, and ISD, 2 of each fighter pack, and 1 Rogues. The AF, 1 Glad, 1 MC30, Rogues, and 1 Imp fighters set are missing from the above, still waiting on those to arrive.

I imagine 4 of these boxes used with Sir Willi's boxes would hold an average collection.

Thanks again Sir Willi!

Hah you all Discovered the Really Useful Boxes! I've been picking them up at my local Office Depot stores and using them for Armada, Xwing, Sails of Glory and others.. They live up to the name. I've got one of their tall 9L boxes for each xwing faction and one for the Armada ships.

Can anyone confirm if the Assault Frigate hangar fits in the Really Useful Box that has been mentioned above? It's a bit fatter than the other hangars and I really want to ensure that whatever storage solution I settle on will work? Would it be safer to get the double tall (9 liter instead of 4) one and just be safe?


Hrmpf. But take a look at this:


I think it's safe to expect a new hangar for the MkII, really don't know why I didn't think about placing it this way in the first place...

i got to just say i love the ISD box it is a wonder and fits so well

Can anyone confirm if the Assault Frigate hangar fits in the Really Useful Box that has been mentioned above? It's a bit fatter than the other hangars and I really want to ensure that whatever storage solution I settle on will work? Would it be safer to get the double tall (9 liter instead of 4) one and just be safe?

Okay, just gave it a try, and it fits just barely NOT:

I think it's safe to expect a new hangar for the MkII, really don't know why I didn't think about placing it this way in the first place...

Sounds good. Thanks for checking it. I think these might be the way to go to organize it all. And they seem to be fairly inexpensive too. Nice!

Can anyone confirm if the Assault Frigate hangar fits in the Really Useful Box that has been mentioned above? It's a bit fatter than the other hangars and I really want to ensure that whatever storage solution I settle on will work? Would it be safer to get the double tall (9 liter instead of 4) one and just be safe?

Okay, just gave it a try, and it fits just barely NOT:


Hrmpf. But take a look at this:


I think it's safe to expect a new hangar for the MkII, really don't know why I didn't think about placing it this way in the first place...

That is weird, Mine fit in just fine.