SirWilli's Workshop: Armada stuff

By SirWillibald, in Star Wars: Armada

That's a fair and understandable point, I've added it to my list. Hope to have some spare time soon!

I would also appreciate this.

I'm a huge fan of your microhangers (I've almost got my entire fleet fitting in a single core box, with a small spillover). So I'm wondering when you might have updates that include Wave 2?

I'm a huge fan of your microhangers (I've almost got my entire fleet fitting in a single core box, with a small spillover). So I'm wondering when you might have updates that include Wave 2?


Planning to do them, but the german edition is not available, yet. And since my two little boys want to play with me I really need the german version and furthermore I can't afford to buy the english version in addition.

Only yesterday I was told that the german wave 2 should be available in about two weeks...

Oh, and there's the issue with the ISD, I'm kinda afraid in terms of doing a hangar out of cardboard for this baby. But don't worry, already have an idea, just don't know if it works out as planned.

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The squadron boxes fit perfectly in an 8x2 grid in the rear compartment. They can be stacked 2 high in the box, so you can store 32 squadrons in the starter box, in just one of the partitions. I store ships in the front, cards and bases and stuff in the middle, and squadrons in the back. It works really well. You have truly saved me from storage OCD.

I saw that Wave 2 is still not available in Germany yet. I just finished the hangars for the last of my Wave 1 fighters, so I guess I can wait ;) . Any chance that the Rogues & Villains boxes can come out before the ships?

I saw that Wave 2 is still not available in Germany yet. I just finished the hangars for the last of my Wave 1 fighters, so I guess I can wait ;) . Any chance that the Rogues & Villains boxes can come out before the ships?

Should be possible, just a little busy at the moment. If everything works well, wave 2 should arrive this week at my house!

I don't suppose that any of the wave 2 fighter are higher than the TIE-Fighter or B-wing squads?

Slave One is. Its much taller.

The others tend to to end up around much the same.

Slave One is. Its much taller.

The others tend to to end up around much the same.

Aargh! That sucks, it means my standard squad hangar size won't work. Won't be a problem to do a bigger one, of course, but I was hoping that I could stick to the standard squad hangar size.

Question to everybody:

Would you like to have separate hangars for all those single fighter squads or should they be bundled in a single box, maybe one per faction?

I'd say one per faction. Def.

SirWill my Wave 2 is awaiting your awesomeness. Thank you so much for all of your work.

I actually plan on separating (removing from the support peg) the Firesprays if you make individual boxes.

The jerk Boba Fett will not interfere with my squadron storage!

The jerk Boba Fett will not interfere with my squadron storage!

:lol: I couldn't have put it better.

I'll think about it, for starters I'll go with individual squad hangars (standard size). The combined box is still on my mind, but I'm hoping to have some free time soon to complete my ModularMiniaturesBox, which would provide an easy way to build pretty much every combibox of your own liking.

As much as the combined squadron box would be cool, I think I'd prefer the individual boxes. Makes fleet building a bit more straightforward as I can just take out what I need and no more.

I'm eagerly awaiting the wave 2 hangers! I'm hoping that I can still fit my collection in the two started boxes, along with all other accouterments.

I prefer the current system, with the individual squadron boxes, but with the option of carrier boxes. Wave 2 images for the carrier boxes would be nice :) .

I took this last night while opening up my R&V packs:


Looks like the Firespray is about 3-4mm taller. Every other squadron looks like they will fit.

I actually plan on separating (removing from the support peg) the Firesprays if you make individual boxes.

The jerk Boba Fett will not interfere with my squadron storage!

I'm thinking the same thing. I'd rather pop it apart when storing it than have one squadron box that screws up the nice even stacks.

I use these boxes for all my cards in both xwing and armada and they're awesome. A great and good looking way to keep them all organized. I already had a system I like for all the ships but I'm sure those are awesome as well.

Has anyone experimented with a better wearing material than the regular thick stock suggested? Something with a gloss finish maybe that won't tear at the most used areas like the tops? Even if it's something that won't fit through a regular printer that would be ok. If it lasts a long time I wouldn't mind paying to have them printed at a kinkos or something.

Question to everybody:

Would you like to have separate hangars for all those single fighter squads or should they be bundled in a single box, maybe one per faction?

One box per faction would be great (4 per box) :)

On a related note, would it be possible to do this for the wave 1 squadrons? A box to hold 4 of each squadron type (i.e. an A-Wing box, a B-Wing box, etc.). I tend to use 2 or 4 of each fighter type in my lists - so having one box for each would make setup and packing away a lot quicker and easier.

Question to everybody:

Would you like to have separate hangars for all those single fighter squads or should they be bundled in a single box, maybe one per faction?

One box per faction would be great (4 per box) :)

On a related note, would it be possible to do this for the wave 1 squadrons? A box to hold 4 of each squadron type (i.e. an A-Wing box, a B-Wing box, etc.). I tend to use 2 or 4 of each fighter type in my lists - so having one box for each would make setup and packing away a lot quicker and easier.

Four-squadron carrier boxes already exist, so all that would need to be done is some new art.

Four-squadron carrier boxes already exist, so all that would need to be done is some new art.

Ah I've missed that. Different art for each squadron type would still be good though

Four-squadron carrier boxes already exist, so all that would need to be done is some new art.

Ah I've missed that. Different art for each squadron type would still be good though

The file for the carrier boxes does 10-, 8-, 6-, and 4-squadron boxes. I'm looking forward to doing some 4-squadron boxes myself when the art for R&V comes out.

Happy new year everybody, wave 2 arrived yesterday, work on the ISD hangar prototype seems promising, I think I'll make it:


Look very nice, Sir Willi! You're my hero!!

Would it not be possible to merge the gear box in the hangar? That would be nice?

Look very nice, Sir Willi! You're my hero!!

Would it not be possible to merge the gear box in the hangar? That would be nice?

Actually the reason behind the triangle shaped reinforcement thing being lower than the main box is that - if all works out as planned - you can put the GearBox inside the hangar :)

Great news that it's in the works, I just finished boxing my wave 1 gear. I really appreciate your work, it's great to be able to save my pennies for ships instead of foam!

Great news that it's in the works, I just finished boxing my wave 1 gear. I really appreciate your work, it's great to be able to save my pennies for ships instead of foam!

After 3 actual built prototypes, about 20 wasted sheets of cardstock and about 8 hours of work I did it:



Slightly more effort to build, but the destroyer fits firmly inside this amazingly sturdy (no kidding, I didn't expect it to be that sturdy) "MacroHangar", along with its GearBox. I have to admit, I'm somewhat self-satisfied... :)

You could omit the little rectangle things, but they completely prevent the destroyer from rattling. And the large one under the lid holds the GearBox in place as well as helps increasing the sturdiness.

Edited by SirWillibald