Storage and organization of tiles

By Lifer4700, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

So, I just received my order for the rest of* Descent, and I'm wondering how people store theirs.

I've seen people use foamcore to store the base game and an expansion , but has anyone tried storing everything in one container?

I could see the use of having all heroes, classes, and monsters together, and for these I'll probably use the Plano trays and case that I already use for X-Wing.

But what about map tiles?

I guess, ultimately, I am really asking about tile storage / organization.

For organization, I could see having them in numerical order. that would certainly help find the ones you need, but that's horrible for space.

How the heck do you store them efficiently, while still being able to find what you need quickly?

Oh, and also OL & item shop cards. Are they mix-and-match, or should you stick with the cards that came with each expansion?

* - The Trollfens, Lair of the Wyrm, Manor of Ravens, Labyrinth of Ruin, & Shadow of Nerekhall. In addition to the base game, and the conversion kit (I got D1e core cheap)

Edited by Lifer4700

I keep all of my expansion decks mixed together- if I'm ever playing without a certain expansion, it's easier (and rarer) to need to sort through an pull out cards than it is to shuffle them together every time.

I have stored tiles multiple ways- probably my favorite is by groups of 10 in zip bags- a bag for 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, etc. All of the connectors go in a bag (I separate the Nerekhall connectors from the others) all of the 2x2 pieces go in their own bag (right angles, etc), all of the doors/overgrowth/portcullises go in their own bag, and the entrance/exits have one as well. This is by far the easiest way I've found to locate tiles quickly.

Another way I've tried recently is sorting by tile size, in numerical order- this is a little longer finding tiles, but saves space. I have a bag for the 2x4s, the 4x4s, those with a largest dimension of 5, 6x2-3, 6x4, 6x6, and then the 7-9 largest dimension tiles.

Here is my work in progress 'Ultimate Descent Box'

It probably won't be that for very long though. When I started it, I had left 2 spaces extra reserverd for heroes, one for the upcoming Visions of Dawn, and one if they would ever release another H&M pack.

Of course, not a day after I started working on the box, they announced Bonds of the Wild. So If they announce another one, I won't have space reserved for that (or those) heroes.

Level 1: Gameplay

This level has all conditions, the shop decks, relics, search cards, tokens and all the dice. It also stores the Travel, Secret passage and rumor cards. It will also store the City event cards (where the small booklet is now) but I don't have SoN yet.

The bottom right of the level has little ziplock bags which contain each heroes current items and stuff



A few elements can be taken out, for easy access during gaming:


Level 2: Heroes

This stores all the hero figures (per expansion), as well as all class decks, hero cards, tokens,..

The white layer under the heroes actually has circular holes in it to fit the base of each hero into, and in the end will be painted in the same style as the hero bases will be painted


The little boxes with tokens are also removable, so each hero can put the tokens he needs in his play area.


Level 3 to level X: Overlord and Monsters

All the overlord cards, plot cards, and monster cards, and overlord tokens.

The empty part (and levels below) will be in the same style as the heroes level but for the monsters)


The right part with the card part is also seperate from the left part that houses the monsters, so it can easily be placed next to the overlord if needed

The infection tokens are also removable


Bottom level: map tiles

They are grouped by size, and each group is ordered by number.



If you are wondering about the little wooden pins you see on the left, I use those for the 'setup' you can see here:


This way, I can set up both encounters (the day) before we play Descent, and when we are done with encounter 1, I can just remove the top board and we can almost instantly continue with encounter 2 that is underneath.

And in case you were wondering, I spent a lot of time designing this in 3DS Max (3d modeling software) before I started actually building it.

Sorry for the long (image heavy) post, and the low quality of the images.

Edited by Atom4geVampire

Atom4geVampire you did a great job!!

Initially I made the foam plans for the base game. Then I made a similar foam insert for the Lair of the Wyrm and now that I got Labyrinth of Ruin would need more space so I removed all the tiles and put them in a binder with numbers so I can easily find them, 4 by 4 (1-4, 5-8 ...) and it fits perfectly for now :)

I have also all the plot decks for the base game plus the two expansions I have so I need also space for them and for now, everything works just fine :)

Atom4geVampire, I love what you did here, is there a kick starter for it or anything like that?

By the way, two questions to Atom4geVampire:

1 - Do you have plans to make a blueprint? I would love to have that as a project.

2 - Do the cards fit sleeved?

When I've finished it, I could always try and create an 'how-to' for it. I'm still adjusting some things when building it, so I think only when I'm done I could create something like accurate blueprints.

And about the sleeved cards: I don't know to be honest, because I don't have them sleeved. Most slots are a bit wider than they need to be, so I assume they would, but I'm not sure.

That extra space is so the cards are easy to take out, and so they don't get stuck. It might also make each stack of cards a bit higher, for all the plastic in between, so I don't know about height either.

Zaltyre, thank you for your input - those were two ways I was thinking about as well.

AtomForageVampire, I think I cried a little... that is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

I think I will ultimately end up using a combination of these plus tuck boxes.

For the record, I store all of my tiles in the base game box. Cards are in a large expansion box, and figures and tokens are in plano boxes. It works well for me.

One thing I have frequently commented on about Descent is that if FF ever released a storage solution for the game where everything is easily accessible and orderly and the final product was made to look like a legit treasure chest they would make bank off of it. I would easily drop $100 for something like that, no question about it.

For the record, I store all of my tiles in the base game box. Cards are in a large expansion box, and figures and tokens are in plano boxes. It works well for me.

I do a similar thing. I put all the tiles (except the dead ends and those entrance/exit size) in the core box, also all the books (I don't have heirs of bllod, and I'm sure it will not fit anyway).

The three mini campaigns are empty, and the rest I divided between the 2 big boxes: cards, dice and everything eles in one and bigger minis in another. The other minis and tokens goes on a giant plastic box (also goes her all the heores and monsters from 1st edition)

My current solution is to put the cards in their own box with them grouped into Ziploc bags (status effects with cards) and tokens all separated by type and put into their own bags as well. The monster figures are all in the base game box and the heroes are all in a small expansion box in a small sandwich bag with their card. The tiles are all placed in Ziploc dividers in groups of 5 in numerical order with connectors and end pieces in divider and doors in another as well.

It ain't pretty, but it makes set-up and tear down pretty simple. We can swap out scenarios and monsters in less than five minutes with my group pitching in.

Atom4geVampire, What material did you use for the boxes and the underground in which the heroes models are standing?

I just used foam board. The black one used for the box itself was already black (I did not paint it) and is 5mm thick, the white one is 3mm thick (roughly the same height as the bases of the figures)

Judging from your username I'll assume you are either dutch or belgian and you'll be able to understand this :) :〈=nl

It's relatively easy to manipulate and stuff, though I am gonna make the box that I was planning to make that goes around the smaller boxes from a bit sturdier material, since it does get dented pretty easily.

Edited by Atom4geVampire

Haha yea i`m Dutch. Thanks for the link!

I really like what you`ve done with it, especially with the condition cards/tokens. I could never get that right, both cards and tokens easy to grab and grouped.

Thanks :) Yeah, it works quite well. You can just press down on one side of the card when it's covering the tokens underneath, and it just slides into the little slot it stand in and flips open almost automatically.

Another funny thing is: I didn't plan for it, but I bought an extra dice set after building that part of the box and 2 sets of dice fit perfectly in the space reserved for dice. Pure coincidence! :D

Some negative issues with my current version are:

  • If they release another H&M pack or expansion, it's heroes won't fit into the box.
  • The space available for overlord cards is just way to small if you have all lieutenant plot decks. (It fits with whats currently available, but barely)
  • The space for the map tiles will also easily become to small if another expansion is released.
Edited by Atom4geVampire


really beautiful stuff!

is there a possibility for blue-prints? I´m pretty new at Descent but have already 3 Expansions and i´ts getting messy in the boxes with all the stuff in ziplock-bags.

This would be a nice work for the winterholiday this year :D

Have you updated your design?