Stupid truck! BE FASTER!
Stupid boat! BE FASTER!
And I'm broke until next pay day. Gorrammit!
Now for another 7-10 days for it to get to distributors, and if you preordered it another week or so of waiting for it to ship to you!
The slow march to victory begins!
West coast tends to be closer to 10 days than the 7. We'll probably see this in Seattle on the 19th.
Strangely, as much as I want the Beginner box, I want the AoR career book too more.
Well, hopefully the FLGS will have it in stock in a couple weeks. Probably figuring on the 19th at the earliest, though given how their luck with their distributor tends to be with FFG products, will probably be more likely to be the 10th (figuring July 3rd as a holiday for those of us in the states).
Still, nice that it's finally off the boat.
Don't forget, people who don't mind spoilers, now you can periodically spam F5 on the product page as you wait for the continuation adventure.
Begun, the Queue Wars have...
Don't forget, people who don't mind spoilers, now you can periodically spam F5 on the product page as you wait for the continuation adventure.
Well, nothing today. . . .
OK, confession time. I've been trying to get a coworker to give the system a shot, so I told him the beginner box featuring lightsabers and force powers was coming soon. He was really interested, and he's been looking forward to it ever since. However, whenever I plan things, stuff always manages to go inexplicably wrong. I just have terrible luck. So, if you're wondering why this has been on the boat for a full month and a half now, I'm pretty sure it's my fault. Sorry about that.
Next time, I'll try to slow down an Armada shipment instead.
Within 24 hours of giving up and running the EotE Beginner Box, it finally ships. Yeah, it must've been my fault.
So... shipping... what does that even mean?
Goes off to check...
So 7 to 10 days in the US a bit longer for Canada... what about the rest of the planet?!
Still don't know what's on the other side of that map with the shrine, soon to be demolished from orbit by the Empire...
Well it isn't hidden that well and you know the PCs can never keep it secret...
Sigh end of the month can't get here soon enough!
Edited by copperbellI found this picture on the internet. I see the main antagonist Malfax. Can't wait for the game.
Did you see the boxes next to each player? Are they dice boxes? I don't recognize them.
Did you see the boxes next to each player? Are they dice boxes? I don't recognize them.
It's advertised in the latest Esdevium Games new release.
Now if only they'd announce a Hera figure for Disney Infinity...
OK, Now for the F&D Corebook....C'MON STUPID BOAT BE FASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's advertised in the latest Esdevium Games new release.
Now if only they'd announce a Hera figure for Disney Infinity...
I mentioned this on another forum. They rarely show all the figures at the initial reveal. It would be staggeringly stupid to not have Hera, Chopper, the Inquisitor & Kallus.