Mind you, the article is about yummy Washington apples and not Jedi stuff, but apparently the ports are still a *********** from that slowdown .
Stupid boat! BE FASTER!
Just came to me. What if they're just hoarding these up at distributors? I remember when Imperial Assault was taking an exceptionally long time to get into stores, and there were a number of instances where distributors had to hold onto them for more than a week , but other distributors were still waiting for theirs for some time.
Could be the same thing. They're trying to make sure there's a big unified push through all distributors that goes out at once since Beginner Boxes all tend to be much bigger, and so you can't ship quite as many at a single time compared to supplements and such, and because they're expecting a lot of interest for this particular product.
God I love that clip with the cat!
Meanwhile... since I'm in the UK wouldn't the retailers be putting this on pre-order over here if they were storing them?
That kind of thinking might leave stores with an excess whilst those that didn't have that opportunity wait for the second printing?!
God I hope not!
Box is a lie...
I checked the Upcoming page and nothing has been on boat this long. I think something is up. I wonder what it could be?
Oh yeah, let's build the hype...
I checked the Upcoming page and nothing has been on boat this long. I think something is up. I wonder what it could be?
The boat has been intercepted.
Did the EU sink it?!
Is this the EU Strikes Back?!!!
Did the EU sink it?!
Is this the EU Strikes Back?!!!
Nope we don't have it
maybe a Somalia pirate attack?
So they can post previews of Imperial Assault but not release the Jedi game? Seriously? Priorities people!
Patience you must learn if a Jedi you are to become.
This boat! It's holding me back!
I checked the Upcoming page and nothing has been on boat this long. I think something is up. I wonder what it could be?
The boat has been intercepted.
Oh, wait - I found the problem with the boat:
Patience you must learn if a Jedi you are to become.
That does it. I'm leaving the Jedi Academy to join Starfleet.
For whatever it's worth, the Beginner Box now lists its latest update on the Upcoming page as 6/3/15 (June 3, 2015), so while nothing seems to have visibly changed (no new articles, no change in status) it seems that something is happening behind the curtain.
Edited by RortharrYou're right, and it seems the status of Desperate Allies for AoR is about to be updated as well.
I wonder if the cargo containers it was in got knocked over into the drink and destroyed, and now they are getting shipped again? I wonder if we have another 8 week wait ahead of us?
Edited by Torg SmithAs frustrating as it is for us, imagine how it is to be FFG? Nine weeks on, all this product (and potential sales) stuck in unreleased limbo AND the inability to come here and complain about it (unless, of course one of you guys are an FFGer in disguise).
Edited by DesslokI'm still betting on it being hoarded up so they can get a larger, more unified release out.
Could even be that they're waiting on pushing it out so they can get it out at a specific time or just so the gap between the Beginner Game and Core Rulebook isn't so big.
Regardless, it's probably unlikely that the shipment that went out a month an a half ago is still sitting on a boat when much of FFG's other stuff has been getting out more regularly. A chunk of the shipment being damaged is definitely possible, but I still wouldn't imagine that's the case.
Sitting on a boat? Probably not. Sitting in a shipping container in the shipyard waiting for processing? Much more likely.
It probably depends on what port it's currently stuck in - like I mentioned a page or two ago, the Washington apple crop is still way behind in its shipping times and growers are having to throw out perfectly good product. I can't speak for the ports in Portland, LA or Long Beach - but I know the Pacific Northwest is still screwed up six months on.
Unless, there was a problem with the shipment itself. A misprinting possibly?....that would suck.
That map of the shrine does have something else on the back doesn't it?
That would be nasty if they double checked it before releasing only to discover the back is blank, right?!
Not saying it has only thinking worst possible reason for the delay...
The Dark Side clouds everything...
i keep checking everyday hoping that by some chance it will start shipping. but to no avail. i wish FFG would say something. i'd be more patient with this whole situation if they just came out with a "hey, guys. (a) we messed up. there was a misprint (or whatever). (b) shipping times are taking a lot longer than expected. here's all the info we have about the delay." instead of hiding and going on as if nothing were out of the ordinary.