Looking for Timett Son of Timett (AHoTa) x3 & Tyrion (AHoTa) x2

By RJM, in 5. AGoT Trade Forum

Title says it all. I'm looking to pillage, plunder, or otherwise trade/purchase 3 copies of the one-eyed maniac.

Email, PM, or IM me with offers and prospective cards you might be looking for yourself. Hopefully I can finally scrounge a few of these up for my clansmen/infamy deck.


email: RyanJMiller1 -AT- gmail.com

aim: RyanJMiller2

Well, turns out CCG Armory's stock was incorrect (again...) and now I'm also still looking for 2 copies of Tyrion Lannister (AHoTa) as well.

I'm also still looking out for a couple copies of the Bastard of Bolton, and will trade or pay well for any of the aforementioned 3 cards.


Thanks to Dobbler, it looks like I'll be getting all of these except a single copy of the Bastard of Bolton! Right on.