Whoot! Official release on the 12th!
On the side note, Champ, it is "available" now, if you know what I mean.
Whoot! Official release on the 12th!
On the side note, Champ, it is "available" now, if you know what I mean.
12th of what?
*Needs this game*
Trothael said:
12th of what?
*Needs this game*
As in it releases in 2 days. Though I'm already enjoying it. The remixed music gains my approval.
Games Day and Space Hulk....or pokemanz fandom....
Games Day and Space Hulk are both one time things....Pokemanz is forever...
Trust me Card_Breaker, I was in the know. I also do enjoy the music, but in my opinoin, it makes the game sound too epic...when in my opinoin..an endless battle between a Metapod and Magikarp continually using Harden and Splash until resorting too Struggle cannot be epic in the least bit.
Where are you in the game? I'm just leveling up, but I really don't want to spoil the game for myself...so I won't go far (as I didn't in 358/2 Days). I just train...right now, I have a Typhlosion, Haunter, and Ampharos all above lvl.30 and I'm about to fight the first gym...sad isn't it.
TheChampIsHere said:
I've done worse on the original G/S...
...trust me...I plan too...I don't want to go far in the game since I got it for free and I prefer not to spoil it...so, I'm not gonna fight him until I have a full set of 6 pokemon over 50...thats what my friend did in pearl...but you have to admit, training is fun...is it not?
TheChampIsHere said:
...trust me...I plan too...I don't want to go far in the game since I got it for free and I prefer not to spoil it...so, I'm not gonna fight him until I have a full set of 6 pokemon over 50...thats what my friend did in pearl...but you have to admit, training is fun...is it not?
I've been a semi-official pokemanz breeder since a month after the original G/S were released...The games storyline is only there to impede my breeding/training programs.
Just started as I just found out. I have my Lv 5 Cyndaquil... xD
Though I plan on exploring for today. Then I'll start a new game and record it... with terrible quality... Unlike Days, I can actually understand some dialogue now! Thank goodness I learned some Japanese.
I have found one spot where my game freezes... but by no means is it necessary to go there. If I go to Elm's second floor, it freezes... does this happen to you?
Card_Breaker said:
I have found one spot where my game freezes... but by no means is it necessary to go there. If I go to Elm's second floor, it freezes... does this happen to you?
Also, sending your cards today. I was to busy to send them yesterday.
...**** Thievin Pirates....
Lulz Boy...AWAY!!!
oo gold and silver brings back memorys of inbreed mice ( dont ask how but my friend had three whole pages of inbreed marils)
Yes, the game has a security wall at many different points in the game (similar to KH's Roxas waking up freeze on the downloaded ones) to stop people from playing the game who download it. It doesn't happen there for me, but the game is prone to freezing randomly, so I save often too not have to shut off your game...in between levels 42-43 of my Typhlosion, it froze, and made me redo it all from level 37. Just save often and you wont' have a problem. Oh...they are all around 45 now...still haven't beaten Falkner...can't wait to see how badly he can't touch me.
(He is the first gym leader)
Card_Breaker, since you haven't put much effort into the game yet, then you should download the new patched one that was released late last night. If you get that one, the freezing problem is eliminated.
I need a PAL region release. NOW.
Seriously. Drug addicts compared to me and Pokémon.
TheChampIsHere said:
Yes, the game has a security wall at many different points in the game (similar to KH's Roxas waking up freeze on the downloaded ones) to stop people from playing the game who download it. It doesn't happen there for me, but the game is prone to freezing randomly, so I save often too not have to shut off your game...in between levels 42-43 of my Typhlosion, it froze, and made me redo it all from level 37. Just save often and you wont' have a problem. Oh...they are all around 45 now...still haven't beaten Falkner...can't wait to see how badly he can't touch me.
(He is the first gym leader)
Card_Breaker, since you haven't put much effort into the game yet, then you should download the new patched one that was released late last night. If you get that one, the freezing problem is eliminated.
Yeah, I found out about the patched one and random freezing though I don't feel like started over again to get the patch (actually, I found a patch where my progress is still there, it just fixes the problem... may try it later). Though it only happens to me when entering/exiting a building. I do save often now though. I play for fun/completion on my DS, but I play another file on an emulator for recording... do you know any good recording programs that record sound as well? Because I tried hypercam but couldn't get it to record sound...
Wow... that cursed me... now I freeze in the middle of battle, ends of battles, and right after saving...
Anyways, this is just too easy... I already have a Lv 14 Quilava and a Lv 6 Gastly which I'm training. Then, when morning/day comes, I'll get myself a Mareep and train it before taking on Falkner. This music rocks... but I agree it is a little overwhelming... sounds more like they are celebrating many years of pokemon rather than having it in the game...
On the 3rd gym with a Lv 21 Quilava, Lv 19 Flaafy, and Lv 18 Gastly. Gonna be a challenge considering I haven't really trained them that much.
Champ, do you have the Arceus and Pikachu-colored Pichu? Because it would be very useful to me.
EDIT: After 2 revives and Whitney spamming Milk Drink/Rollout, I've won. Rollout is as hard as I remember... Plus she kept infatuating my Quilava... Now to heal my pokemon...
This is such a drag... I can't go into the Pokemon Center in Goldenrod! I've tried at least 20 times, but it freezes everytime. So, I decided to use the patch. Pretty awesome having some of it translated but it still freezes! Yes, I got the patch with both translation AND no freeze, so the freezing should have stopped... or at least been lessened... And I really need to get into the Pokemon Center... My Gastly needs to heal to train more...
EDIT: This just isn't my day... my microchip has now just stopped accepting Pokemon Soul Silver to be placed onto it... I can drag any other game, even ones with more MB and they copy onto the chip fine, but when I try Pokemon Soul Silver (even different files of it), it says not enough memory...
Thankfully, after getting a new micro SD card, it transfers perfectly. And I can now enter the Pokecenter!!!! The old one must've broke or something...
EDIT: I've been playing for an hour straight and still no freeze! Patch must've worked!
EDIT2: I've stumbled across the Pokethlon! The music is very work-out-like.
EDIT3: Whoa! You can survive poison?!?! Everytime I've walked with a poisoned pokemon, it fainted... but this time, my Quilava at 1 HP had a message saying "Quilava survived the poison. The poison has gone away." Since when has this been used in the games?
Cool. I just beat Bugsy today, and have my Haunter, Ampharos, and Typhlosion are well into the 60's. As for Arceus, I think I have one, I'll check. The Pichu, I don't have any...yet...sadly, since I only have 1 Arceus I think, I'm not sure I'd trade it away.
TheChampIsHere said:
Cool. I just beat Bugsy today, and have my Haunter, Ampharos, and Typhlosion are well into the 60's. As for Arceus, I think I have one, I'll check. The Pichu, I don't have any...yet...sadly, since I only have 1 Arceus I think, I'm not sure I'd trade it away.
I see... wait... I think I have a solution... Create a backup save... Then trade Arceus to your Platinum. After, load back up the old save and Arceus should be there? If it is then keep doing this to create many Arceuses... or is it Arceii? Arceus?
If that works, then I plan on doing the same thing in order to get all 3 Lv 1 Dragons. Do event, trade, load up the old save... repeat...
EDIT: OMG! I got attacked by a Sudowoodo!!!!
EDIT2: Btw, both our teams are highly vulnerable to ground moves... I must find a water type... Hm... the only one I've come across so far is Wooper... and I don't like it... I'll probably trade over a Mudkip/Marshtomp/Swampert then...
EDIT3: Caught Sudowoodo!!! Only took 3 Pokeballs too! I remember it took me 30 Pokeballs and 11 Great Balls in Silver...
EDIT4: Got my first freeze but very minor and still working without freezes otherwise.
Yeah, just save often. I haven't looked for the Arceus in my Platinum yet, but I'll tell you when I do too see if I have one or not. I know I have 2 Arceus, 1 isn't the event, and the other, I'm not sure....I caught the Sudowoodo yesterday also....he sux...but he's a sudowoodo, so he'll stay on my team...
TheChampIsHere said:
Yeah, just save often. I haven't looked for the Arceus in my Platinum yet, but I'll tell you when I do too see if I have one or not. I know I have 2 Arceus, 1 isn't the event, and the other, I'm not sure....I caught the Sudowoodo yesterday also....he sux...but he's a sudowoodo, so he'll stay on my team...
Well, if it is the event one, if you make clones of it with my above strategy, that would be great.
Just got to Olivine and I realized I could continue no further as I had no pokemon that could surf! So, I traded over a Marshtomp Lv 45 to my Soul Silver. Now then... ON TO CIANWOOD!!!
EDIT: OMG! Just encountered Raikou!!! It was at Lv 40 while I was at Lv 27... see my problem? I managed to paralyze it before it ran away... so I should be able to Mean Look it next encounter and then proceed to weakening it. My Flaafy also evolved into Ampharos!!!
EDIT2: After being confused for a day, I finally found out how to get to Jasmine. In the lighthouse, you go to the 3rd story? (take the stairs, not the elevator) Now, what appears to be a dead end is NOT. Go to the right and jump out the window... yes, I just told you to commit suicide. You actually will now land on a platform outside the lighthouse... the 3D effects are AMAZING!!! Any how, go to the left, pick up a Rare Candy and Re-enter the lighthouse... there we go, case solved. I would've never figured this out if it weren't for my curiosity of why the window was perfectly horizontal to the character... I was like: No... It couldn't be... And what do you know... it was... xD
EDIT3: It may seem we are finally able to get Flying Pikachu! http://www.serebii.net/heartgoldsoulsilver/wifievents.shtml In the picture, there is a Pikachu with balloons attached... plus it says we can catch pikachu with an attack it doesn't normally learn... I'm going to say we have a good chance that this is the Flying Pikachu that many people have been waiting for... Unfortunately, we'll have to wait until the US release since we don't have Pokewalkers...
EDIT4: The Red Gyarados of Lake Rage has been caught! Surprisingly, it took me only 4 Great Balls.
Just beat Claire, now in the Dragon's Den... After which, I'm going to Ecruteak to beat the Kimono Sisters and then to the Whirl Islands to catch Lugia!
EDIT: Just beat the Kimonos... phew... they were tough! And this round, you cannot switch pokemon in between! So you are stuck with probably at least 1 weakness when facing them. My Typhlosion was no match for Vaporeon... had to switch to Ampharos... who fainted upon entering thanks to that Surf... so I used Swampert to take it down...
EDIT2: Wow... the cutscene for Lugia is awesome! And I'm loving the music too. Now, my focus is too catch it... Whoa! Got it to red hp on one hit with Discharge!
EDIT3: After it took out 3 of my top pokemon, I caught Lugia in my 13th Ultra Ball! Talk about (un)lucky! xD
EDIT4: Lol, Lugia's so big that it can only follow you outside. Inside, I have no pokemon following me.
EDIT5: It's been confirmed that it is possible to get Flying Pikachu! http://www.serebii.net/heartgoldsoulsilver/pokewalker-area.shtml Go to the Yellow Forest section.