Ironman's Bay Area - NorCal Meta

By cha0s2, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions

From San Francisco to San Jose, the peninsula to Pittsburg, from Berkeley to Brentwood, and everything in driving distance.

IF you are into A Game of Thrones in Northern California this is the place for you.

We meet every Wednesday night at Black Diamond Games in Concord from 6 to 10pm.

CaliCon 3 is coming!

This weekend on Saturday, Sept. 12th and then again on Sunday, Sept. 13th.

If you're in NorCal and play thrones, you dont want to miss this. Post here if you need the specifics.


No more Threat from the East Bay?

Freerider said:


No more Threat from the East Bay?

Well with the infusion of players from around the bay, including santa clara and the peninsula, our meta has grown and its only apropriate to name it accordingly. TftEB must evolve to survive, its part of the nature of the beast...

I don't know... going from Threat from the East Bay to Ironman's Bay sounds like DE-evolution to me (or maybe I just think the only good use for a Greyjoy is calamari).

Hey everyone! Did you get a chance to read the Seattle tourney thread?

I got 2nd place! Woot.

Rings puts on a great tournament and I would encourage everyone to try to make it to one of his Seattle is freakin' awesome! Its a great place to visit so there isn't any reason NOT to go. gui%C3%B1o.gif

Good for you Cha0s. Sounds like it was a blast, and yeah would have been fun to go maybe, but not really an option. Maybe next year.

Hey Freerider & south bay crew,

Are you still interested in trying to get everyone together on a weekend, maybe in October? I suppose Game Kastle would make the most sense...I can bring 2 for sure, and maybe even 4 if the timing works out. Let me know what all you south bay peeps are thinking!

If we can work out a time/day that works then absolutely yes. I need to get back to you with my schedule though cause I have some stuff coming up on the weekends in Oct. Not sure about anyone else though. But yeah I'd certainly love to see some of you guys come down and get some games in.

Well I will be out of town the weekend of Oct. 24th and 25th so that weekend won't work for me. I am almost positive that the 10th-11th and the 17th-18th are available for me.

Can anyone else meet up on one or more of those days?

I think it would be great idea too, but my schedule's getting complicated. I know already that I have conflicts on the 3rd, 10th, and 17th (and all of the Sundays). The 24th and the 31st are maybes.

November's not looking much more open, either. ~Clearly I've got to take another look at my priorities...

EDIT: Ha -- just my luck that my schedule would be the exact opposite of cha0s's...

cha0s said:

Hey Freerider & south bay crew,

Are you still interested in trying to get everyone together on a weekend, maybe in October? I suppose Game Kastle would make the most sense...I can bring 2 for sure, and maybe even 4 if the timing works out. Let me know what all you south bay peeps are thinking!

Just curious -- which "2 for sure and maybe even 4" are you referring to? Anyone I would have met during CaliCon?

Hmm, I seem to be free this weekend maybe course that's not a lot of time now to arrange things. I'm also free the weekend of the 11th. Week after that (18th) is Renfaire at Casa. Week after that (25th) we'll be having guests. Week after that (31st) is well... Halloween and on a weekend so that's probably a no go for most people anyway.

So either this weekend or next weekend for me.

Arma virumque said:

Just curious -- which "2 for sure and maybe even 4" are you referring to? Anyone I would have met during CaliCon?

I can bring my brother Jon (who you met at CaliCon) for sure. Then of course there are Luke and Cisco who you have not met because they were both out of town during CaliCon...oh and I can ask Brent as well to see if he is interested in carpooling down (he was at CaliCon on Sunday and so missed meeting you and Geoff-with-a-G).

...and maybe if we are real lucky, Kevin might grace us with his presence. I will work on finding out his schedule.

Also I realize that it will be much easier for me to rearrange things to match up with your availability, so just let me know when you (and Geoff) can get away for a couple hours and I will do my best to be there. (excepting Oct. 24th and 25th since its my wife's B-day and we are headed to Vegas to party)

cha0s said:

Also I realize that it will be much easier for me to rearrange things to match up with your availability, so just let me know when you (and Geoff) can get away for a couple hours and I will do my best to be there. (excepting Oct. 24th and 25th since its my wife's B-day and we are headed to Vegas to party)

I hate to say it, but it's probably best if you plan around the schedules of Freerider and Dr.Cornelius (and maybe jmccarthy?). The only free weekend days that I have in the next two months are Oct. 24, Oct. 31 ( maybe -- depending on Halloween plans), and Nov. 14 (although I can't even be sure about that, since I will be returning the night before from more than a week out of town).

I'll ask Geoff if he's interested in playing on a day when I'm not there. I'd be happy to loan him my cards, of course.

Incidentally, Freerider and Dr.Cornelius and I played a fun melee last night. Bara summer vs. Stark winter vs. Targ stealthy-and-deadly. Targ carried the day.

Arma virumque said:

Incidentally, Freerider and Dr.Cornelius and I played a fun melee last night. Bara summer vs. Stark winter vs. Targ stealthy-and-deadly. Targ carried the day.

Yeah fun game. Very nice showing out of house Targ too, especially considering we never saw a couple of things normally considered standards in a Targ deck.

Well if October doesn't pan out, no worries. Perhaps something in Nov. will present itself. Either way we should all be active (as possible) on the boards and our thread to see who is available to play and when.

Hey JMcCarthy, you still out there?

Still out here, I've just been really busy at work and home. I think the last time I played Thrones was when we played online a month (or longer) ago. Hopefully things will settle down soon and I can update some decks with some new cards. :-)

Too busy to play Thrones?!?! J/K

I understand. If you do manage to look into your crystal ball and see an open weekend (or even just a sat. OR sun.) in the future, let me know and maybe we can get something organized.

*fingers crossed

Hey everyone, just wanted to give you all a head's up about this coming Sunday. Black Diamond Games, the location where the Ironmen of the East Bay meet is having an anniversary shindig at its location in Concord. From 4-6pm I will be running the AGoT table, so any and all are welcome to come out and play a few games, learn some more about the game, or help teach others about the game. The bigger the crowd around AGoT, the larger the enthusiasm around this great game we all love. Afterwards we can hang out and play some pickup 1 v 1 or Multi, maybe even grab a bite across the street at La Plaza (amazing food/inexpensive). If there is much interest, I'll make sure we have some ample play space, so don't be shy to post.


Once again, the time is this Sunday, October 25, from 4-6pm (plus longer if people want to stick around and play). Here's the location info:

Black Diamond Games

1950 Market Street, Suite E

Concord, CA 94520

Wow, the BDG Anniversary Party was HUGE! I have never seen so many people in the store at one time. Quite the turnout. It was so busy I wasn't able to set up the thrones table until after 4:30...but it didn't matter, it was a big success. We started a three person multi-player which quickly became a 4 person, all with new people. In addition, we had tons of people come by and watch, check out the core sets, ask about the rules and LCGs in general. It only lasted an hour and a half, but it was great!

This wednesday I will be at the store for the full time, 6-10pm...and I hope that some other can come by and play some thrones!

I'll be there!

P.s. Sorry about the Demo decks (or lack there of)...

Glad to hear the event was a success. Even better to hear you may have new interested players. Now if we could just develop teleportation technology so I wouldn't have such a long commute up there and back.

We had some great success at Multiplayer last night! For those who were there, it was a grea, swingy, fairly fast moving game. Almost everyone at the table had a decent look at victory before it was over. Also, three of the four were running Shadows Agenda, so certain cards were just ridiculously powerful: Queen of Thorns comes immediately to mind...she had a stack of power on her like the tower of Pisa!

Great times everyone, hope to you all (and some new faces) next wedensday night!

Well if you haven't seen it yet, OCTGN is the future of Game of Thrones online. If anyone is interested in testing this program out let me know...Darren, Luke or Jeff.

Also how are things looking for a meet-up in Nov.

Any free weekends on the horizon?