A Serious Petition to Fantasy Flight Games

By WayToTheDawn, in Hollow Bastion

Chris Padilla (Akira_Miyamoto)

I started playing the Kingdom Hearts TCG in 2007, even going as far as to buy additional starter boxes to get my friends to join in. After a few weeks, we'd all but forgotten the game. Not because it wasn't great, but because at the time, I was also playing an equally great, but much better supported World of Warcraft TCG. Now, a year and a few months later, I find myself drawn to the game again when I saw that a few new sets had been released. To my surprise, I returned not to a game that had flourished in a tough environment, but is barely surviving due to the efforts of a few truly hardcore fans. Nonetheless, I know this game has the potential to be much bigger than it is. But, we are just fans. We can try our hardest to get others to play, but it amounts to very little in the end without the help of you, the company. At the very least, there needs to be an organized play system. It would increase connectivity between players, and would allow for an environment where others can easily join in. Considering the franchise this particular game is based on, I'm honestly surprised that you, the company hasn't tried to market it more aggressively. Kingdom Hearts is very popular, with many games under its belt, and more on the way. And, as it turns out, a pretty good card game.

Nicholas Major (devilmonkey)

This game is fun, but it NEEDS support. I had an entire card shop actively playing this game a good 6 months ago. Now it's dead. People wanted tournaments and a see-able future for this game, but the extreme lack of support was a huge deterrent. I has a huge supporter of this game for two years, and even I have fallen out of this game. There's only so much neglect a person can take before they say "Screw it". This game markets on a HUGE franchise. All it needs is some stable support, attention and encouragement and it'll repay you 100 fold

Jonathan Carinci (username: Levin)

Dear FFG,

Kingdom Hearts has been by far my favorite video game series of all time and most likely will stand as that. I was amazed to hear that a card game was being launched 2 years ago and I instantly got hooked on the card game as soon as it was released over here in the U.S. Kingdom Hearts has such a large fan base and it amazes me how you guys can sit here and promote all these other role playing games that literally anyone I ask in the card shop I go to has no idea what they all are and here you have a card game with an ACTUAL fan base and you just ignore it like it's nothing. When the card game was first launched I tried being active in promoting the card game and even got a small following of people from the local card shop to play. Sadly they all lost interest in the beggining because it just took way too long for set 2 to be released. I still play the card game and have a whole 2 other friends that still play at the local card shop because we love the card game and the video game series. I'll still buy the cards regardless of whether or not you decide to take it to the next level and actually set up an organized play system for a card game that has so much potential. I don't think you realize how much money you could of been making if you just gave this card game a chance and kept up with it like you should have from the beggining.

Charles Bissey (TwilitNothing)

I was forced to quit this game because of money issues. I play a few different card games and it got to the point that I had to limit myself. KH is a really good game, but due to lack of OP I decide to drop it. I will reconsider if OP ever starts up. The card game I play currently is just over a year old and already has many good locations were they are sold and played regulary. I know you've kinda had OP with the tournys with different rules, like Neverland and Curse of the Heartless, but nothing really stable.

Joel Woods (B1acK)

I have spent over a thousand dollars $1000 on this game buying singles and Booster boxes in bulk. While I must admit it is a reasnoble priced game it is not worth spending a penny on. The lack of orginized play, decent rulings, and constant update on future sets leave players wounderin in the dark. I've played Yu-Gi-Oh in the past from the start and no stone was ever left unturned some had even been turned over twice or mor times that game has a magazine of decks to build tournements taking place and supplyier adds: i know the next 2 sets of yugioh to be relesed in america and the next 3 in japan witch can't be siad for ffg's Kingdom Hearts tcg-ccg. Share the Love this is one of the best card games I've ever played you guys have a disgruntled fan base what if we stop buying your cards, huh what then then you lose all possably revenues and a sweet deal the strike will come and they always work don't let it come to that it is that serious to some of us all you have to do is give a little Orginized pay a few updates every month and thats all we ask for.

We Dont Want The World Just A Decent Orginized Support Base

Joel Woods

sam grinnell username: comieguy

i hav been plying for awhile and i always read that flyier in my local shop and in other places not sure where but ffg has promise promo for ogranized play and so far only the big tournmants get them were as local ones see nothing at less in my experiance. ffg should step up to the plate and support local play. rulings are another thing that needs to be looked at. to be able to have full rules for cards that are just left in the dark for players to guess on isnt good for business.

Brandon Smith (Username: FlameChampion267)

My girlfriend and I are loyal fans of the kingdom hearts series, more so when we learned of this fascinating TCG that we could both get into. Our concern is that these cards are very difficult to locate, despite their popularity. I feel like this is a game with such wasted potential. We are keeping our fingers crossed that things might yet turn around.

Lor Lee (Leigh)

My biggest concern is the lack of knowledge that we have over the direction of this game. I'm a player from New Zealand, an avid fan of Square-Enix and of Kingdom Hearts, and they always let you know in advance - often hinting at the end of something - what is coming next. Here we know nothing. Is our interest in this game wasted? Is there nothing more to come? Or do we have a reason to keep playing?

Matthew Bullock (Vinceff7)

I am not like most of the first people to sign this, in the sense that I have only been playing for a little over a month; so I cannot say I feel any sort of resentment over site/rulings/play/news situations. I simply haven't lived them.

What I can say is: I completely understand that, as a general rule, running a League or Friday-Night-WHATEVER GAME YOU WANT event on a regular basis is a player/store responsibility. The store needs to know having the event as part of its regular routine will be beneficial to its business, and the players need to take the time to either have a judge on hand, or educate themselves on ruling as they come up in a constantly evolving game environment. So while I accept the other player's concern for support (any added Promos/ other such support always boosts the desire in the store/players that were afore mentioned to live up to their responsibilities), I understand that beyond increased prize/advertising support, a lot of the organized play issues aren't Fantasy Flight's responsibility.

However; those two specific things that ARE Fantasy Flight's responsibility CAN be addressed by the company. A promise of promotional or incentive product that increases the desire for attending an organized play event by players would certainly increase player volume. And it doesn't even need to be new cards, other companies (such as Wizards/Score Entertainment) simply issue foils and alternate arts of currently existing cards that people typically play in decks. I know foil patterns of the Player/XIII characters that do not have such as yet would certainly be a staple of many in the Video game fan-boy/girl camps. And secondly, increased advertising so that retailers and buyers actually know the game is out there, is the best course of action for the Fantasy Flight Company's best interests. In the last month of I have bought 4 starters, and 6 sealed booster boxes worth of product. but it has all been spaced out in either Target or Online retailers. Local stores that would carry the product, when inquired, honestly did not know the game existed. And they carry a consistent amount of Fantasy Flight products in other areas. It blew my mind.

I am not voicing from an aggrieved stand point, simply from the stand point of a new convert who would love to have the chance to really go with this game into an enjoyable future. I hope that is how it works out.

Shane Duckworth (Shaneth)

I honestly do not play the Kingdom Hearts TCG. I come from the UFS forums, and I am not surprised to see the KH players facing similar problems that the UFS players are. The main problem is the same:

FFG is not handling their CCGs very well.

It seems like they are doing as little as possible just to get by. They are a board game company and to them, CCGs are just extra green in the pocket. From what I am reading in the OP, the KH community only gets one single employee to go to. This is very similar to the UFS community. We have two employees to go to, although both are barely active and post once in a blue moon. Also, I am reading that there has been no organized play system for KH. That is indeed pretty pathetic considering how long the game has been out. Although UFS does have an organized play system, the prize support that is given out is total craptastic, not even satisfying the least bit of players. Spending $400 to go to Gencon only to get back $50 does not increase morale. UFS' previous holder, Sabertooth Games, was a much smaller company and did a much better job handling their CCG. Why is it that a larger company cannot even match what a smaller company did?

To myself and plenty of others, it seems like FFG does not care for their CCGs.

Like everyone else, we just wish for more support.

Thank you.