Kingdom Hearts Community! I ask you now to join me in signing this over it and if you agree post your name (or username if you don't want your real name known) and a reason why you believe FFG is dropping the ball. together I believe we can make this great game what it deserves to be! Please avoid any conversation here as well...I'm trying to make this as professional as possible, your name and a reason will suffice, thank you all.
Dear FFG,
We, the loyal community of The Kingdom Hearts Trading Card Game, would like to make a statement concerning how it is being handled. For the past two and a half years we have spent countless hours play testing, promoting, and buying this amazing product only to be met with muddy card rulings, lack of company support, and no hope of ever seeing an Organized Play system. We believe that you, as a company, do not understand what property you are dealing with. The Kingdom Hearts Video Game is a global phenomenon that has sold millions of copies worldwide and is adored by fans of both Disney and Square-Enix, merchandise such as T-shirts and Action Figures sell out constantly. What we’re getting at here is that your not showing enough support for a game that could be making you so much more money than it already is.
Two years ago, when Kingdom Hearts premiered at GenCon Indy, Kingdom Hearts had it’s own section of the FFG booth, a big screen TV was playing the Demo CD, and wouldn’t ya know drew the fans in, people were lined up around the booth to demo it! Where did this support go we ask. Last year Kingdom Hearts had no demo areas at the FFG booth and the product was stuck in a small corner which took forever to find. So we ask again, What Happened?
You have a loyal fan base now that understands what you have to go through with getting things approved with the original company and all the red tape that requires, but we can’t imagine that showing more support for such a huge property would be that much more difficult, as we mentioned, do you even understand how huge of a property it is? We are not asking for much here, just more support. The kind of support you show UFS, or Game of Thrones, at least they have Organized Play, at least you show them some semblance of company support; whereas we only get one incredibly hard working employee (Jaffer Batica) who I know feels the pressure.
Below we are signing this petition and telling you why we believe that these things need to be addressed. We pray that you will listen and understand how much we love this game and how much we want to see it succeed, but without more support from you, it will die off like its Japanese counterpart did. Thank You.
~The Kingdom Hearts Community