Mr. Dawn's Wandering Merchant Shop

By WayToTheDawn, in Agrabah Bazaar


Whatcha Buyin'?
Whatcha Sellin'?

Feel free to shoot me an email at if you'd like to make a private offer or if you have any questions. Also, let me be clear that I am only TRADING CARDS, I do not wish to do any cash transactions. Thanks! ^_^


Set 1

Ariel level 3 x1
Simba level 2 x1
Tinkerbell level 2 x1
Oathkeeper x1
Wight Knight x2
Halloween Town level 1 x3

Simba Level 2 x1
Goofy level 1 x2
Donald level 3 x1
Ariel level 1
Ariel level 2 x1

A Darkness Awakened

Jack Skellington level 3 x1
Sally x 1
Beast Level 3 x1
Hercules level 3 x1
Peter Pan level 3 x1
Mushu level 4 x1
Tinkerbell level 3 x1
Tinkerbell level 4 x3
Graviga x 2
Stopra x1
Oblivion x1
Pot Spider x1
Halloween Town level 2 x2
Maleficent x1

King Triton x1

Beast level 1 x1
Beast level 2 x1
Beast level 3 x1

Light and Darkness

Dark Riku x1
Kairi x1
Aladdin level 4 x1
Alice x1
Jasmine x2
Wendy x2
Winnie the Pooh x1
Tinkerbell level 0 x1
Aeroga x2
Lord Fortune x1
Trickmaster x1
Crescendo x1
Agrabah level 1 x2
Agrabah level 3 x1
Monstro level 2 x1
Neverland level 2 x1
Fairy Godmother x2

Jafar-Genie x2

Winnie the Pooh x1

Break of Dawn

Donald Duck Level 4 x3
Goofy Level 4 x3
Twilight Town Level 3 x3
Pot Centipede x3

*None at the Moment*

*None at the Moment*


Riku level 2 (Foil and Non) x3
Cid (Foil and Non) x3
Tigger (Foil and Non) x3
Simba level 1 (Foil and Non) x3
Mer-Sora level 2 (Foil and Non) x3
Daisy x3 (Foil)
Tinkerbell level 1 x3 (Foil and Non)
Halloween Town Sora level 3 x3 (Foil)
Kairi (Foil and Non-Foil)
Flag Sora (Foil and Non-Foil)

EVENT 1 (Foil) and (Non)

Tons of Commons and Uncommons...just ask.


Nothing at the moment guys, I'll let ya know! ^_^

Hey Dawn, what would you like for Cloud? :D

All My Wants are listed there at the bottom sir. ^_^

ugh! What the heck! It won't let me edit! grrrrrrrr.

Also Wanting Jack Sparrow Level 3 x2


My SR captain pete Event 1 and herc lvl 2 x2 for your SR genie lvl 2 and SR ariel lvl 2 unless of course your still against trading with me in that case have a nice day..

Darkwing Duck said:

My SR captain pete Event 1 and herc lvl 2 x2 for your SR genie lvl 2 and SR ariel lvl 2 unless of course your still against trading with me in that case have a nice day..

Nah, I think that's all water under the bridge, right sir?

That sounds like a pretty darn good deal to me, shoot me an email with the deets.

Small updates made...It randomly lets me Edit, and then doesn't for some reason...

Oh well I have everything in your want list except Auron, x2 Jacks, x2 Phils, x1 Hercs, and x1 Cow

Would you also offer to sell or combination of both? XD

sungtrs said:

Oh well I have everything in your want list except Auron, x2 Jacks, x2 Phils, x1 Hercs, and x1 Cow

Would you also offer to sell or combination of both? XD

hmm, so that would mean you have:

Phil x1, Herc x1, Cerberus, and Cave x1?

Yeah, and I was about to get Auron, but someone bid higher than me(part of me is glad that I saved that money...) and I just wanted Cloud ever since I started playing KH. I guess look into my trading thread to see if you want anything else XD. I'm also going to update my trading thread pretty soon lol

sungtrs said:

Yeah, and I was about to get Auron, but someone bid higher than me(part of me is glad that I saved that money...) and I just wanted Cloud ever since I started playing KH. I guess look into my trading thread to see if you want anything else XD. I'm also going to update my trading thread pretty soon lol

Right on...I might wait on the update and get back to ya...I'm trying to get everything I need for mah deck so I wanna make the most of a Cloud trade...he's so saught after around here, lol.

Yeah I feel ya lol I just can't wait for the AC Cloud and Sephy(KH2) to come out > :D I'ma go frenzy on those boxes when it does muahahahaha!

I updated but didn't really change much...@_@;;

Hey Mr. Way to the Dawn im intrested in your flag sora promo. I have cerebrus and cave of wonder gaurdian is there anything else on my list you may want? i do not care about rarity with the promo. get back to me when you can. Thanks

Saturn said:

Hey Mr. Way to the Dawn im intrested in your flag sora promo. I have cerebrus and cave of wonder gaurdian is there anything else on my list you may want? i do not care about rarity with the promo. get back to me when you can. Thanks

Yeah, that doesn't sound too bad...throw in that BoD Alice you've got maybe as well?

anyone got a bite for Cloud yet? XD

sungtrs said:

anyone got a bite for Cloud yet? XD

Nope llorando.gif

I'll get back to ya after GenCon though sir...don't worry.

Oh okay lol, good luck at Gencon! :D

....also when is Gencon? Rofls

sungtrs said:

Oh okay lol, good luck at Gencon! :D

....also when is Gencon? Rofls

Next weekend sir. It'll be awesome. ^_^

Man wish I can go >.<;; probableh nxt time ;_; lol

Hey Dawn I'm pretty sure Gencon is done, so have you decided? :D lol just checking >.>

sungtrs said:

Hey Dawn I'm pretty sure Gencon is done, so have you decided? :D lol just checking >.>

Yeah sure.

I can trade ya a Cloud...what did you wanna give me for it again?

WayToTheDawn said:

sungtrs said:

Oh well I have everything in your want list except Auron, x2 Jacks, x2 Phils, x1 Hercs, and x1 Cow

Would you also offer to sell or combination of both? XD

hmm, so that would mean you have:

Phil x1, Herc x1, Cerberus, and Cave x1?

Then you said you would think about it trying to get the best offer for Cloud lol

Those are the cards that I have from your WANTS list and please look for more things if you need anything else from my trade thread and then we can construct a fair trade :D lol


Out of what you have I would like:

Stealth Sneak x2

Alice level 0 (BoD) x1

Yuffie (BoD) x2

Cerberus x1


Lemme know what you'd be willing to part with for Cloud sir. ^_^

WayToTheDawn said:


Out of what you have I would like:

Stealth Sneak x2

Alice level 0 (BoD) x1

Yuffie (BoD) x2

Cerberus x1


Lemme know what you'd be willing to part with for Cloud sir. ^_^

How about:

x2 Stealth Sneak

x1 Yuffie

x1 Cerberus

sungtrs said:

WayToTheDawn said:


Out of what you have I would like:

Stealth Sneak x2

Alice level 0 (BoD) x1

Yuffie (BoD) x2

Cerberus x1


Lemme know what you'd be willing to part with for Cloud sir. ^_^

How about:

x2 Stealth Sneak

x1 Yuffie

x1 Cerberus

I can do that...sounds good to me sir.

Shoot me an email with the details. ^_^