Updates on wants list
8/31/2009 Sungtrs Trading Thread!!
I have a spare Captain Pete
I am interested in
Valor Form lvl 3
Wisdom Form lvl 3
Roxas lvl 1
Take a look at my list for those cards, I mainly need the Top 2.
Updating.........................didn't really change much...
So if I'm reading that correctly you do have an Auron?
I'd trade ya the previous cards we talked about plus Auron for my Cloud and a Kingdom Key.
WayToTheDawn said:
So if I'm reading that correctly you do have an Auron?
I'd trade ya the previous cards we talked about plus Auron for my Cloud and a Kingdom Key.
I honestly don't think I'll go to the extent as to trade all that for Cloud lol. I just want to collect him, and Auron is a big asset to my deck right now. I would like to trade them for Cloud since Cloud is my all-time favorite character, but for as much as Cloud is worth(money-wise); it aint compared towards both Auron or Cerberus (usefulness-wise) to me since I am also playing KH aggro playa, I would only usually trade cards that are useful to me for cards that will aid my deck; I know if I get Cloud, he won't be of much use to me....I just want him bad lol. But yeah, making Auron included would kinda press the trade a bit too far off the edge for me XD.
Understandable sir, just thought I'd ask.
Yeah lol well I know you asked Fate to trade for his Auron for your Cloud, so I'll wait patiently cuz I know you want Auron more than Cerberus, and all the other cards that you wanted from me lol. Most likely you'll find someone else to trade with so just hit me up when you do. That way I can just search for someone who has Cloud X.X;;
Just throwin him out there and see who bites...
If I can't find a big trade for him, You'll be first on my list of people to contact sir.
Thank you very much, I'll be waiting
Out of curiousity, would you do:
Spear x1
Dusk x1
Samurai x2
Assassin x2
Behemoth SR (Set 4)
TheChampIsHere said:
Out of curiousity, would you do:
Spear x1
Dusk x1
Samurai x2
Assassin x2
Behemoth SR (Set 4)
I'm leaning towards the no right now because the spears are the ones I'm mainly trying to get for my OrgXIII deck, I don't really know which Nobodies are neccessary for my deck(especially when there's limited amount of them, but all I know is that I need x2 Dragoons XD) so I'm waiting on the Nobodies to upgrade so that I can see what type of strategies I can do with them. Thank you for asking lol I need to update my thread to make it more specific on the Nobodies part X.X
Would you trade the Behemoth SR for cards that you don't have on your wants list, but neither in your haves list either. I have a lot of extra rares from other sets than 4, and a couple SRs from other sets, that you didn't mention in your haves. I could give you: (choose 6 of the Set cards; Spear is already in deal)
Ariel lvl 3 (Set 1)
Simba lvl 2 (Set 1)
Genie lvl 2 (Set 1)
Tinkerbell lvl 2 (Set 1)
Riku lvl 3 (Set 2)
Peter Pan lvl 3 (Set 2)
Beast lvl 3 (Set 2)
Kairi lvl 0 (Set 3)
Spear x1
Behemoth SR
TheChampIsHere said:
Would you trade the Behemoth SR for cards that you don't have on your wants list, but neither in your haves list either. I have a lot of extra rares from other sets than 4, and a couple SRs from other sets, that you didn't mention in your haves. I could give you: (choose 6 of the Set cards; Spear is already in deal)
Ariel lvl 3 (Set 1)
Simba lvl 2 (Set 1)
Genie lvl 2 (Set 1)
Tinkerbell lvl 2 (Set 1)
Riku lvl 3 (Set 2)
Peter Pan lvl 3 (Set 2)
Beast lvl 3 (Set 2)
Kairi lvl 0 (Set 3)
Spear x1
Behemoth SR
I have SR Kairi, and the rest lol but they are either rare or uncommon i think lol. I am interested in your tink though, since i only have 2 lv2 tinks XD
SR Tink? I only have 1 extra Tink lvl 2 R from Set 1, no extra Tink SRs, and I doubt that would be enough for the Behemoth. As of right now, the Behemoth is really the only thing I want, and wouldn't really trade for extras of cards, unless they were higher in value than the Behemoth SR from Set 4...
Yeah I feel ya, it's the same with me XD
Would there be anything else that I may have extras of? If not, it's OK, I'm in the midst of trading for some good cards, I just hope it goes through without a problem...
I have an extra Cloud, kind of interested in your King...
You posted in my thread, I'm interested to know what you would want for Wisdom Form.
TheChampIsHere - Yeah sorry, I don't really want any cards except Cloud, and cards that would help my OrgXIII deck(multiple spears) and Dusks and all later on lol.
Fairbanks - Sorry man, even if it is Cloud I can't trade that card since it's a necessity for my deck, sorry >.<;; but if there's other cards you are interested in feel free to ask
Roxas - Do you have any spears of multiples not in singles? In total I would need like 8 spears(I am not saying to trade all 8 if you have that much, just saying that's how much I need lol) and I know rarely anyone has that many(either that or using them) so I'm trying to find multiple spears at one-two trades-worth lol. Other than that, I'm afraid I have most of the cards that you have in your trade list(the ones that either me or my friends has are rare or SR, so I'm not in the need for the SR's version) except Genie, and Ansem (Which I will say no to and I know you will say no since it would be a unfair trade). I am not here to collect the whole set (ONLY Cloud cards XD), as long as I got the rare version or another version of the card, SR version of it don't matter to me XD.
Oh well, thanks for checking anyways. It's not that I wouldn't be willing to trade Cloud, but I just don't think Behemoth for Cloud is a fair trade...srry...I'm in the midst of trying to get good cards as I posted above, so if I do I'll let you know.
Yeah of course. I mean I wouldn't let the trade just between cerberus if it is for cloud cuz i know cloud is more valuable than that >.> lol but thanx anyways. Hit me up though when you are interested XD
Unfornately I only have two and both are in my Nobody side-project deck. =(
Awww yea same here XD man, I'm thinking on just buying boxes to get it but too much money just to get spears >.< lol
Just buy packs, Spear is a Common so it wont be that hard to come across.