Thoughts on new EU

By GrandAdmiralCrunch, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

Growing up I was a Star Wars Junky. If there was a book, I would read it; a game, I would play it. The Thrawn Trilogy and the X-Wing series remain some of my favorite books. I bought an X-Box back in the day just so I could play KotOR.

This isn't a rant about the old EU becoming legends, but I have to admit that every time I see a book from the new EU I wince. The thought of starting over again is really unappealing. I could unlearn all that I have learned, but question whether it is worth it.

Have any of you read the new books? Are any of them worth the effort, or do you think it's better to stick with nostalgia and let the next generation enjoy the new stuff?

Why don't you write something yourself?

Seriously, think about it: most of SW books were written by untalented authors without imagination, so no matter how good or bad at writing you are you can't be worse than them. Try with short stories first.

I think this is where headcanon comes in. Embrace what you like.

Now, I too am a junky, though I have not read or played everything, mostly due to time constraints (as well as financial constraints until recently). Continuity is very important to me, because I think of myself foremostly as a GM in an online roleplaying game. I want the version of the SWU that I present to my players to be a place where big-time lore nerds can feel at home. I tend to do a lot of Wookieepedia research when I flesh out a locale or a backstory.

But, yes, a lot of the EU - as Pikciwok said - is really bad. Here's to hoping that the new stuff is better! (I'm waiting 'till I have the time and the books are out in paperback or second hand, but I am keeping up with Rebels.)

Why don't you write something yourself?

Seriously, think about it: most of SW books were written by untalented authors without imagination, so no matter how good or bad at writing you are you can't be worse than them . Try with short stories first.


I think this is where headcanon comes in. Embrace what you like.

Now, I too am a junky, though I have not read or played everything, mostly due to time constraints (as well as financial constraints until recently). Continuity is very important to me, because I think of myself foremostly as a GM in an online roleplaying game. I want the version of the SWU that I present to my players to be a place where big-time lore nerds can feel at home. I tend to do a lot of Wookieepedia research when I flesh out a locale or a backstory.

But, yes, a lot of the EU - as Pikciwok said - is really bad. Here's to hoping that the new stuff is better! (I'm waiting 'till I have the time and the books are out in paperback or second hand, but I am keeping up with Rebels.)

The one thing I have been keeping up with is Rebels. I have been pleasantly suprised by it. For the most part it hasn't contradicted any old canon, so has been enjoyable.

I don't like any of the EU that was written for children. It should have its own category. (Anything Jar Jar f|<mg Binks should be deleted from Earths records). All new Star Wars story stuff lost its appeal to me the moment I walked out of the theater when I saw Jar Jar Binks - and had to wait in line from everyone else that was trying to get out. I am not even exited about the new movie. I guarantee you that the McDonald's Happy meal toys were created before the script of the new Star Wars movies was even finished., no matter what they are promising now.

Edited by wjgo

I don't like any of the EU that was written for children. It should have its own category. (Anything Jar Jar f|<mg Binks should be deleted from Earths records). All new Star Wars story stuff lost its appeal to me the moment I walked out of the theater when I saw Jar Jar Binks - and had to wait in line from everyone else that was trying to get out. I am not even exited about the new movie. I guarantee you that the McDonald's Happy meal toys were created before the script of the new Star Wars movies was even finished., no matter what they are promising now.

Hm, maybe you've been reading different parts of the EU than I have. From my perception, the film canon is much more children oriented than, say, the Thrawn trilogy.

I never read any of the young adult stuff, but I agree that most of the novels were more mature than the prequels.

The only thing that I ever liked from the now "Legend" post-ROTJ Expanded Universe was the Thrawn trilogy, I Jedi, and the X-Wing series. Everything else I found to be glorified amateur fan fiction that started to feel boring and unimaginative after a while. This is simply my opinion and I know there are plenty of people out there who would totally disagree with me. That's fine.

However, I did love the Knights of the Old Republic games. To a good extent much of the Dawn of The Jedi, Tales of the Jedi, Lost Tribe of the Sith and Darth Bane literature I found very intriguing. I'm very fascinated with pre-Phantom Menace Star Wars universe that took place anywhere from 100 - 25,000 years Before the Battle of Yavin.

I did read some of the new novels that are part of the new SW canon and I kind of thought they were a bit restricted and felt as if they are simply playing it safe. I do recommend the new Star Wars and Darth Vader comic book series by Marvel!

admiralcrunch, I've read everything new, so I'd be glad to give you a run down.

A New Dawn -- This ties in to Rebels (which is fantastic). Its a fun book that has a nice dose of Firefly in it. Would definitely recommend, especially if you enjoy Rebels.

Tarkin -- A good read if you're interested in the character, along with some nice bits about Vader, as they're pretty much buddy cops in the book. Definitely enjoyable, and shows some interesting bits of the Rebellion's beginnings.

Heir to the Jedi -- This one I was torn on. Its First Person perspective, from Luke's PoV. But its obviously being told by an older Luke, but it features Young Luke, so the general PoV voice doesn't match farmboy pilot Luke, and it takes a little bit getting used to Luke only sounding like himself when he is actually speaking. The story is interesting though, which is what pulled me to look on it favorably by the end, and they create a great source of tension by providing a potential, flirty love interest for Luke that you know anything could possibly happen to.

Star Wars comic - Great so far!

Darth Vader comic - Very great so far!

Leia comic - Also great so far!

Kanan comic - Only 1 issue, but yet again, great so far.

admiralcrunch, I've read everything new, so I'd be glad to give you a run down.

Kind of hard to value your opinion if you like everything and not very critical

I read pretty much everything until NJO came out. That includes comics, books, and even the Young Jedi Night series (but not the hand of Vader series) . i wanted it to be good, i was hoping, but no

Highly disappointed in Heir to the Jedi. I was at first looking forward to a Star wars book with a First person POV, and it being Luke. But the writing and story was crap. And I cannot believe the Author thought it would be okay to describe a ship looking "Like a piece of toast". or about Luke's troubles with noodles and using the force to eat noodles, and making a mess of himself because of both.

Then a throwaway character that is a love interest who meets a tragic end

or "Lets give R2 a temporary weapon"

I want to Like Rebels, but it has a lot of inconsistencies in it. Also it is geared towards the younger audience. I could probably see an episode and then go to the nearest Toys'R'Us and get the new toy it featured. it got better as the season went on. Some of my complaints is focused on Kanan and Ezra. Ezra is somehow able to build in less then 2 weeks with a single crystal which he happens to get, a combination Balster/Sword (which we have never seen before), and some how is able to easily cut through the outer hull of an Imperial Star Destroyer that was practically a half a meter thick. Then Kanan cannot hit a storm trooper less then 5 meters away, but later on in the same scene he is able to hit one while riding backwards on a moving speeder with a single shot.

This has made me REAL hesitant to buy any new Media that come from £u ¢ a$/₯i$₦e¥

Edited by kinnison

I wasn't critical? Do we have different definitions? Because I'm pretty sure I criticized Heir to the Jedi. I ended up liking it for the story and the look into Luke learning the Force without a teacher, but gat was in spite of the style. And I totally disagree about the love interest. That was what gave the story actual tension. Also about the noodles--that was absolutely realistic to how a couple of flirty love interests would act. Luke is only like 18 in the book, don't expect insane maturity and stoicism. He's still going to want to have fun.

As for Rebels, it feels like Star Wars, and that's what's important to me. I love all the characters, and the action is fun. It's pretty widely enjoyed by Star Wars fans who can get past the "psh, it's for kids!"

New Dawn and Tarkin are well-written, enjoyable books by respected Star Wars authors. The Comics have all been getting universal praise.

Growing up I was a Star Wars Junky. If there was a book, I would read it; a game, I would play it. The Thrawn Trilogy and the X-Wing series remain some of my favorite books. I bought an X-Box back in the day just so I could play KotOR.

This isn't a rant about the old EU becoming legends, but I have to admit that every time I see a book from the new EU I wince. The thought of starting over again is really unappealing. I could unlearn all that I have learned, but question whether it is worth it.

Have any of you read the new books? Are any of them worth the effort, or do you think it's better to stick with nostalgia and let the next generation enjoy the new stuff?

My biggest problem is that the EU I'd enjoyed has been discontinued. I know it wasn't everyone's cup of tea but I'd been reading the longer novel series and enjoying them. I understand having to ditch it for the new film series but that cancelled the EU I was rather invested in.

Also this new EU pretty much caused the early cancellation of "The Clone Wars" animated which I really liked.

I'm not confident in Mr. Abrams's ability to make a film I'll enjoy. I am consistently disappointed with his work and have no enthusiasm for Episode VII. I also see him stealing some of the "Old EU" and twisting it up as a bit of a "Gotcha."

I also expect new EU stuff to now be in the old Star Trek style of not being canon. Or at least only being canon as long as they don't want to put something contradictory in a film. While that's fine and I read more than a few of those old Trek stories the "New EU" probably won't get any of my attention.

The new novels/comics/shows are being considered equal to the films in terms of their place in the cannon, and Dave Fioni, who was the head for Clone Wars, is a very big part of keeping everything sorted.

Also, Clone Wars is part of the New Cannon, so ousting the old EU wasn't really why Clone Wars got cancelled--Disney just wanted to stop thinking about the PT, which I don't blame them for. Clone Wars is referenced in Rebels multiple times, including the same voice actors for Obi-Wan and Tarkin, as well as a lot of the people working on the show being the same (including Fioni).

The new novels/comics/shows are being considered equal to the films in terms of their place in the cannon, and Dave Fioni, who was the head for Clone Wars, is a very big part of keeping everything sorted.

Also, Clone Wars is part of the New Cannon, so ousting the old EU wasn't really why Clone Wars got cancelled--Disney just wanted to stop thinking about the PT, which I don't blame them for. Clone Wars is referenced in Rebels multiple times, including the same voice actors for Obi-Wan and Tarkin, as well as a lot of the people working on the show being the same (including Fioni).

I know they will be considered canon. I have little faith they won't be retconned as soon as it conflicts with something "cool" they want to put on screen. Which is to be expected I guess but makes it hard to muster any enthusiasm for this go around.

Haven't caught any of "Rebels." I agree with you on the "just wanted to stop thinking about the PT." I guess I'm a bit salty about people still piling on the PT but eager for JJ Star Wars. I found JJ's Trek movies far more cinematic travesties (entirely leaving aside any Trek related issues) than the PT. They are bad movies all on their own. The PT is bad Star Wars and okay popcorn flicks. A subtle distinction but important.

I find JJ a barely competent purveyor of "product" cinema. He's going to use the "New EU" to cover the plot holes and "mystery boxes" and stuff he just doesn't want to bother with explaining that are his stock and trade. I also just hate his technical cinematic sensibilities. The guy shoots TV show style not movie style and has far too much fondness for shakey-cam. His movies always look "lazy" to me. It's all style and no substance and it is a bad style. I offer the lightsaber crossguard as evidence.

JJ killed Trek, he killed a bunch of Star Wars I liked, and he's more than likely to give me Star Wars I hate.

I totally disagree. The PT are awful. Even as a teen I couldn't sit through them without thinking they were bad. On the other hand, I love JJs Trek as enjoyable sci fi action, and I say that as a fan (or at least watcher) of every Trek series.

As a reboot, JJ did a great job of making nu-trek plausible. It was beautiful to watch and didn't disrespect the classic treks. It probably wasn't his call to reboot it, but it was his job to make it enjoyable to new comers and long time fans alike

I say this as a fan with every episode and movie on DVD.

So now he has star wars in his hands, which isn't getting rebooted as such. I think he will respect the EU where he can. Remember, he is only director for the first movie, not the over arching producer (read Emperor) of the new content. That's Disney's story teams domain

As a reboot, JJ did a great job of making nu-trek plausible. It was beautiful to watch and didn't disrespect the classic treks. It probably wasn't his call to reboot it, but it was his job to make it enjoyable to new comers and long time fans alike

I say this as a fan with every episode and movie on DVD.

So now he has star wars in his hands, which isn't getting rebooted as such. I think he will respect the EU where he can. Remember, he is only director for the first movie, not the over arching producer (read Emperor) of the new content. That's Disney's story teams domain

Plausible? A disgraced third year cadet being given command of the fleets flagship is plausible? Interplanetary beaming? Truth is stranger than fiction because fiction is obliged to make sense. JJ Trek came across to me as being made by someone who got all their knowledge of Trek from parodies and caricatures of Star Trek.

I'm also going to take issue with beautiful to watch. I couldn't see it most of the time because either a light was shining in my face or he was banging on the camera or otherwise whipping the camera around. The brewery engine room, beautiful? Really? I fear for the future of film-making if what JJ does is going to be considered "beautiful."

I just can't wait for the stuff after ROTJ. We all know what happened for the most part between PT and OT. Everything past the OT is a giant mystery.

As a reboot, JJ did a great job of making nu-trek plausible. It was beautiful to watch and didn't disrespect the classic treks. It probably wasn't his call to reboot it, but it was his job to make it enjoyable to new comers and long time fans alike

I say this as a fan with every episode and movie on DVD.

So now he has star wars in his hands, which isn't getting rebooted as such. I think he will respect the EU where he can. Remember, he is only director for the first movie, not the over arching producer (read Emperor) of the new content. That's Disney's story teams domain

Plausible? A disgraced third year cadet being given command of the fleets flagship is plausible? Interplanetary beaming? Truth is stranger than fiction because fiction is obliged to make sense. JJ Trek came across to me as being made by someone who got all their knowledge of Trek from parodies and caricatures of Star Trek.

I'm also going to take issue with beautiful to watch. I couldn't see it most of the time because either a light was shining in my face or he was banging on the camera or otherwise whipping the camera around. The brewery engine room, beautiful? Really? I fear for the future of film-making if what JJ does is going to be considered "beautiful."

As a reboot, JJ did a great job of making nu-trek plausible. It was beautiful to watch and didn't disrespect the classic treks. It probably wasn't his call to reboot it, but it was his job to make it enjoyable to new comers and long time fans alike

I say this as a fan with every episode and movie on DVD.

So now he has star wars in his hands, which isn't getting rebooted as such. I think he will respect the EU where he can. Remember, he is only director for the first movie, not the over arching producer (read Emperor) of the new content. That's Disney's story teams domain

Plausible? A disgraced third year cadet being given command of the fleets flagship is plausible? Interplanetary beaming? Truth is stranger than fiction because fiction is obliged to make sense. JJ Trek came across to me as being made by someone who got all their knowledge of Trek from parodies and caricatures of Star Trek.

I'm also going to take issue with beautiful to watch. I couldn't see it most of the time because either a light was shining in my face or he was banging on the camera or otherwise whipping the camera around. The brewery engine room, beautiful? Really? I fear for the future of film-making if what JJ does is going to be considered "beautiful."

As a Navy Man, that brewery engine room is far more realistic to the real thing than the gleaming single phallic glowing engine core thingy seen in most other interpretations. Machinery spaces are cramped, messy, noisy and full of piping.

Also, whilst giving command to a 3rd year cadet seems a bit rediculous, a ship only has so many command trained officers, other specialists, such as engineers, supply and doctors, cannot exercise command.

Hell, I was 3rd in command of a patrol boat after being in the navy only 18 months. 5th in command of a frigate after 3 years

Pfft, I'm in complete command of a star destroyer and I've only been in the imperial navy for like 2 months.

Edited by Madaghmire

Pfft, I'm in complete command of a star destroyer and I've only been in the imperial navy for like 2 months.


Also I never understood when Star Wars fans complain about a Star Wars book or show seeming like it is targeted at kids. My answer is "You're Right!"

Star Wars was and is, aside from some of the old EU books, targeted at the ages of 10-15. So when you are watching a Star Wars show remember that you the Grownup Adult are not the Target audience. So let your inner boy out and enjoy it for how it makes you feel young again.

So, to add to the original discussion, I would recommend you avoid Lords of the Sith , as it was incredibly disappointing.

There are a couple good scenes, but the majority of the book is actually very boring because there is absolutely zero tension, and the author seems to have learned his Star Wars from the Prequel school. He has Vader and the Emperor fighting hundreds of alien monsters at once and are flipping and spinning and just.. ugh. Its really bad in how absolutely boring it is. Pages and pages are dedicated to a single fight that has no weight to it.

And beyond that, it features Hera's dad, Cham Syndulla (from the Clone Wars cartoon) and his other resistance members trying to hunt down and kill Vader and the Emperor.. but the entire thing is pointless, because duh they're going to fail. And its not even interesting because you keep flashing to Vader and the Emperor and seeing them being invincible in ridiculous ways, and then flash back to these hopeless rebels actually trying to catch up to them. And then when they do.. its the most anti-climactic thing ever. The book honestly has no climax at all.

The only really good scene in the whole book is when a group of rebels have stolen an Imperial freighter, and Vader and his squadron are attacking it to disable it. The ship has one of those bubble-guns, and Vader flies towards it and ejects from his fighter, using the Force to grab the ship as his own crashes in to the bubble and blows a hole in the hull through which he then enters and becomes an unstoppable force of nature.

That's in the first couple chapters, and you think "Wow, this is essentially going to be a horror movie in reverse for the rebels." and then it is later ruined by him flipping and spinning and fighting like Yoda does in the PT, and its just awful. Bad enough that if this same author does any more books, I'll just be skipping them.

Man I was really hoping they were going to make The Thrawn Trilogy into movies. I think JJ did a good job remaking Star Trek (though I never seriously followed ST like I was into SW) and I think he'll do the same for Star Wars. That being said, if it's a turd, I have no problem with maintaining the same attitude I have now... All Star Wars history stops in 1999. I went back and bought the BLU Ray Set of all the movies last year and I hadn't seen PM or AofTC in a decade... They were barely watchable. The only Prequel EU that I've seen has been the two Clone Wars series from Cartoon Network and I've liked the entertainment value if not the underlining plot points.

I remain convinced that the books with the "Sun Crusher" and dark Jedi and Han's kids and center point station and **** was the worst thing I had ever read.

Maybe it was because I had just finished the x-wing series and thrawn, but wow. Now I hate books that feature Luke (x-wing did it well with just dialog scenes for like 1-2 pages) or other main charatures. Tarkin was alright though.