Another interesting debate occured today between a ground of friends and I concerning what weapons should trump other weapons. The argument goes about the nature of a Relic Blade which can in theory destroy power weapons. The question is whether anything can destroy relic weapons or whether anything should be immune. I know what I'm going to do and I've already decided this but I'm curious what anyone else has done for this and what the community feel in relation to the hierarchy. This is more a discussion about the fluff strength of weapons which I know is entirely subjective and based on whatever writer had that book/codex at the time but I am curious whether in the midst of so much inconsistency, we can establish a common pattern. I state now before going into a list of assumptions that there may be a number of questionable moments or inaccuracies and apologise in advance for any elements which may be wrong or controversial.
We know that Power Weapons wreck basic and primitive items, this is without debate. Question is, do Relic Blades wreck force weapons? In the hands of a non psyker, a force weapon was said in one of the books somewhere as counting as a basic weapon of the appropriate type which means it complies with the previous and can be shattered in theory by a power sword. Now nothing then distinguishes a force weapon in the hands of a psyker as anything different which again means a relic weapon can slice through it.
Should Xenos power/force weapons such as Eldar blades, Tyranid Boneswords be treated differently or are these also the same perhaps?
What also, are peoples thoughts on Power/Relic versus Daemon Weapons such as the likes generated from the Black Crusade system? Daemon Weapons pick up a power field so should shrug off being cut from that however the rules of that system say it is very difficult to destroy a daemonic weapon but has rules for if it happens all the same. It doesn't say how... Should a daemon weapon therefore be immune to being shattered by a relic blade or should the finest weapons of the Astartes cleave through the heretical and blasphemous artifact, tearing it asunder but releasing the beast within? Or should the foul powers of Chaos theoretically stand defiant, the clash of blade on blade or worse, have a holy item or power sword splinter against the foul decay of an item wielded by a champion of the ruinous arts?
Would you count the Dawn Blade, wielded by O'Shovah Farsight as a relic weapon? It's own fluff say it can cleave through rock but would it take out a power weapon?
Arguably as well, at the very top of the tree, going on fluff terms, is the C'tan Phase Sword and Warscythes. In the stories, the latter has sliced through the barrel of a Leman Russ battle tank and cleaved a hole in a reinforced rockcrete bunker. As rules state it has a power field so resists its own kin. However should this stand defiant against a relic blade or daemon weapon? The former is even more deadly and if we go via the original interpretation of this weapon (Old Witch Hunters codex, wielded by a Callidus Assassin or used normally by a 3rd Ed C'tan and not using that 5th edition instant death crap), these blades theoretically slice through ALL materials irrespective of physical properties and treat armour and forcefields as if they were just nothing (except when you hit a C'tan, it merges back in and then you're left up the proverbial creek). Theoretically then, the person who wields a phase sword is king, splintering power, force, relic, daemon or xenos blade alike as if they were nothing but there are no official rules for these items yet in any viable system AFAIK but again should they contest? How do you unmake the item which can destroy all other weapons?
One of my friends sees it as being four distinct tiers of item:
Normal < Power < Force Weapon < Special
And that each outclass the one below it. Special seems to hold all the other types of item defined above which then move into the relative fluff strength of each item. Hooray for vagueries and inconsistencies!
Again the entire thing is argued initially as a conflict of rules versus fluff which is why I have added it to the Rules question section and I am trying to provoke a discussion on the matter to see what your thoughts are on this. Wasn't sure whether to add this to Deathwatch or Black Crusade either. Some of the details discussed here will be in use in a campaign, can't say what of course...
The floor is open.
Edited by Calgor Grim