It's done.

By Doc9, in Star Wars: The Card Game

There was a tourney yesterday that had 3 people show up. The store owner said that they weren't even going to promote the game on their LCG nights anymore due to lack of interest. Awesome source material ruined by a janky pod building deck system.

Unfortunate that happened in your area. Going fine here and in others. We love the objective set based deck building.

Most people like the deck-building rules, and even if you don't they're the least of this game's problems. The snail crawl of new content and asleep-at-the-wheel playtesting are what's killing it. (To be fair though, at least the latter usually gets fixed with an FAQ... after a couple months of a blindingly obvious degenerate combo breaking the meta.)

There was a tourney yesterday that had 3 people show up. The store owner said that they weren't even going to promote the game on their LCG nights anymore due to lack of interest. Awesome source material ruined by a janky pod building deck system.

No offense but this sounds like a sh*tty store owner.

I mean if they are having an LCG night what do they need to promote it, if the player base is that low they can buy 1 tournament kit each season for 30 bucks if it brings one person into the store ti pays itself off. You already have an LCG night it's just not the popular game. This just screams of a lazy/not business savy store owner.

Don't blame the deck building system blame the people not promoting the game locally to grow a meta.

No offense taken. Your overly simplified opinion of the man based on a single statement really means nothing. No one here seems to like the game. Not his fault.

You have to build your own community. It's up to the players, not the store owner.

That's at least what I've learned from my experience. We have a group of 9 that play every Tuesday. It started with myself and one friend, playing every Tuesday night in the shop, trying to get people interested. Eventually some people who played noticed us, and we had 4. It took a few weeks for this to happen. We then gained more members every few weeks, and are doing great! Our FLGS owner helps promote, and loves Star Wars so was all about people playing it there, but he definitely got more about it as we started drawing in more people. I mean he's now guaranteed to sell at least 9 copies of each expansion as they come out, and while that may not be as much as someone dropping a grand on a ton of Warhammer stuff, it definitely helps.

Don't give up! Keep playing, and try to get other people interested! Start an online group! If you play it, people will come!

You have to build your own community. It's up to the players, not the store owner.

That's at least what I've learned from my experience. We have a group of 9 that play every Tuesday. It started with myself and one friend, playing every Tuesday night in the shop, trying to get people interested. Eventually some people who played noticed us, and we had 4. It took a few weeks for this to happen. We then gained more members every few weeks, and are doing great! Our FLGS owner helps promote, and loves Star Wars so was all about people playing it there, but he definitely got more about it as we started drawing in more people. I mean he's now guaranteed to sell at least 9 copies of each expansion as they come out, and while that may not be as much as someone dropping a grand on a ton of Warhammer stuff, it definitely helps.

Don't give up! Keep playing, and try to get other people interested! Start an online group! If you play it, people will come!

I couldn't agree more: When I initially picked up X-Wing (which lead to LCG, Imperial Assault and now also Armada) it was after couple of FLGS's ran the "Kessel Run" events. This gave me the idea of starting a gaming group for X-Wing. I had idea what it should be/become or anything planned for it. But it immediately took off: we got a good contact in one of the stores and got set up with a weekly game night in their store (and since then another shop houses us on another weekday). When they saw that we were a nice little community they even offered us up to 20% discount on pre-orders, they've provided gaming mats and paintedboads, they have let us arrange A LOT of tournaments (as long as we tells them to get the kits and we provide TO, and run the tourneys) and so on and so on.

Similar, but on a smaller scale have been set up with the LCG, and on Saturday our group is running a huge FFG Star Wars game demo day at a local boardgame cafe. Ohh, and we've even had a copy of the Armada to play with to practice the demo, and the regional distributor will be giving out a core set for each of the 4 SW games up for give away on the day.

I am not saying that the same or similar would be possible in your area, but don't just sit down and wait for things to happen or come to you: make it happen, help generate interest by offering to do demo or something and suddenly stuff will happen.

I hope it will change and become better.

And though I am just as impatient as the next guy for new stuff to come out I do at the same time believe that there is so much fun to be had with the cards we already have, so really no excuse for not having some good times while we wait.

Keep calm, and carry on playing.


Edited by Forensicus

For the LCG we have several local and a "National" FB group running. Luckily Denmark is quite small so we can all fairly easy get across the country for SC and Regiknals and such. And we organize/coordinate dates etc. a thing I've enjoyed is always packing a couple of decks when o go on Holiday and/or business trips and then try to set up a friendly game when I arrive. This Monday I'm off to three days of training and we've managed to set up a small tourney at the FLGS in that city.

So go out and try to stir things/interest up and I'm sure good things will happen.

Good luck

Completly agree with you. the pod system also kill the game in my area. Sometime I wish they reboot the game with a more conventional deckbuilding system.

First you must know the drill.

I am not saying if either or the other is "more correct" but if people are bringing a Magic or similar deck building frame of mind to this game it is a sure path to disappointment and frustration. I am not saying it's perfect but it's certainly different than other games and that's it! Like or leave it. Feel free to debate it but if you had free pickings between all cards without "the bad ones" then it would be a totally different game. And even the "worst" card has a purpose as a bluff in an edge or similar.

Maybe the game simply isn't meant to appeal to all?

I like this game immensely. Alas, others I know typically don't care much for it and I feel like they are just playing it (very rarely) just because I'm interested in it and they are indulging me. There is no local meta for SWLCG really. There's a comic shop 40 minutes away that only has about 1-2 hours available for the game on Saturdays, crammed in with like 6 other games on that day and from what I understand, there's only a few that go there. Sadly, Saturdays are my busiest day of the week so it would be impossible for me to go there on a regular basis.

I stopped buying expansions for this and picked up where I left off with X-Wing Miniatures. Turns out, nearly everyone I meet loves that game and they actually request to play it at our weekly game nights.

It's a bit disappointing seeing one game about the same IP from the same company get a lot of love and the other get treated pretty unfairly. I used to like SWLCG more than X-Wing but you can like a game only so much when you almost never get to play it. I play around 3+ games of X-Wing a week compared to no games of SWLCG. I think the last time I played the LCG was in November.

I still have my cards at the moment, though I feel like I won't ever use them again and selling them would be a good idea at this point. :(

I play and enjoy all of Fantasy Flight's LCGs, but out of that group, Star Wars is the only one where I feel that the negatives outweigh the positives. That's a disappointing reality for me, because I'm a huge fan of the setting.

I will throw in my lot with those hoping that FFG might consider a reboot, or perhaps a second, different LCG, maybe something that plays more like the Lord of the Rings co-operative game (which was actually the original design for the Star Wars LCG).

Just my two cents, of course.

There is no way in Hoth they will reboot this to be another boring pick 50 best cards game. That would be crap.

Objective deckbuilding is an amazing innovation. Love it.

If this was the typical choose 50-60 4x each card I wouldve never even gotten into it. There's plenty of those types of games on the market. I love the pod system!

I love it and hate it (i.e., pod-based deck-building). I do sometimes miss being able to really fine-tune a deck right down to the level of individual cards. In things like MTG and AGOT, for example, you can have interesting 1x cards that you can tutor your deck for, and you don't have to include other cards that you don't want just to have that 1x.

That said, the pod-based system is good because it forces people to play with a variety of cards that they wouldn't if the game was a single-card deck-building game, and it also helps the designers with power balance (i.e., they can print a really good card and put some pretty "meh" cards in the pod with it for balance).

My one complaint about SWLCG is that, after you have played the game a lot and for a long time, games become vey predictable by about turn two. I don't care to hear your story about "this game I played the other week" where you came back at the end to barely win...yes, that does and will happen. But, in my experience, games can usually be called with a very high degree of accuracy after about turn two.

Another thing is that the pod-based system makes anticipating things very easy. Before anyone has even played cards, you already know most of your opponent's deck. Then, they can play a single Sith Library, for example, and you might then know 80% of their deck by looking at its set number. You can ask to see their discard pile and know how many more Twist of Fate's, etc., that they have. It takes the mystery out of things like that.

Edited by divinityofnumber

I love it and hate it (i.e., pod-based deck-building). I do sometimes miss being able to really fine-tune a deck right down to the level of individual cards. In things like MTG and AGOT, for example, you can have interesting 1x cards that you can tutor your deck for, and you don't have to include other cards that you don't want just to have that 1x.

That said, the pod-based system is good because it forces people to play with a variety of cards that they wouldn't if the game was a single-card deck-building game, and it also helps the designers with power balance (i.e., they can print a really good card and put some pretty "meh" cards in the pod with it for balance).

My one complaint about SWLCG is that, after you have played the game a lot and for a long time, games become vey predictable by about turn two. I don't care to hear your story about "this game I played the other week" where you came back at the end to barely win...yes, that does and will happen. But, in my experience, games can usually be called with a very high degree of accuracy after about turn two.

Another thing is that the pod-based system makes anticipating things very easy. Before anyone has even played cards, you already know most of your opponent's deck. Then, they can play a single Sith Library, for example, and you might then know 80% of their deck by looking at its set number. You can ask to see their discard pile and know how many more Twist of Fate's, etc., that they have. It takes the mystery out of things like that.

I am willing to stick my neck out here: I sort of understand what you are saying and you would/could be totally right IF everybody is or would be playing "in accordance" with the "decided" meta. However as long as someone (1 or more) keep trying new stuff or ways (like new mutations within the available card pool) then you WILL see down n/strange things happen. Just tonight I had a game that was won on what would the penultimate round if my opponent hadn't flupped Luke. And take a hard loom at the deck and not least the games that won the 2014 World Championship 2014

Anyways:'I live the LCG pod building mechanics and hopefully more will see the light.

take care and have fun


So is this a bad time to get into the game?

So is this a bad time to get into the game?

Depends on your area really, if you have other players interested in playing it’s a great time to start playing. The new cycle just started and the current meta-game is going to get really shaken up. As to the complaints of the objective set system, I personally love it, it makes the actually process of finding the cards and building the deck easier but the decisions you have to make are just as hard as any other traditional deck building game. It also creates this really interesting part of the game where you can figure out what is in your opponent's deck and essentially "count cards" for the edge battle to figure out how many force icons they could be betting.

The biggest trouble with this game and some of the other LCG's though is that it can be hard to find a group to play with.

Edited by chunkygorillas

I've only just looked into this, and sure I can play it casually with some friends in town. There are plenty of stores in town as well that seem to hold gaming sessions with this one involed.

I like how the deck building system is right now. I recall when Magic was first out, I got into it. Bought some of the first batch of cards, got the second expansion, went to get the 3rd and thats when the whole "collectable" aspect of the game ruined it for me. The stores started to realize what a cash cow these were now, and only sold full boxes of packs, and mostly was pre-orders sold. So I missed out on that expansion and pretty much gave up following the game when I saw it happening to the 4th set.

This one doesn't make me have to worry about that rush for getting collections built up do to how you build the decks.

As I learn the game, I'm hoping to get out there and play it casually more often with others.

I play and enjoy all of Fantasy Flight's LCGs, but out of that group, Star Wars is the only one where I feel that the negatives outweigh the positives. That's a disappointing reality for me, because I'm a huge fan of the setting.
I will throw in my lot with those hoping that FFG might consider a reboot, or perhaps a second, different LCG, maybe something that plays more like the Lord of the Rings co-operative game (which was actually the original design for the Star Wars LCG).
Just my two cents, of course.

I'd love a co-op Star Wars LCG.

Well, we still have that other star wars card game from FFG. Or as my group calls it: "Star Wars Blackjack".

I bought the starter and stuf up and including the 1st big expansion, but 40k conquest has replaced it now.

With 40C, netrunner, COC, magic and marvel dice masters, something just had to go. I can only follow/ buy so much LCGs.

Everytime I play Warhammer 40K Conquest I think how amazing that game would be with a Star Wars reskin, hooo boy.

Edited by KennedyHawk

There is no way in Hoth they will reboot this to be another boring pick 50 best cards game. That would be crap.

Objective deckbuilding is an amazing innovation. Love it.

I'm pretty new to the game. A month or so in, I haven't played a single game yet, but I might actually get to play tonight with a friend using decks I made. There is only one other person I'm going to play with at my local store, and tonight is MtG night. Really trying to pump this game up, and the 'pod' system / LCG core of not having to buy packs like MTG hoping to get the chase card are the things that attracted me to the game.

Watching the tutorial and reading forums, this game really does have one of the coolest systems of all the SW ccgs going back to Deciphers CCG.

My ONE problem with this game as well as 40k is the lack of Free for all games...4+ players just playing a game going at each other at will...

Edited by scruffycavetroll

There is no way in Hoth they will reboot this to be another boring pick 50 best cards game. That would be crap.

Objective deckbuilding is an amazing innovation. Love it.

I'm pretty new to the game. A month or so in, I haven't played a single game yet, but I might actually get to play tonight with a friend using decks I made. There is only one other person I'm going to play with at my local store, and tonight is MtG night. Really trying to pump this game up, and the 'pod' system / LCG core of not having to buy packs like MTG hoping to get the chase card are the things that attracted me to the game.

Watching the tutorial and reading forums, this game really does have one of the coolest systems of all the SW ccgs going back to Deciphers CCG.

My ONE problem with this game as well as 40k is the lack of Free for all games...4+ players just playing a game going at each other at will...

Agreed and good luck tonight.

There is no way in Hoth they will reboot this to be another boring pick 50 best cards game. That would be crap.

Objective deckbuilding is an amazing innovation. Love it.

I'm pretty new to the game. A month or so in, I haven't played a single game yet, but I might actually get to play tonight with a friend using decks I made. There is only one other person I'm going to play with at my local store, and tonight is MtG night. Really trying to pump this game up, and the 'pod' system / LCG core of not having to buy packs like MTG hoping to get the chase card are the things that attracted me to the game.

Watching the tutorial and reading forums, this game really does have one of the coolest systems of all the SW ccgs going back to Deciphers CCG.

My ONE problem with this game as well as 40k is the lack of Free for all games...4+ players just playing a game going at each other at will...

Agreed and good luck tonight.

well, both players will be using my stuff...either way, i win : D