What "base difficulty" is this?
When I look at the rules in the book it doesn't give any such thing.
Lets take a basic situation, say that you were in a room and a zombie walked toward you and you have a pistol.
Aiming and shooting at the zombie would be 1 positive die for the pistol, one positive die for the close range and no negative dice at all. Now, if the room was dark that would add a negative dice and say that there was a hole in the roof through which rain poured in that would add another negative die.
Or am I missing something???
In the section on building the dice pool it says you add negative dice for a variety of reasons
1) Negative features that are relevant
2) Any situational modifiers such as bad lighting or bad weather
3) Traumas
4) And a base difficulty depending on how hard the task actually is.
The book then directs you to (I think...book not on me right now) page 44 where it discusses how many dice to the GM should add to a test. Situations that are just stressful in a normal day situation get on negative dice I think. Then a table says what tests would call for the addition of 1,2 or 3 negative dice as a "base" difficulty. I put base zombie encounters as 1 negative dice. This might be wrong but that's what I went with for my first session.
I can see a base difficulty coming into play when it is shooting from horseback or from driving a bike not from pointing a gun at a zombie and pulling the trigger.
Edited by DanteRotterdam