Sorastro's Painting

By Sorastro, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

Well, considering how much money I've sent over to Citadel I figure I can send the man who's tricking me into sending them cash a few bucks here or there.

That little intro video popped up in my subscription and I got all hopeful for episode 10. I demand a hint for my dashed hopes (well, not really, but I would still love a hint!)

Lol and massive thanks (and to you too Muzz). I have actually already given a pretty large (although slightly out-of-focus) spoiler if you look closely :)

I see it as well! Just got paid, if only I had a paint list.... ;)

Well, considering how much money I've sent over to Citadel I figure I can send the man who's tricking me into sending them cash a few bucks here or there.

That little intro video popped up in my subscription and I got all hopeful for episode 10. I demand a hint for my dashed hopes (well, not really, but I would still love a hint!)

Lol and massive thanks (and to you too Muzz). I have actually already given a pretty large (although slightly out-of-focus) spoiler if you look closely :)

Ahha! I see it!

Yeah, but, when did Star Wars have zombies? Oh... :P

Gratz on hitting the first milestone, Sorastro! Here's to many more!

Gratz on hitting the first milestone, Sorastro! Here's to many more!

Thanks a lot Jerbiwan! I'm amazed at how quickly we hit that first milestone; I'd better start looking round for a second camera in preparation for the next :)

Sorastro, I'm super pumped being able to show my appreciation through Patreon.

I really enjoyed painting these monsters. I went with a more innocent looking non-elite Nexu. Some kind of exotic pet the scum of the galaxy have not unlike how drug dealers maintain a menagerie. On the other hand, we have the wild bred elite Nexu - fully able to develop more deadly attributes. The stripes, silver back (dry brush of Iron Breaker), and red eyes are what the heroes will see in the dark jungles next to Imperial strongholds. Great idea about the Steel Legion Drab as the grotty base coat for the teeth. I really like the way they look.


Wow Ewok they look absolutely stunning! Thanks so much for the Patreonage :)

(I'm currently up late working on the music for Ep 10; I had hoped to finish it this weekend but not sure how much I'll accomplish tomorrow with it being Father's Day...)

I'm glad we could reciprocate in kind after all those amazing videos, Sorastro.


I'm glad we could reciprocate in kind after all those amazing videos, Sorastro.


Thanks so much! I almost hit the "upload" button on Episode 10 but have noticed a couple of small errors that I'll be correcting after work tonight. Thank you all for your support and patience!

YouTube can't refresh fast enough!

YouTube can't refresh fast enough!

Lol Muzz; The video has actually finished uploading but I'm waiting for YouTube to finish processing it before I hit the "publish" button otherwise it will initially only appear in low-resolution. I'll also post the video up on the Patreon page as soon as it's good to go (and I assume Patreon sends you alerts when I post stuff?) :)

Patreon sends an email right enough. Looking forward to it but will probably have to wait until pay day for any new paints.

Patreon sends an email right enough. Looking forward to it but will probably have to wait until pay day for any new paints.

Thanks mate, that's good to know. I'm muting all devices and going off the grid for a while to enjoy some TV with Mrs S :)

Just finished watching. Well done sir! Can't wait to get started!!

Really fantastic job on the jacket. I can't wait to paint it and show it off to the rebels who, are of course, not using her in their campaign!

Edited by Muz333

An amazing tutorial Sorastro, I've been holding off on painting the heroes waiting for your guidance :)

Nice work again Sorastro. Jyn looks terriffic!!

I will be getting her back onto the cork later to add a few yellow layers and 'ardcoat to the jacket. It is a really stunning effect. The yellow hue to the final layers really makes a difference.

I went with a grey for the trousers when I painted her but when I see it with Steel Legion Drab it makes a lot of sense with the orange flight jacket. I don't have the skills to do a decent stripe on the leg without making a mess. However, If I try it and do make a mess I can always repaint the trousers with drab.

I like the emphasis you place on the preparation of the models. FFG do decent sculpts but sometimes the details, mold lines and gaps are pretty bad. This is the step where I failed. Getting the models right before priming is paramount to a good finish and Im glad you illustrate this to viewers.


Thanks Addum! Your're Jyn looks fantastic! RE preparation, although my Jyn didn't have any gaps that needed filling quite a few of the others certainly did so it seemed only right to show how to do it before spraying the lot.

Episode 11 is underway!

I bought some Necron Compound yesterday. When I got home I opened it up looking forward to getting some more painting going but inside there was a LOT of liquid. I thought maybe I needed to shake it like the other paints to get it all mixed back up again but nothing mixes. The paint moves as one entire clump, So is there something I should do. Should it be stirred? Is it bad and I need to get a new one?

I bought some Necron Compound yesterday. When I got home I opened it up looking forward to getting some more painting going but inside there was a LOT of liquid. I thought maybe I needed to shake it like the other paints to get it all mixed back up again but nothing mixes. The paint moves as one entire clump, So is there something I should do. Should it be stirred? Is it bad and I need to get a new one?

Hmm sounds like it's separated out.. I'd try giving it a good mix with a brush handle or something, then try doing some dry brushing with it and see how it behaves.

Thanks Addum! Your're Jyn looks fantastic! RE preparation, although my Jyn didn't have any gaps that needed filling quite a few of the others certainly did so it seemed only right to show how to do it before spraying the lot.

Episode 11 is underway!

If episode 11 could be another of the heroes not used in my campaign that would be great, :P

Thanks Addum! Your're Jyn looks fantastic! RE preparation, although my Jyn didn't have any gaps that needed filling quite a few of the others certainly did so it seemed only right to show how to do it before spraying the lot.

Episode 11 is underway!

If episode 11 could be another of the heroes not used in my campaign that would be great, :P

Hmm I don't think that's very likely I'm afraid mate :) Hnarrrrgh!

Thanks for the suggestion earlier Sorastro. Its still way clumpier than my Ryza but Ive not used Ryza yet. Maybe Im also just not used to dry paints either. I did up one my droids with the Necron and it looks good so I think the paint is good to go.

Thanks Addum! Your're Jyn looks fantastic! RE preparation, although my Jyn didn't have any gaps that needed filling quite a few of the others certainly did so it seemed only right to show how to do it before spraying the lot.

Episode 11 is underway!

If episode 11 could be another of the heroes not used in my campaign that would be great, :P

Hmm I don't think that's very likely I'm afraid mate :) Hnarrrrgh!

Thanks Addum! Your're Jyn looks fantastic! RE preparation, although my Jyn didn't have any gaps that needed filling quite a few of the others certainly did so it seemed only right to show how to do it before spraying the lot.

Episode 11 is underway!

If episode 11 could be another of the heroes not used in my campaign that would be great, :P

Hmm I don't think that's very likely I'm afraid mate :) Hnarrrrgh!

The missus will be pleased then. Providing your clue is for the wookie of course!