Sorastro's Painting

By Sorastro, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

Being that it's a completely free resource I couldn't fathom complaining ha ha. I've never painted before so let me say this is an amazing help. I love how Nuln Oil is like magic. Totally crazy what shades can do vs. figures painted without them.

I think after seeing the shades was what convinced me to give it a try.

I always thought those painters were just extremely skilful in painting realistic shadows in crevices.

That's exactly what I thought. Or that their hands were beyond steady when hitting the detail lines on for instance the trooper armor. Nope a splash of magic in a bottle.

So Sorastro, what are the chances of a video this weekend? (:

Anybody in the U.S. Know a good online retailer to get Rosemary & Co brushes. The big online bookstore doesn't seem to have them.


Again, thanks for the inspirations.

Do you actually get to play the games anymore?

I hope you are finding some time for you and your friends to enjoy the game.

Would be nice to see some shots from your table in flight...

Hi Addum! I don't actually get to play often and in truth don't have many friends! I also prefer to play with fully-painted minis (which takes a lot longer to achieve when videoing) so it will be a while before I play again, but when I do I'd be happy to share some shots of the game in action :)

So Sorastro, what are the chances of a video this weekend? (:

Hi Muz! Pretty slim I'm afraid as I'm busy with family stuff, but I'll do my best to get as far as I can :)

So Sorastro, what are the chances of a video this weekend? (:

Hi Muz! Pretty slim I'm afraid as I'm busy with family stuff, but I'll do my best to get as far as I can :)

That's fair enough, we wouldn't want you slaving over our tutorial videos without getting a break!

Anybody in the U.S. Know a good online retailer to get Rosemary & Co brushes. The big online bookstore doesn't seem to have them.

I was searching around as well, and it really seems like the only way is directly from the R & C website. If you got all of the brushes that Sorastro lists in his videos I think it comes out to somewhere between $40 - $45 depending on the shipping option you choose. If anybody can find them cheaper over here, I'd love to know it as well!

Hi guys! I have heard that Reaper brushes are quite popular among miniature painters and I think are US made so should give you better value:

I've not tried them myself yet but they might be worth a go; Has anyone reading this tried them and willing to share their experiences?

For someone who's used to Series 7 W&N's? You're not going to be impressed.

EDIT: I seem to have missed the point of the question.

Edited by Murm3l

I want triangle handled paintbrushes. I reckon they'd give me better control.

I'm using the Citadel brushes, but I have nothing to compare them against. Opinons?

I've been using some cheap synthetic brushes I bought from an art store, Citadel Brushes and Army Painter Wargaming series brushes. From these, I think the Army Painter brushes are the best and also cheaper than Citadel brushes. I had the Detail brush but I managed to break it. It had fallen on the floor without me noticing and got stuck between two kitchen table chairs. When I was cleaning I pulled one of the chairs back and snapped the thing. My cursing was probably heard in the neighbouring apartments.

Yesterday I bought the Wargaming series's Character brush and that one is amazing. If I had to use just one brush for an entire miniature then I would use that. The brush holds a good amount of paint so it's good for basecoating but it's also sharp enough for highlighting and some detailing. I used it for basecoating and highlighting the armor parts on the Royal Guard champion. I only needed a smaller brush for the visor or eyehole.

I found a pretty good review on the Army Painter brushes in case anyone is interested:

Citadel brushes are terrible value. I tried army painter brushes a while ago and I didn't like them at all. The triangle shaped handle wasn't as good as I thought and I think that is mostly because they are plastic and not wood and they add an uncomfortable amount of weight to the brush I couldn't get used to. The Citadel brushes are better balanced in that regard I feel. What they both have though is terrible bristles. They don't have a proper point, they don't hold a lot of paint and they wear out at light speed.

Expensive brushes are actually a lot cheaper. The up front cost is higher but they last ten times as long easily if taken care of. W&N are easily the best brushes I've tried, but there are cheaper options as well. For larger brushes specifically, Royal and Langnickel (Sandy's sure stroke) are excellent and easily available in the US (Not as easily in Europe sadly). For drybrushing, terrain and basecoating I use brushes from the dollar store.

I've heard good things about W&N and Royal and Langnickel from some enthusiasts here but their brushes are not easily available here (Finland). The consensus seems to be that there are other good brushes with better availability that are cheaper. Can't remember the brands now.

Interestingly, most people dislike Citadel brushes though many start with them.

I personally prefer the Army Painter brushes because they're cheaper than Citadel brushes and easily available. The weight of the brush hasn't bothered me. For painting boardgame miniatures for tabletop they're good enough for me. I'll have to see if any art store here has brushes suitable for miniatures that are not overly expensive. I'm sure my preferences will change once I try better brushes.

And I'm just a beginner so my comments should be taken with a grain of salt. The only brush I own that has gone bad so far (from february to here) is the Citadel Detail brush of which the tip splits in two and doesn't stay sharp at all. I cannot see any paint in the root but I guess there's dried there or it wouldn't behave like that.

So I don't know if this makes me cheap or blind to detail ha ha, but I used a pack of brushes I bought from Wal-Mart for around 5 bucks. It has all the sizes I could need plus a few great for the pallet and dry brushing. I'll post pictures soon of my dogs, but I'm beyond happy with the results. I'm going to paint the royal guard champion tonight.

awesome topic!....thanks ALL for sharing...I have learned mass!

awesome topic!....thanks ALL for sharing...I have learned mass!

Agreed; I'm learning plenty too!

I promised an update on Episode 10 and I'm relieved to be able to tell you that I've finally finished filming the first hero video (I've also got the techniques worked out for Episode 11). I'll let you know when the editing/composing is drawing to a close :)

That's some exciting news right there!

I went ahead and did my RGC last night based on the techniques and videos this far and am super happy with it! Thanks again

Wohoo!! Can't wait!

Ok so I bought a couple of W&N brushes. A 0 and a 00. Pointers on keeping them pristine? I don't mind paying for quality, but I want to properly care for them as well.

That's my question as well. How do I take care of brushes. Also some of

My detailing (smallest size not sure on name or size right now since I'm away) has a few stray brush hairs that are longer. Is it ok to trim?

I have been watching some of Sorastros tutorials, looking to paint my zombiecide figures. is Quick shade different from Nuln oil in the effect, creating shadow? is it pretty much a brown wash, where nuln oil is a black wash,

I have been watching some of Sorastros tutorials, looking to paint my zombiecide figures. is Quick shade different from Nuln oil in the effect, creating shadow? is it pretty much a brown wash, where nuln oil is a black wash,

They are different.

Quick Shade is oil-based (needs white spirits to clean up after) and lets the colours come through cleaner.

Nuln oil is water-based and also tints the colours while hitting the deep recesses.

I have been watching some of Sorastros tutorials, looking to paint my zombiecide figures. is Quick shade different from Nuln oil in the effect, creating shadow? is it pretty much a brown wash, where nuln oil is a black wash,

They are different.

Quick Shade is oil-based (needs white spirits to clean up after) and lets the colours come through cleaner.

Nuln oil is water-based and also tints the colours while hitting the deep recesses.

thanks very much

I keep having the same recurring nightmare-

"No more training do you require...

Already know you, that what you need..."

I really don't feel like a Jedi yet!!