Rule Clarifications

By plumsmugler, in XCOM: The Board Game

I am sure someone at ffg looks at the website to see how people are responding to their products, but will they act on anything? I don know. There is a faq for other coop games, so I am sure this will get one too (aside from the one included with the app?

FFG staff certainly do read the forums for their games, and in my experience they're pretty good about acting on feedback received. It will be interesting to see how they handle these sorts of clarifications in XCOM, considering the rules are all in the app.

They could just change the rules as written in the app to clarify or correct things, but then some people would be playing by outdated rules without realizing things had changed. Possibly, they might even miss the update, so then their rules will be different from everyone else's, and when they go to play with someone else's copy of the game they get a rather big shock...

Perhaps maintaining a separate FAQ (either as part of the app or as a PDF) could help maintain the change log. The app can still be updated directly, but at least people could look at the FAQ to see if something changed or if they're just losing their mind when they get a rule wrong. =P

Edited by Steve-O


possibly not an FAQ but an updated log with what was changed in the app would help?

I could be wrong, but based from what I see there is actually a "prologue" and "epilogue" in the resolution phase.

The prologue is the part where you count and pay the amount of credits, plus any recruiting if needed, then resolve the crisis cards.

The epilogue is the part where you refresh all your assets and research cards, then retreat all units to the reserve.

I believe that you can't actually use any of your assets/research cards in both "transition" moments.

Sorry if its confusing.

Didn't come across many of these problems the other day during our first 3 games. It says that the dice aren't limited like other components- so that if you need to roll more than 4, just keep track of successes and roll as many more as needed.

We did wonder about assigning/paying... everything on the board is paid for each round, but it does not state whether units placed on cards do not have to be paid for. I assume not, for example the central officer can place satellites in the resolution phase, after payment. But something like the commander's training asset, or the sky ranger, happen in the timed phase and there is some ambiguity in language- in the 'Units' rule entry it states that the commander must pay a credit for each unit assigned to a task. However in the rules for auditing the budget it states that only units assigned to the board are paid for- implying not cards. As mentioned above, the constant and interchangeable use of the word 'assign' does not help much!

It's under the 'Budget and Credits' section: "Units assigned to reserve, asset, or tech cards to not count against the Xcom Budget."

So use those assets as much as you can as they are essentially 'free' (credits-wise). :)

Something I'm not clear on after my first game:

So, rolling the threat or under automatically fails the task or does it just move the threat up and then when you can't GET anymore threat, the task is over?

Something I'm not clear on after my first game:

So, rolling the threat or under automatically fails the task or does it just move the threat up and then when you can't GET anymore threat, the task is over?

It fails the task.

Something I'm not clear on after my first game:

So, rolling the threat or under automatically fails the task or does it just move the threat up and then when you can't GET anymore threat, the task is over?

A bit of clarification - rolling a loss doesn't exaxtly fail a task.

There is certainly a penalty associated with a loss, such as exhausting satellites. And many losses prevent you from trying again.

However, any successes rolled with the loss still count. So it is entirely possible, for example, to kill UFOs even as your interceptors are wiped out.

Ok I have it official from Luke Litzinger:

1. You only pay for units that are still on the board when you get to the audit budget step.

2. Asset and Tech (with the resolution phase icon) cards cannot be used once the refresh step takes place. Gotta wait until the next resolution phase.

Luke also said for the most part, if there is a rules descrepancy, the more restrictive rule takes precedence.

He also clarified in an email to me that Soldiers who are assigned to a mission must be paid for each round they are on the board.

We finally won a match last night in a bit of a goofy ending. We rolled a loss against the 3rd final mission task, but also rolled enough successes to complete it, so even if the soldiers on task die, we won the game, right? That's how we ruled it. lol.

Another question that came up was whether or not we could use the laboratory asset against a task that had no scientists assigned to it at all? So instead of rolling 0 dice you, you would roll 1. Can you even assign a research task to a lab without assigning scientists to it? Can you skip assigning a research task to a lab if you know you aren't going to assign scientists to it?

Edited by ZekeH30

Hi, nice game, really!

2 questions to anybody care to clarify, please:

1. Can I use Satellite Nexus and Mission Control cards multiple times (with a multiple satellites put on it)?

2. If all my soldiers die on mission without fully finishing it - does it mean that the mission is failed and all of it's progress is lost? Or can I place brand new troops next round and try to eventually succeed?

1. You are only limited by the number of satelites that you have. Cards with a limited number of uses per round will explicitly state so on the card. (Interceptor Repair, for example.)

2. The mission stays, as do any successes on it. The mission is only removed/replaced during the timed phase. At the point the squad commander can choose to replace it with one of his/her two drawn missions.

We finally won a match last night in a bit of a goofy ending. We rolled a loss against the 3rd final mission task, but also rolled enough successes to complete it, so even if the soldiers on task die, we won the game, right? That's how we ruled it. lol.

Another question that came up was whether or not we could use the laboratory asset against a task that had no scientists assigned to it at all? So instead of rolling 0 dice you, you would roll 1. Can you even assign a research task to a lab without assigning scientists to it? Can you skip assigning a research task to a lab if you know you aren't going to assign scientists to it?

ZekeH30, not sure if you've played the more revent Xcom video games, but your win matches up to how the ending goes when you win the game!

As to your questions, the cards ands rules do not explicity state you *have* to have a scienist assigned to a task to use it, so I think you can. After all, Alien Construction explicitly states you *must* have a scientist assigned.

Yes you can have a research task assigned with no scienists assigned to you.

I would also assume you could skip assigning research to a lab...but you would never really want to. Card Advantage seems to be a pretty big deal for the Chief Scientist. Each slot you fill up lets you draw back another card up to 6.

We finally won a match last night in a bit of a goofy ending. We rolled a loss against the 3rd final mission task, but also rolled enough successes to complete it, so even if the soldiers on task die, we won the game, right? That's how we ruled it. lol.

Another question that came up was whether or not we could use the laboratory asset against a task that had no scientists assigned to it at all? So instead of rolling 0 dice you, you would roll 1. Can you even assign a research task to a lab without assigning scientists to it? Can you skip assigning a research task to a lab if you know you aren't going to assign scientists to it?

In the rules it says you must generate at least one die to add another so no zero to 1 die roll is allowed.

In the rules it says you must generate at least one die to add another so no zero to 1 die roll is allowed.

Edited by Longhornn

Hi, nice game, really!

2 questions to anybody care to clarify, please:

1. Can I use Satellite Nexus and Mission Control cards multiple times (with a multiple satellites put on it)?

2. If all my soldiers die on mission without fully finishing it - does it mean that the mission is failed and all of it's progress is lost? Or can I place brand new troops next round and try to eventually succeed?

yes you may use a one satellite per use cost, there is no tap to either of those cards you just have to pay a one satellite per use cost.

No you keep your progress unless you switch the mission card. it states so in the rules

In the rules it says you must generate at least one die to add another so no zero to 1 die roll is allowed.

Where in the rules does it state this?

In the rules it says you must generate at least one die to add another so no zero to 1 die roll is allowed.

Where in the rules does it state this?

you can't add dice if you are not already rolling dice for a task

Kind of an odd question, but can soldiers stay assigned to tasks/enemies that you can't keep rolling at? For example, say you have a Floater with the evade ability attacking your base, and the Commander has the Plasma Cannon card (I think that was the name - the one that lets you place an interceptor on it to put a success token on an enemy with a soldier assigned). If you try a roll and get no successes, is the soldier still assigned to the Floater, so it can be targeted by the Plasma Cannon? Or would you need to use the cannon before rolling if you wanted to use it at all in this case?

To put it another way, do assigned soldiers immediately "fall off" when they hit a limit to their attempts at a task, or is there a window of opportunity to activate other abilities that require an assigned soldier?

Kind of an odd question, but can soldiers stay assigned to tasks/enemies that you can't keep rolling at? For example, say you have a Floater with the evade ability attacking your base, and the Commander has the Plasma Cannon card (I think that was the name - the one that lets you place an interceptor on it to put a success token on an enemy with a soldier assigned). If you try a roll and get no successes, is the soldier still assigned to the Floater, so it can be targeted by the Plasma Cannon? Or would you need to use the cannon before rolling if you wanted to use it at all in this case?

To put it another way, do assigned soldiers immediately "fall off" when they hit a limit to their attempts at a task, or is there a window of opportunity to activate other abilities that require an assigned soldier?

Assigning a soldier to an enemy, and rolling against that enemy, are two different steps. There is no rule that a soldier "falls off" an enemy if you miss and are unable to roll again.

Soldiers stay assigned to enemies until the Squad Leader deliberately pulls them off. This can be done before and after rolling dice.

Elerium Clarification:

The rules state that (paraphrasing here) anytime an asset/card states "Place X Here", those have to come from the Reserve, and not from the board or another card.

From previous postings here, it seems that everyone here is assuming the Elerium card, which states "Place 2 credits on the Emergency Funding card" come from the Supply. Since the rules specifically stated "Place X Here" has to come from Reserves, that these credits for Elerium must also come from there, like saving unspent credits for future turns instead of losing them by not spending them.

If it is true that these 2 credits come from the Supply, then the card would have been better written to state "Place 2 credits from the Supply on the Emergency Funding card".

Is this a case where the "Place X Here" does not apply because the Elerium card is actually a "Place 2 There" instead, thus not subject to the aforementioned rule?

Am I reading this wrong? This would be a great FAQ/Rules update... <ahem>


Edited by Spyder

That's not a bad question, but I would say no, just based that I haven't seen anything that states credits are part of a reserve. There is a Chief Scientist card that replenishes the emergency funding card as well I think, even though I don't know the wording on it.

I get what you're saying, and while I agree that a firm answer from FFG would settle it, my reasoning for taking it from the supply (not the budget) is as follows:

Assuming you research it normally round 1, and you assigned the usual amount of scientists (2), those scientist cost you 2 credits round 1, credits you could've spent researching something else. The earliest you can use Elerium is round 2, giving you back the 2 credits it took to research it. So you don't really start benefitting from it until round 3.

That, and we already have a budget-manipulating card in the form of Mission Control. You can "sneak" in extra units to the board if you find you're under budget with nothing to buy.

Also, the rules text regarding "Place X here" specifically refers to units, and credits are not units. And in any case, Elerium doesn't say "Place X here," it says to place it on the Emergency Funding card.

I realize that none of these things by themselves are hard and fast proof of anything, but together they all at least indicate to me the original intent of the Elerium card. That being said, I wouldn't put it past FFG to throw a wrench in my plans by saying it must come from the budget.

Edited by chiller087

I get what you're saying, and while I agree that a firm answer from FFG would settle it, my reasoning for taking it from the supply (not the budget) is as follows:

Assuming you research it normally round 1, and you assigned the usual amount of scientists (2), those scientist cost you 2 credits round 1, credits you could've spent researching something else. The earliest you can use Elerium is round 2, giving you back the 2 credits it took to research it. So you don't really start benefitting from it until round 3.

That, and we already have a budget-manipulating card in the form of Mission Control. You can "sneak" in extra units to the board if you find you're under budget with nothing to buy.

Also, the rules text regarding "Place X here" specifically refers to units, and credits are not units. And in any case, Elerium doesn't say "Place X here," it says to place it on the Emergency Funding card.

I realize that none of these things by themselves are hard and fast proof of anything, but together they all at least indicate to me the original intent of the Elerium card. That being said, I wouldn't put it past FFG to throw a wrench in my plans by saying it must come from the budget.

I think it also represents selling off elerium in the gray market like you can in the game bringing in outside money to xcom.

Curious about missions. If you have 2 units on a mission and stop for a round, they stay there...I know that. On the next round, if you still don't finish the mission they remain on the card. Do they count toward the audit on the turn after they were paid for?