Jedi vs regular characters

By miishelle, in General Discussion

There are full Jedi in the game. Don't get hung up on the names. You were right when you said Yoda would be a Mystic. He would be Mystic Seer with Ataru Strikers as his lightsaber tree. and likely Consular. which would put him at around FR5 maybe 6 from another tree. Though technically he would be an NPC and have what he needs. since the main characters are luke, asoka, obiwan and luke. etc.

Jedi just have 300 to 500 or more xp.

Look at the fights between Obiwan and Jango. and Obi wan and Cad Bane. Normals in the Star Wars universe can give the Jedi a run for their money. Assuming they have the same amount of XP

Edited by Daeglan

As I said, you are probably right, but again, I'm not able to explain it, it's just a sensation that Jedi still need something else.

Maybe the Signature Abilities or the extra Specializations in future books will remove from me this sensation that makes me that I cannot see a "full Jedi" yet.

But yes, it's pretty easy to put movies/series characters on their proper Carriers and Specializations. They fit almost 100% :)

Edited by Josep Maria

From what I've seen-- which isn't much as I've only played one game and thumbed through both core books-- is balance. I've been in a group with two force users; me and one other guy. Our power usage was minimal and the smuggler and bounty hunter dealt the most damage in combat and in fact I did literally nothing in terms of damage. I don't think I hit once all game lol! But the force power uhhhhh fate or touch of fate did help in a critical moment-- I gave the bonus to the smuggler though. Everyone's talent trees seemed well balanced and the fact you have to activate most force powers with an action -- at least in core EOTE it didn't make the force users gods. So I'm liking the system and force users don't seem as special when you see other talent trees are just as cool!

As I said, you are probably right, but again, I'm not able to explain it, it's just a sensation that Jedi still need something else.

Maybe the Signature Abilities or the extra Specializations in future books will remove from me this sensation that makes me that I cannot see a "full Jedi" yet.

But yes, it's pretty easy to put movies/series characters on their proper Carriers and Specializations. They fit almost 100% :)

Being a Jedi is more of a philosophy. not a name of a power on a piece of paper. Maybe in the future they will have books on force traditions and other kinds of organizations like Black Sun, Etc. I wouldn't get hung up on mechanics and names for the Jedi. As what really makes a Jedi a Jedi is their philosophy more than their physical abilities. And that stuff is covered in great detail in places like Path of the Jedi. Power of the Jedi and Jedi Academy training manual from the previous editions of the game and other sources.

I know it and absolutelly agree.

I know that not every Jedi on the temple was a killing machine of massive destruction XD Probably those from movies and series where exceptions.

But... as I said, it's just a feeling.

Edited by Josep Maria

I know it and absolutelly agree.

I know that not every Jedi on the temple was a killing machine of massive destruction XD Probably those from movies and series where exceptions.

But... as I said, it's just a feeling.

What are yo looking for? FFG to wave a magic want saying this is a Jedi?

Nope but I like the idea XD

A sensation is something that its pretty difficult to explain. Maybe when I see all the specs and all the available rules on my hand (future books and suplements) I could say "this is/isn't a Jedi".

Until the moment, I will be on "stand by" ;)

Nope but I like the idea XD

A sensation is something that its pretty difficult to explain. Maybe when I see all the specs and all the available rules on my hand (future books and suplements) I could say "this is/isn't a Jedi".

Until the moment, I will be on "stand by" ;)

Trouble is no 2 Jedi are the same. So i doubt there will ever be a spec or career that "is a Jedi" Because they don't fit in one spec.

More than "specific specs" I'm looking for extra rules or concrete Talents. My mind is open to other interpretations too ;)

NPC rules are the closest thing to a Jedi on my head.

You might just be waiting on career books then. Some of the force-related talents NPCs have are structured in a similar manner to what you'd find in existing existing trees and will likely be included in specs down the road. Other talents are straight out of other specs. And beyond that, Signature Abilities will be much as they have been - giving the more dedicated to their career access to a powerful talent. Consulars/Mystics would likely be able to temporarily decrease the requirements for activating powers in some way, Guardians temporary access to more effective/cheaper Parry/Reflect, etc.

There are full Jedi in the game. Don't get hung up on the names. You were right when you said Yoda would be a Mystic. He would be Mystic Seer with Ataru Strikers as his lightsaber tree. and likely Consular. which would put him at around FR5 maybe 6 from another tree. Though technically he would be an NPC and have what he needs. since the main characters are luke, asoka, obiwan and luke. etc.

Jedi just have 300 to 500 or more xp.

Probably more. We've been playing, starting at Knight level, for months now. My character is at 580 points and still seems weaker than what we saw from Jedi in Episodes 2 and 3. I'd say 500 points is a Jedi who has just passed his trials. A typical Jedi would be more like 650 points. A Jedi Master would start at about 800 points. A Council member should be about 1,000 points.

Personally, I wouldn't be entirely shocked if a "Clone Wars" book of some nature is coming down the pipeline, either as a sourcebook, or something else. I hope personally it will be something like a "gestalt sourcebook" that is not tied to any of the three lines, but useable with any. I realize this is technically true, for the most part, already. But not branding it as any of the three lines. I mean "requires one or more of the three" sort of thing. So no repeats of past rules. Thus giving more room for more info. More careers and talents. Higher level play advice. New powers and artifacts. Talents. Or whatever. Just era specific stuff.

Likely we'd want some dedicated Clone Trooper rules, for running a squad of Clones as your PCs. How "jedi" should be, even if just saying use F&D.

In an even more ideal world it has advice for running a Master-Padawan game and letting people at both powerlevels have fun AND have mechanical agency. (cfa: Doctor Who, Buffy, or Ghosts of Albion RPGs for examples of how this has happened in the past). If this is the case, then it's essentially just as possible for it to be Master + Padawan + Clone Squad and still work despite the Master being at a higher XP level.

With luck this could lead to other eras too. Though that seems less likely unless KOTOR gets a magic official canon stamp or something. Because right now the only official canon goes no further back than Phantom Menace, aside from random snippets tied to other stuff in Clone Wars.


In an even more ideal world it has advice for running a Master-Padawan game and letting people at both powerlevels have fun AND have mechanical agency. (cfa: Doctor Who, Buffy, or Ghosts of Albion RPGs for examples of how this has happened in the past). If this is the case, then it's essentially just as possible for it to be Master + Padawan + Clone Squad and still work despite the Master being at a higher XP level.


That could be interesting. For now, if anyone wants to hear some discussion on running a master/apprentice adventure, I highly recommend episode 57 of "Potelbat" podcast. It uses Star Wars and other sources as examples but keeps it generic enough to work with most RPG games.

I'm still hoping KOTOR is canon. It's so far back that it can't really impact the next movies, I think LucasArts mostly owned it, so it won't cost them more, and the "everything made after this point IS canon" implies, at least to me, that SWTOR, which is still being made, added to, and such, is canon, so the KOTOR attached to it should be, too. Sadly, that's just my take on things.

I'm glad to see Force-users, be they "Jedi analogues", swinging with the twin blades of lightsaber and smothering Code, or someone who fits a more "other character typical" who happens to also have Force powers, are on par with soldiers, smugglers, and silver tongues, at least in their chosen fields, but often all around. I sometimes get irritated on what i see as the hang ups of balance; I've seen many cases of "linear fighter vs exponential wizard", and had to watch the wizard suffer, simply because the fighter can ONLY be so good, with the way they work, and being the wizard player, possibly with too frequent "special snowflake syndrome", it ticked me off, but this system seem to do a nice job of giving me the things I still want out of my Force-users, minus things that aren't canon, anymore (my snowflake syndrome flair-ups), while not making me say "why wouldn't I play a Force-user? They have super-powers." After flipping through the 40k books of FFG this long, it's nice to see a cohesive set of rules, between each of the lines, and not just say "What? Adepts? No, don't play them. What? Psykers? No, you CAN'T play them, they're cheesy-broken."

If rumors are true, then at least elements of KOTOR are sneaking in. I mean, there's apparently some reference to Revan in The Clone Wars somewhere.

But beyond that, there's a rather strong hinting that Revan's mask is in Ep 7, and more importantly, supposedly JJ Abrams is a huge fan of KOTOR, which makes him back dooring it into Canon through the movie a much more believable rumor. So, don't give up hope on TOR?

If rumors are true, then at least elements of KOTOR are sneaking in. I mean, there's apparently some reference to Revan in The Clone Wars somewhere.

I know Darth Bane was mentioned in TCW, I can't remember if Revan was even in a vague way.

But beyond that, there's a rather strong hinting that Revan's mask is in Ep 7, and more importantly, supposedly JJ Abrams is a huge fan of KOTOR, which makes him back dooring it into Canon through the movie a much more believable rumor. So, don't give up hope on TOR?

I seem to have heard somewhere that Lucas also really liked Revan. Or maybe it was Darth Bane. Darn now I'm going to have to look it up.

The only "old republic reference" that I remember is Darth Bane, no other references to actual Legends material on that way.

Well, I lied XD The number of Jedi is told in Rebels Recoon (10.000 Jedi)

Even how old seems the Jedi Order or the Republic itself seems confusing. Stormtroopers aren't clones, and lightsaber color comes from "inner aura" nor cristal colot itself.

Hope I helped :)

Personally, I wouldn't be entirely shocked if a "Clone Wars" book of some nature is coming down the pipeline, either as a sourcebook, or something else. I hope personally it will be something like a "gestalt sourcebook" that is not tied to any of the three lines, but useable with any. I realize this is technically true, for the most part, already. But not branding it as any of the three lines. I mean "requires one or more of the three" sort of thing. So no repeats of past rules. Thus giving more room for more info. More careers and talents. Higher level play advice. New powers and artifacts. Talents. Or whatever. Just era specific stuff.

Likely we'd want some dedicated Clone Trooper rules, for running a squad of Clones as your PCs. How "jedi" should be, even if just saying use F&D.

In an even more ideal world it has advice for running a Master-Padawan game and letting people at both powerlevels have fun AND have mechanical agency. (cfa: Doctor Who, Buffy, or Ghosts of Albion RPGs for examples of how this has happened in the past). If this is the case, then it's essentially just as possible for it to be Master + Padawan + Clone Squad and still work despite the Master being at a higher XP level.

With luck this could lead to other eras too. Though that seems less likely unless KOTOR gets a magic official canon stamp or something. Because right now the only official canon goes no further back than Phantom Menace, aside from random snippets tied to other stuff in Clone Wars.

*screams and hides* sorry. the idea of.going back to the dark times of the prequels scared me

Aha, it was a deleted scene. So guess it doesn't count.

Talk about an awesome missed opportunity. If Filoni is keeping is eye on KotOR, then we may see something popup on Rebels. I would certainly be okay with that.

Hope so, but isn't he done after this first season? Which is presumably already done? (Though we have a few eps yet)

I haven't heard that. I know that the Rebels show is on a ticking clock since they're already planning on another show to supplant Rebels in the year following Ep VII release.

I haven't heard that. I know that the Rebels show is on a ticking clock since they're already planning on another show to supplant Rebels in the year following Ep VII release.

I've heard that rumor too. Not sure how much to believe it.

The commercial count for Rebels does seem to suggest they at least think it's putting eyes in front of screens. And eyes = money.

On the other hand by this time next year we'll probably all be arguing over exactly what bonuses a saber-claymore gives and how to stat the new model x-wing. Prime time to launch a series based on that same material while we're all excited...

I think it really comes down to :

  1. Do they think the world can't handle 2 SW cartoons at the same time?
  2. How long does it take to create and produce a new season?
  3. Can Filoni not manage 2 series, or not delegate management of 1?
  4. How do the profits compare to the costs? Would a second series be self-sustaining?
  5. These shows get darker/more mature with the expected audience base. Is there a concern that a 2-season older Rebels would result in too much Watching up of the younger series initial target audience? (IE: Would the same viewer learning how to spell with BB-8, then watch Rebels the following night showing Sabine and Ezra kanoodling in the Phantom after Space-Prom, and more importantly: would the viewers mom care?)