Question about things like "Slam" and "Telekeneitc Throw" -- Do they replace attacks?

By El_Tonio, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

My current thinking is no, they do not count as or replace attacks.

So, Chewie's "slam" is not an attack... it does not say attack and there is no deffense roll, so I am thinking he can slam AND attack.

Same for the "telekenetic throw" command card... it does not say attack and there is no defense roll, so I think you can do both it and an attack.

Things like the nexu's "pounce" and Vader (and other's) "brutality" all say attacks, but neither of the above (and perhaps other things, too) say attack.

It was implied otherwise in a post in #6 of this thread:

I think (but am not 100% sure) slam and telekeinetic throw work like force choke (jiust with variable damage) and are not attacks (i.e., so you can do these things AND attack). What do folks think?

EDIT: One additional question, I was also thinking you couldn't use surge results for slam and TT since both specifically mention damage equal to damage results (i.e., it does not mention surges). What do you think?

Edited by El_Tonio

They are not attacks. Chewie can Slam and Attack in the same turn. Brutality and Pounce are, as you state, attacks so they count as your one attack for the activation. Vader cannot use Brutality and then attack in the same activation.

Slam and TT both call out specifically to roll dice (not attack) and count the [hit] results on the die face. Surges, rerolls, etc do not apply.