WFRP Adventure Map?

By Noelyuk, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

I also have a mac and only a mac and you absolutely can run Fantasy Grounds. It operates via steam and utilises a wine skin but i've been using it successfully to both run and play in campaigns via Fantasy Grounds. You should check it out Cthulhu

Edited by Noelyuk


I have totally missed this! Granted that it was three years ago when I made an effort the last time and then it was a bootcamp operation if you wanted that to work. This is great news!

Hey Doc

I'd be very very interested to see the map turned into a pdf. I'm guessing you'd use pdf layering to achieve the effect right? If you find the time to do this that would be great or even if you could start if off and walk me through the process so that I could do it that too would be awesome. Anyway i'll leave it with you in the hopes your scheduling allows for such a project.


P.S. Just had a quick nosey at your Guild Blog and still chuckling at the campaign up there called The Bell End lol :)

You are seriously the first person to get that without explanation. :D Aki would be pleased.

As for the map I don't exactly remember how to do it (I'm on vacation and away from my main computer) but it was relatively easy. Something like this:


Noone would be happier than me to see this turned into a pdf but without the knowhow to do so it's nothing more than a pipedream at the moment. Doc_Cthulhu was looking into the practicalities of doing so, but I'm not sure really. If anyone can teach me how I'd love to make a layered pdf. I even contacted Gitzman to see who is the owner and creator of this map on his website:

I thought this might be easier to do given that it's layered already. No reply back as yet. I guess they're busy.
