Your card wishes.

By Killax, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

Resources from dead enemies always seemed a Tyranid thing to me.

Given up on the Black Templar thing for now, got distracted by the Avatar.

My thought on deploying to HQ, however, goes with the crusading nature of the chapter. They deploy from their Battle Barge en masse, as a single force, rather than playing the broader tactical game. My thought was that it would be a good thing to do with Void Pirates and Rogue Traders joining the entourage, pretty much guaranteeing their bonuses. Mostly I was just throwing the idea out there to see what else could be done with it, with the intention of theming the other signature cards around that option.

For example, a support called "Battle Barge Sigisimund" that makes Units at your HQ immune to card effects.

Coming back to the Avatar, one idea I had (which I think I started but didn't finish on cardgamedb) was as follows:

The Young King

Eldar, Warlord, Warrior, Biel Tan,

Hale: 1 attack, 2 HP.

Deploy Action: Spend 3 Resources to Bloody this Warlord.

7 cards, 7 resources

Bloodied: (new card title: Avatar of Kaela Mensha Khaine)

3 attack, 10 HP


Units you control at this planet may not Retreat, and are immune to effects that would Rout them.

Signature Squad

1 x Dire Avengers Exarch

Unique Army Unit, 2 cost,

Warrior, Exarch, Biel Tan


This unit gains +1 Attack and +1 HP when at a planet with your Warlord.

1 x Howling Banshees Exarch

Unique Army Unit, 2 cost,

Warrior, Exarch , Biel Tan



This unit gains +1 Attack and +1 HP when at a planet with your Warlord.

1 x Swooping Hawks Exarch

Unique Army Unit, 2 cost,

Warrior, Exarch , Biel Tan



This unit gains +1 Attack and +1 HP when at a planet with your Warlord.

1 x Fire Dragons Exarch

Unique Army Unit, 2 cost,

Warrior, Exarch , Biel Tan


Area Effect 1

This unit gains +1 Attack and +1 HP when at a planet with your Warlord.

(would need to make sure had Dragon's Breath Flamer in art, for fluffiness)

1 x Dark Reapers Exarch

Unique Army Unit, 2 cost,

Warrior, Exarch , Biel Tan



This unit gains +1 Attack and +1 HP when at a planet with your Warlord.

1 x Striking Scorpions Exarch

Unique Army Unit, 2 cost,

Warrior, Exarch , Biel Tan



This unit gains +1 Attack and +1 HP when at a planet with your Warlord.

1 x Bhazhakhain

Event, 1 Cost, 2 Shield Icons

Deploy Action: Search your deck for a card with the Exarch trait then add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.

1x Court of the Young King

Location, 2 cost.

Exarchs you control gain the printed keywords of all other Exarchs at their planet.

Net result: Eldar rush!

Edited by Prepare for War

Really cool and liniair design. I like it! At the same time I think the Warlord would fit the Avatar really well.

I do know that you'll be happy with some of the spoiled Eldar cards. In special the 2/4 for 2 :D

I'm abit behind on watching the spoilers. Has FFG made a SW long fangs card yet?

If not:

Space wolves long fangs.

Type: Unit.

Space marines, Space wolves.

1 command

Cost: 4


Action: Once per turn: Long fangs gets +1 attack and gains Ranged until end of turn, or Long fangs gains Area effect 2 until end of turn.

Not yet! I feel the Devastator units are completly ignored right now for no real reason. I do feel that if they where to include them they probably will not have AoE because the Daring Assault Squad allready serves that purpose.

I do really like your design. My personal go at it would be:

Type: Army

Cost: 4

Name: Long Fangs

Traits: Soldier. Space Wolves.


This unit gets +2 ATK and Armorbane when it attacks enemy Vehicle units.

CMD: 1

ATK/HLT: 3/3

I do believe in Ranged with an aditional rule versus Vechicles rule: +1 ATK and Armorbane. It would let them be able to remove anything quite big and bust Vechicles wide open. The later seems to be the initial plan of the Devastator Squads in any force. We also see a Tankbusta Bommaz with the Orks which is their own interpitation of anti-Vechicle unit.

Yeah I kinda like yours better. I'll use my original concept for chaos obliterators. Maybe add a few more options to choose from.

Edited by Robin Graves

Yeah I kinda like yours better. I'll use my original concept for chaos obliterators. Maybe add a few more options to choose from.

With that I can only agree, the Obliterators are known for being able to mutate their arms into any weapon known by the Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines Devastator Squads/Havocs. The option of being able to change would fit this unit VERY well. They would however be not able to carry around Wargear.

I've also though about putting that limitation on the Long Fangs or Devastators but at the same time the Wargear does not always have to make sence within the LCG, example Banshee Swords on Rangers who now shoot Banshee Swords???

Currently am working with Necron designs aswell, I feel it's very likely for them to be 1/7 and have something comparable to Ku'Gath to show they are incredibly hard to kill... Will come up with this sketch later this day, still working on signature Army units.

I was wondering about warlords with very imbalanced starting cards/recources.

Alpharius: 10/4

Omegon : 4/10

Aside from faction, abilities or hitpoints (7) : wich one would you prefer to play. Is this OP, bad idea, or for people who like to take risks?

Currently am working with Necron designs aswell, I feel it's very likely for them to be 1/7 and have something comparable to Ku'Gath to show they are incredibly hard to kill... Will come up with this sketch later this day, still working on signature Army units.

How about: "Reaction: if X would be destroyed, instead of putting it in the discard pile, move it to your HQ and place damage tokens on equal to half its hitpoints.

Edited by Robin Graves

And necron monoliths have an action that let's you move damaged necron units in your HQ to the planet the monolith is on.

Probaly something like "Action: Pay 2 resources: Target a damaged necron unit in your HQ, remove all damage tokens from it and move it to a planet with a Necron Monolith or Dolmen Gate present."

Yep that Monolith would make a lot of sence, I will thake it with me in further design. I believe that the above idea is perfect for such a vechicle however.

Resurection orb: Event. Action: Remove resurection orb from the game: Return each necron army unit that was destroyed during this battle to this planet.

My original idea was to make it a relic attachment but then that created problems in situations where the unit with the resurection orb would be destroyed first.

Any toughts?

Currently am working with Necron designs aswell, I feel it's very likely for them to be 1/7 and have something comparable to Ku'Gath to show they are incredibly hard to kill... Will come up with this sketch later this day, still working on signature Army units.

How about: "Reaction: if X would be destroyed, instead of putting it in the discard pile, move it to your HQ and place damage tokens on equal to half it's hitpoints.

Something like that could work out really well. On the other hand I was thinking about those units being able to be Deployed out of the discard pile and put tapped and with 1 damage into play again. It would be a new rule however, something like Living Metal would fit imho. It would also not appear on every Necron Army unit but the ones who are known for comming back will have it.

Resurection orb: Event. Action: Remove resurection orb from the game: Return each necron army unit that was destroyed during this battle to this planet.

My original idea was to make it a relic attachment but then that created problems in situations where the unit with the resurection orb would be destroyed first.

Any toughts?

Another idea I really like, I feel the Orb should be an attachment however and might only return the previously attached unit. But as a Warlord signature Orb I could see the above rule comming into effect, as it is very powerfull when they are not destroyed again at the end of the battle. (Like Gift of Isha for example)

I was wondering about warlords with very imbalanced starting cards/recources.

Alpharius: 10/4

Omegon : 4/10

Aside from faction, abilities or hitpoints (7) : wich one would you prefer to play. Is this OP, bad idea, or for people who like to take risks?

I feel it could be fitting for the Alpha Legion but at the same time I think it would pose problems, in special when we are talking about extremes we have not seen so far.

Currently, only Ragnar, Aun'Shi and Nazdreg have stats that add up to 9 points, all the other Warlords have stats who add up to 8 points. I believe that only the biggest and baddest should have stats who add up to 9 points but as a result have more limited Army, Support and Attachment cards. So in my mind it's possible to see a 3/6 Warlord for example but as a result he would be more balanced out by signature cards.

4/10 or 10/4 stats however add up to 14 points, which 6 points more as your general Warlords points. This would/should mean they'd have rather useless Army, Attachment and Support cards, which imho isn't fun at all...

The only real exception so far has been Zarathur who's points add up to 7 but he does probably have the best Warlord ability of all.

Something like that could work out really well. On the other hand I was thinking about those units being able to be Deployed out of the discard pile and put tapped and with 1 damage into play again. It would be a new rule however, something like Living Metal would fit imho. It would also not appear on every Necron Army unit but the ones who are known for comming back will have it.

Of course, no bringing back scarabs and such.

Say, Killax did/do you play warhammer invasion?


Something like that could work out really well. On the other hand I was thinking about those units being able to be Deployed out of the discard pile and put tapped and with 1 damage into play again. It would be a new rule however, something like Living Metal would fit imho. It would also not appear on every Necron Army unit but the ones who are known for comming back will have it.

Of course, no bringing back scarabs and such.

Say, Killax did/do you play warhammer invasion?


I don't, I did play a game of Invasion years ago but didn't like it so much because I felt the game was rather restricting with having to deploy cards within a certain area. Unlike Conquest with deploying on planets I felt that the game was a bit more restricted in a way. Can't fully explain why but I didn't really like it in the end.

I did play Warhammer Fantasy and feel the above card is a nice example of good design. It is commonly seen among the undead in cardgames (magic and wowtcg having comparable cards) but also fits the Necron's living metal fluff.

Spear of leman russ.

cyber wolves.

loki the trickster; one of his abilities should pertain to his second heart replaced by a stasis grenade, and the effect it would cause to the opponent(s) on same planet.

Salamander units.

Spear of leman russ.

cyber wolves.

loki the trickster; one of his abilities should pertain to his second heart replaced by a stasis grenade, and the effect it would cause to the opponent(s) on same planet.

Salamander units.

Reaction: if Lucas is destroyed: exhaust target unit, that unit doesn't ready and can't retreat for the remainder of this battle.

I don't, I did play a game of Invasion years ago but didn't like it so much because I felt the game was rather restricting with having to deploy cards within a certain area. Unlike Conquest with deploying on planets I felt that the game was a bit more restricted in a way. Can't fully explain why but I didn't really like it in the end.

I did play Warhammer Fantasy and feel the above card is a nice example of good design. It is commonly seen among the undead in cardgames (magic and wowtcg having comparable cards) but also fits the Necron's living metal fluff.

That's ok, we can't all like everything. I kinda liked it a lot, nice warhammer theme and you almost never got manascrewed like in magic the gathering. Same with 40C here.

For me, the notable thing about Long Fangs is the split fire rule.

The below would give the option of one attack at 5, or two at 3, or one at 3 and two at 1, or one at 3, one at 1 and then left standing.

Also, of course, there'd be a natural synergy with attack boosts like Ion Rifle.

Long Fangs

Army Unit, 5 cost,

Warrior, Space Wolves, Elite


Reaction: After this unit is declared as an attacker, give it -2 Attack till the end of Phase to ready it.

I don't, I did play a game of Invasion years ago but didn't like it so much because I felt the game was rather restricting with having to deploy cards within a certain area. Unlike Conquest with deploying on planets I felt that the game was a bit more restricted in a way. Can't fully explain why but I didn't really like it in the end.

I did play Warhammer Fantasy and feel the above card is a nice example of good design. It is commonly seen among the undead in cardgames (magic and wowtcg having comparable cards) but also fits the Necron's living metal fluff.

That's ok, we can't all like everything. I kinda liked it a lot, nice warhammer theme and you almost never got manascrewed like in magic the gathering. Same with 40C here.

Yeah I also think this game is much better as games where resources are also cards and you need to have those cards in your opening hand in order to actually play the game. For Warhammer invasion I also didn't like the way certain factions where just mixed in, unless I'm confused I believe that Skaven and Lizardmen where not optional factions to play but could be included as neutral cards? I highly dislike that because the Skaven and Lizardmen are not Dogs of War in any shape way or form.

I personally favour the way Conquest is set up with it's factions and am also okay with certain units being Neutral despite being Dark Eldar or Inquisitors. This "break of faction" is something that can be seen. A mix of Skaven + Orks or Empire + Lizardmen just strikes me as very akward. Not to say I fully know if this currently is the case or not...

Apart from that I often felt like GW (and thus FFG to some degree) stopped making Fantasy an interesting miniature game. Currently every army gets it's GIANT BEASTS OF AWESOMENESS without much reasoning behind it. I've also read about the option to mix all the armies into one giant one, further taking away any character previous armies had. Much like GW (and thus FFG) has basicly made Codex Chaos Space Marines into Codex Black Wordbearers Legion.

Have to admit I am not at all that upset for it for the LCG but that's more because I see the two as two completely different games who just share some background.

Spear of leman russ.

cyber wolves.

loki the trickster; one of his abilities should pertain to his second heart replaced by a stasis grenade, and the effect it would cause to the opponent(s) on same planet.

Salamander units.

Great wishes, if you could inform me a bit more on what you'd like to see out of them I'd sketch something up!

Knowing that Cyber Wolves are cav I could see another form of the White Scars unit. Perhaps the other way around would be really cool. Making it a 2/2 unit who gains 2 health when the Warlord is around for CRC 2...

Knowing the Salamanders are king of flamer units I could see a CRC 5 Salamanders flamer squad with a 3/3 body, single command and AoE 3. It would be a very powerfull unit but also be a cool 1-up in terms of AoE options.

I doubt it will come out like that, since SM allready has the two best AoE units in the game, but I'd be in favour of it.

For me, the notable thing about Long Fangs is the split fire rule.

The below would give the option of one attack at 5, or two at 3, or one at 3 and two at 1, or one at 3, one at 1 and then left standing.

Also, of course, there'd be a natural synergy with attack boosts like Ion Rifle.

Long Fangs

Army Unit, 5 cost,

Warrior, Space Wolves, Elite


Reaction: After this unit is declared as an attacker, give it -2 Attack till the end of Phase to ready it.

Sounds cool to me but I do think the game will essentially be over complicated by such options. Mainly because it also does not really spell out what the core of the Long Fangs (or Devastators is). I feel the LCG focusses less on specific Chapter rules and more on the essence of the units. Long Fangs are Devastators with another name. Devastators are mainly the anti-horde/anti-Vechicle unit within the miniature game.

However because of the way Darring Assault Squad is designed as the anti-horde unit I'd expect Ranged (also in a way anti horde) and anti-Vechicle as a more likely option for them.

The essence of Heavy Bolters is that they have an extreme range so they can continiously keep hordes at bay.

The essence of say a Lascannon is that it's able to penetrate the tickest of armour so an anti-Vechicle modus would be approprite for the LCG.

To continue on that, I feel that the essence of the Tactical Squad in the LCG is to have bolters + support weaponry, allowing it to be very effective against hordes (hence AoE 1) or just able to attack light to medium units.

Daring Assault Squad seems to be amped up more, combining the close combat attacks with Flamer weaponry (which is very effective against hordes) giving it the option to attack for 3 (probably representing that they will get the charge before the enemy) or attack for AoE 2 (probably representing the combination of close combat attacks and flamers).

Now it's because of the above two I also have a disliking for the Hellhound and the Leman Russ.

The Hellhound being AoE 1 I can sort of live with (it does have 2 command so is probably out for defensive reasons) but the lack of AoE on the Leman Russ bothers me beyond reason. As I've mentioned before I feel the thing should at least have AoE 2 or AoE 3 and I'll gladly trade Command Icons for that.

I hope FFG will fix this with a Vechicle Attachment for the Leman Russ.

Edited by Killax

Yeah I also think this game is much better as games where resources are also cards and you need to have those cards in your opening hand in order to actually play the game. For Warhammer invasion I also didn't like the way certain factions where just mixed in, unless I'm confused I believe that Skaven and Lizardmen where not optional factions to play but could be included as neutral cards? I highly dislike that because the Skaven and Lizardmen are not Dogs of War in any shape way or form.

I personally favour the way Conquest is set up with it's factions and am also okay with certain units being Neutral despite being Dark Eldar or Inquisitors. This "break of faction" is something that can be seen. A mix of Skaven + Orks or Empire + Lizardmen just strikes me as very akward. Not to say I fully know if this currently is the case or not...

Apart from that I often felt like GW (and thus FFG to some degree) stopped making Fantasy an interesting miniature game. Currently every army gets it's GIANT BEASTS OF AWESOMENESS without much reasoning behind it. I've also read about the option to mix all the armies into one giant one, further taking away any character previous armies had. Much like GW (and thus FFG) has basicly made Codex Chaos Space Marines into Codex Black Wordbearers Legion.

Have to admit I am not at all that upset for it for the LCG but that's more because I see the two as two completely different games who just share some background.


Yes skaven, undead, lizardmen and wood elves started out as neutral cards, but FFG fixed it in the end by giving them their own capitals (as cards not as boards this time) and then they canceled warhammer invasion before i ever got my tombkings/ogre kingdoms/chaos dwarfs.

Also the factions were devided into "order" and "destruction" and teh neutrals had "order only" (wood elves lizardmen) and "destruction only" (the other two) preventing any silly orc/dwarf alliances. (unlike ork/imp guard i might add!)

"the option to mix all armies into a big giant one" I assume you are talking about "The End Times"? It's not that you can throw eeeeeverybody together (altough that might end up happening the way chaos is kicking ass) And it's sorta true for the Elven Hosts: wood+high+dark elves. But Intrestingly for Undead (tombkings + vampire counts) and chaos (daemons+warriors+beasts) it actualy resets the armybooks to the time of 4th edition! Especially with chaos i like this because i never got why they needed to be split up like that. Unite all under Morslieb!

Edited by Robin Graves

Yeah I also think this game is much better as games where resources are also cards and you need to have those cards in your opening hand in order to actually play the game. For Warhammer invasion I also didn't like the way certain factions where just mixed in, unless I'm confused I believe that Skaven and Lizardmen where not optional factions to play but could be included as neutral cards? I highly dislike that because the Skaven and Lizardmen are not Dogs of War in any shape way or form.

I personally favour the way Conquest is set up with it's factions and am also okay with certain units being Neutral despite being Dark Eldar or Inquisitors. This "break of faction" is something that can be seen. A mix of Skaven + Orks or Empire + Lizardmen just strikes me as very akward. Not to say I fully know if this currently is the case or not...

Apart from that I often felt like GW (and thus FFG to some degree) stopped making Fantasy an interesting miniature game. Currently every army gets it's GIANT BEASTS OF AWESOMENESS without much reasoning behind it. I've also read about the option to mix all the armies into one giant one, further taking away any character previous armies had. Much like GW (and thus FFG) has basicly made Codex Chaos Space Marines into Codex Black Wordbearers Legion.

Have to admit I am not at all that upset for it for the LCG but that's more because I see the two as two completely different games who just share some background.


Yes skaven, undead, lizardmen and wood elves started out as neutral cards, but FFG fixed it in the end by giving them their own capitals (as cards not as boards this time) and then they canceled warhammer invasion before i ever got my tombkings/ogre kingdoms/chaos dwarfs.

Also the factions were devided into "order" and "destruction" and teh neutrals had "order only" (wood elves lizardmen) and "destruction only" (the other two) preventing any silly orc/dwarf alliances. (unlike ork/imp guard i might add!)

"the option to mix all armies into a big giant one" I assume you are talking about "The End Times"? It's not that you can throw eeeeeverybody together (altough that might end up happening the way chaos is kicking ass) And it's sorta true for the Elven Hosts: wood+high+dark elves. But Intrestingly for Undead (tombkings + vampire counts) and chaos (daemons+warriors+beasts) it actualy resets the armybooks to the time of 4th edition! Especially with chaos i like this because i never got why they needed to be split up like that. Unite all under Morslieb!

Seems like it eventually got fixed then. However it also sort of confirms that it was a mistake by doing so. Mistakes in the early stages of a game can/will lead to an early demise however... Or at least that's my experience...

Perhaps I'll try the game once again in the future but I feel (apart from the alliences) Conquest is allready superior by admitting there just are factions and these have their own Warlord, cards etc. They even allready paid attention to some sub-factions a.k.a Chapters, which further pleases me as this is the way to go imho! (Thanks FFG!)

Also deviding factions by Order, Destruction or Neutrals further takes away from character. Which I dislike to the extreme.

For example if the AM faction and SM faction was combined into one "Humanity" faction I would probably not even continue this game. The fluff so far has always been better than the miniature game itself which only shows poor game design rather than a lack of options due to the fluff... The LCG on the other hand captures the essence of certain cards very well!

Dreadnoughts are known for being extreme machines who are able to tear up masses without breaking a sweat. Now a 8/8 body might not have been my choice but I do feel a 6/6 or 4/6 body for example would fit that fluff very well.

In the miniature game however, they are not as interesting at all save for the extremes that can be Drop-Podded...

I also think it would be good to see a multitude of 2/3 bodies being the stats of regular Space Marine armies and 2/1 bodies being the scouts. With AM having a multitude of many 2/2 bodies representing full squads of veteran infantry, I am happy to say it fits the fluff rather well (with the exception of some extremes like the Conscripts).

To come back on my statement I dislike taking away from character has mainly to do with the fact you see that sometimes games are carried by character in the first place. The reason I think WOWTCG was great game was because you'd pick your Warlord character and have specific abilities available to you (much like the Warlord has it's signature cards in this game, love it FFG!). It also is the main reason why I drifted away from MtG because card advantage used to be a trait of the Blue/Blck spectrum but now can be found in any colour, it just shows that design space is limited by coloures and thus mana and thus the fact you have resources in the form of cards that should be included in your deck...

You may have already seen it, Killax, being on cardgamedb... but as a fellow lover of the fiction of 40k and as someone who also wants cards to be as "fluffy" as possible, I hope you'll accept a self-promoting recommendation to look at The Chime of Eons article series I have posted on cardgamedb.

As to devestators being anti-vehicle, I'd say if anything their most defining feature is that they are long ranged fire support. As you say, some heavy weapons are designed for anti-tank work, others for anti heavy-infantry, others for anti light-infantry. It kind of depends what weapon load out you carry, but with the exception perhaps of the multimelta, they invariably hit from further away than a lasgun.

The Long Fangs I proposed, of course, would be utterly broken if they had Ranged . As to what typifies them, I would say the split fire discipline reflects their main difference from normal Space Marine Devestators. The structure of the Space Wolves is such that their most experienced marines end up with the heavy weapons, and their superior veteran judgment and independent spirit lets them make their own calls on target selection.

Re: the Leman Russ, I'd note that its main Battle Cannon armament is somewhat flexible, but that it has extreme range and is equally good at blasting down heavy infantry or puncturing tanks.

Edited by Prepare for War

Well guys, here's my take on the Necrons . Hope you guys like it! Looking forward to reactions as always, be it bad or good.


Type: Warlord

Cost: -

Name: Imotekh the Stormlord

Traits: Warrior. Phaeron.

Reaction: After this unit declares an attack against an enemy unit, deal 1 damage to a different enemy unit at the same planet.

ATK/HLT: 2/6

HND/RSC: 7-7


Type: Army (signature)

Cost: 3

Name: Imotekh’s Immortals

Traits: Warrior. Sautekh.

Living Metal. (You can deploy this unit exhausted from your discard pile for 2 (Resource), when you do put damage counters on this unit equal to it’s HP -1)

CMD: 1

ATK/HLT: 3/3

Type: Event (signature)

Cost: 3

Shield: 1

Name: Entropic Storm

Action: Destroy target damaged unit.

Type: Attachment (signature)

Cost: 3

Shield: 3

Name: Staff of the Destroyer

Traits: Relic. Wargear.

Limit 1 Relic per player.

Attach to a Unique Necron unit.

Combat Action: Exhaust this attachment to deal 1 damage up to three different units at this planet.

Type: Support (signature)

Cost: 1

Name: Mandragora Crypts

Deploy Action: Exhaust this support to search the top 6 cards of your deck for a Necron card. Reveal that card and put it into your discard pile.

The main goal of the Stormlord was to put a storm-like effect on him and his wargear. His event started out as an Entropic Strike (non-signature) but I decided it would work well to his theme while also allowing him to do more than just "ping units to death".

He also has his onw signature "Sautekh" warriors who bear the keyword Living Metal. Living Metal is not the name used anymore for the effects on the regular warriors, immortals and other infantry units but I did like the sound of it more as Reanimation Protocols (which is the current name in the miniature game for a comparable effect). But if you guys consider Raenimation Protocols to be the better name for Necrontyr consider it to be the same effect with the same name.

I am aware that Living Metal is an extremely powerfull ability as it allows you to put down a stream of Army units, which is why the units come back with 1 HP and come back tapped. Initially I would have liked it to cost 1 but I feel cost 2 is more appropriate. I am also still thinking of other implications. For example returning it for it's full cost but with a counter that says: Remove this unit from the game when it would enter the discard pile. On the other hand I feel 2 is half the cost in terms of resources you gain every turn and a 3/1 for 2 or 2/1 for 2 is nothing to extreme in terms of power (while still being card advantage windows).

Still the use of the Living Metal keyword used be minimized as it becomes more and more powerfull in the lategame or when you are allready a head in the game.

- I feel the Warlord and Army units are incredibly strong

- I feel the Event is powerfull but well costed

- I feel the Attachment is very powerfull but well costed

- I feel the Support is nothing to special but has some synergy

- The main idea behind this Warlord was to create a Warlord that handles swarms well. I think we know that Tyranids should at least have 1 Warlord who is able to create the ultimate swarm and I hope the Stormlord is somewhat equiped to battle against that.

Some suggested extra's:

Type: Army

Cost: 2

Name: Heartless Necron Warriors

Traits: Warrior.

Living Metal. (You can deploy this unit exhausted from your discard pile for 2 (Resource), when you do put damage counters on this unit equal to it’s HP -1)

CMD: 1

ATK/HLT: 2/2

Type: Army

Cost: 5

Name: Apocalyptic Monolith

Traits: Vechicle. Elite.

Combat action: Pay the printed cost of a Necron unit to put it into play at this planet.

CMD: 2

ATK/HLT: 3/7

The ideas behind these basic units are simple, represent what they do in the fluff and in the miniature game. The Necron Warriors are now considerd to be the cheaper less valuable infantry units but can come in masses (represented by cost and stats) as oppossed to the more elite but heavy hitting Immortals (represented by their cost and stats).

The Monolith is a mixture of Land Raider and "Deep Strike". It's abilities are directly inspired by Drop Pod Assault and Vetran Brother Maxos.

Hope you like them!


Edited by Killax

You may have already seen it, Killax, being on cardgamedb... but as a fellow lover of the fiction of 40k and as someone who also wants cards to be as "fluffy" as possible, I hope you'll accept a self-promoting recommendation to look at The Chime of Eons article series I have posted on cardgamedb.

As to devestators being anti-vehicle, I'd say if anything their most defining feature is that they are long ranged fire support. As you say, some heavy weapons are designed for anti-tank work, others for anti heavy-infantry, others for anti light-infantry. It kind of depends what weapon load out you carry, but with the exception perhaps of the multimelta, they invariably hit from further away than a lasgun.

The Long Fangs I proposed, of course, would be utterly broken if they had Ranged . As to what typifies them, I would say the split fire discipline reflects their main difference from normal Space Marine Devestators. The structure of the Space Wolves is such that their most experienced marines end up with the heavy weapons, and their superior veteran judgment and independent spirit lets them make their own calls on target selection.

Re: the Leman Russ, I'd note that its main Battle Cannon armament is somewhat flexible, but that it has extreme range and is equally good at blasting down heavy infantry or puncturing tanks.

I am a huge fan of the Chime of Eons and have to say I can only be happy to see such ammount of works considering fluff and cardgame rules. I honestly draw inspiration from such articles and am only a fan.

As for the Devastators, offcourse oppinions can differ!

I feel that first and foremost it is indeed a unit with massive range (hence I suggested Ranged). I also feel that the cardgame is less restricted in actually comming up with rules for their current Wargear. As such I think it would be appropriate to represent it's anti-Vechicle options in a +2 ATK vs enemy Vechicle units.

I feel not only the Multi-Melta is the anti-Vechicle weapon of choice (and option for them) but the same goes for the Plasma Cannon (arguably very effective against heavy infantry and light to medium vechicles), Lascannon (very effective against medium to heavy Vechicles) and Missle Launcher (effective against light infantry and medium to heavy vechicles). I feel it's only the Heavy Bolter who is designed specifically to deal with masses, fluff-wise.

I also understand that the Devastator structure differs per Legion. However I do not feel the LCG goes much deeper into Legion specific traits for the build of the card. For example, While the Daring Assault Squad is a Blood Angels unit, I feel the Ultramarine Assault Squad could be similar in design. At the same time I feel a 3/3(4) in the form of Blood Angels Veterans is a very good represenation of what a Terminator unit can/should have. But it's also open to the intent of card or the actual goal of the unit. As such the defending Deathwing Guard is able to handle much more damage as the Blood Angels Veterans but also being much better in Command. Defending positions hower don't allow for a fantastic offense which in turn makes them 2/9... Maby not so good for the game, but I feel fluffwise I can get behind that... More as a 8/8 Dreadnought for example.

Well guys, here's my take on the Necrons . Hope you guys like it! Looking forward to reactions as always, be it bad or good.

Type: Army (signature)

Cost: 3

Name: Imotekh’s Immortals

Traits: Warrior. Sautekh.

Living Metal. (You can deploy this unit tapped from your discard pile for 2 (Resource), when you do put damage counters on this unit equal to it’s HP -1)

CMD: 1

ATK/HLT: 3/3


Hope you like them!


I hate em! Haha just kidding, these are awesome and they feel very much like necrons, I especially like the living metal rules. But I see you have used "tapped" instead of "exhausted". Ah magic the gathering... Once it's in the system it's hard to get it out...

Any ideas for:

scarab swarms

Tomb spiders


Edited by Robin Graves