Your card wishes.

By Killax, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

Like the topic mentiones, which cards do you wish to see in the expansions of the Conquest LCG game? Im looking for great ideas (Army, Event, etc.) and Warlords + staple cards.

The best designs for me would be fitting for the Warlord and his name.

As a fan of the 40K universe and the Conquest game I'm looking forward to reading some excellent ideas. Because I'm quite sure some people have some great ideas on this subject.

For me personally, as a big fan of the World Eaters and Khorne I'd love to see a Khârn the Betrayer card. Besides that I'm also looking very forward to seeing Space Marines Sniper Scouts, Black Templar units, Chaos Raptor units and Banshee units.

Here's my first wishfull design:


Khârn the Betrayer

Warrior. Khorne.

Brutal. (This unit gets +1 ATK for each damage on it.)




4x Army

Berserkers of Skallathrax

Cost: 3

Command: 1

Warrior. Khorne. World Eaters.

Interrupt: When you deploy this unit, reduce its cost by 1. Deal 1 damage to this unit after it enters play.


"Continue the assault! Khorne cares not from where the blood flows, only that it flows!"

- Khârn the Betrayer

2x Event

Unrelenting Assault

Cost: 3

Shield: 2

Combat Action: Put a Chaos unit from your discard pile into play at a planet. If that unit is still in play at the end of the phase, discard it.

"Maim! Kill! Burn! Maim! Kill! Burn! Maim! Kill! Burn!"

- Khârn the Betrayer

1x Attachment


Cost: 2

Shield: 3

Relic. Wargear. Weapon.

Limit 1 Relic per player.

Attach to a Khorne unit.

Attached unit gets +X ATK where X is the damage on attached unit.

1x Support

Throne of Skulls

Cost: 2

Reaction: After a Khorne unit you control destroys an enemy unit, exhaust this support to draw 2 cards.

Hope you guys like the above design. Looking forward to some ideas from the forums.

Edited by Killax

I like the overall design. Not a fan of Tears of Isha reskinned, however.

I suggest instead:

Blood for the Blood God !

Cost: 1

Shield: 1

Combat Action: Choose a Khorne Unit you control. Till the end of the current phase, that unit gains +1 attack. Also, till the end of the phase, that unit gains Armorbane when attacking a Psyker .

Also, as you say, Khorne says he doesn't care where the blood comes from, so:

Throne of Skulls

Cost: 2

Combat Reaction: After a unit unit is destroyed, exhaust this support to draw 1 card.

And while I like the idea of a Brutal warlord, what might depict Kharn even better is:

Reaction: After an enemy unit is destroyed by this Warlord's attack, ready this Warlord.

and to go with that:


Cost: 2

Shield: 3

Relic. Wargear. Weapon.

Limit 1 Relic per player.

Attach to a Unique Chaos unit.

Attached unit gains Brutal .

Edited by Prepare for War

I feel that if they ever made Kharn, he should do something more than just be brutal. I mean, he's a warlord and one of Chaos' standard bearers. He needs to have more than something that several other units already have. Perhaps something where he deals one damage back to whatever unit deals damage to him. This could reflect the fact that there is such an aura of bloodletting insanity around him that just being engaged with him causes anyone to suffer a debilitating setback.

I like the overall design. Not a fan of Tears of Isha reskinned, however.

I suggest instead:

Blood for the Blood God !

Cost: 1

Shield: 1

Combat Action: Choose a Khorne Unit you control. Till the end of the current phase, that unit gains +1 attack. Also, till the end of the phase, that unit gains Armorbane when attacking a Psyker .

Also, as you say, Khorne says he doesn't care where the blood comes from, so:

Throne of Skulls

Cost: 2

Combat Reaction: After a unit unit is destroyed, exhaust this support to draw 1 card.

And while I like the idea of a Brutal warlord, what might depict Kharn even better is:

Reaction: After an enemy unit is destroyed by this Warlord's attack, ready this Warlord.

and to go with that:


Cost: 2

Shield: 3

Relic. Wargear. Weapon.

Limit 1 Relic per player.

Attach to a Unique Chaos unit.

Attached unit gains Brutal .

Have to say I like the above designs aswell.

Blood for the Bloodgod also seems really nice altough I have to say something like that would fit the Inquisitor's even more, as a " Hunt the Witch " Event/action the Black Templars and Sisters of Battle used to have in the miniature game. Khorne does indeed despise Magic/Psykers but he isn't as much as a Witch Hunter as the Inquisitors are. In the 40K universe at least Khorne needs Psykers to open the Warp...

Throne of Skulls , Karn and Gorechild are wonderfull designs aswell imho Prepare for War!

I do have to say that putting Brutal on Kârn might sound a bit simple but the truth is that as a Warrior of Khorne he, imho, is a bit simple. Far more simple as any other Chaos champion from the 40K universe as he is one of the few Chaos Space Marine commanders who still leads the battles front field himself and wears nothing but Power Armour (with removed armour for his Arms for some reason).

Besides that I feel that the Brutal keyword is a very powerfull keyword on a Warlord. It can lead to fast assassinations and also requires the Chaos player to be able to balance his damage in order to not get hunted himself. Altough I do have to say the Betrayer part of his name does not reflect extremely well on his Warlord card I do feel it reflects well on his signature Army units.

I feel that if they ever made Kharn, he should do something more than just be brutal. I mean, he's a warlord and one of Chaos' standard bearers. He needs to have more than something that several other units already have. Perhaps something where he deals one damage back to whatever unit deals damage to him. This could reflect the fact that there is such an aura of bloodletting insanity around him that just being engaged with him causes anyone to suffer a debilitating setback.

While I like the Aura idea, there is nothing that reflects that in the miniature game. The only real thing that is actually special about him is that Gorechild lets him hit on anything but 1's because 1's will hit his own troops if they are within his melee range. In fact he is just a Warlord in Power Armor (standard issue for any Space Marine), with a Plasma Pistol (standard issue plasma pistol), an Chaotic Aura (which isn't reflected in the cardgame so far as anything different but all Chaos Warlord have it) and his Gorechild that lets him hit hard but again nothing extremely of the 40K charts.

The other ability I think he could have, while being a 2/6 Warlord would be:

Combat Action: Deal 1 damage to a unit you control at a target planet where your Warboss is present to ready that unit. (Limit once per phase per unit)

It would reflect his "Betrayer" ability more while also letting you hit incredibly hard. Imho a bit to hard when you think of the possibility of Blood Letters hitting for effectively AoE 6...

Limiting his ability to Khorne units or World Eater units would somewhat balance it but also feel to mediocre in my mind...

Nontheless, looking forward to more orginal ideas people :D !

Another card wish from me:

Attachment for the Space Marines (faction loyal)

Power Fist

Cost: 3

Shield: 1

Wargear. Weapon.

Attach to target army unit,

Attached unit gains +1 ATK and Armourbane.

Combat Action: Exhaust this support to deal double damage to enemy Vechicle units this combat.

While I like the Aura idea, there is nothing that reflects that in the miniature game

Well, I come at this more from the novels' standpoint than the tabletop game, so I can't always discern what makes sense from that point of view. And the idea that just being around Khorne units in battle, causes both mental and physical damage to their enemies has been used a number of times in books. Whenever I've read about Kharn in action, this is the sense I get of what it's like to be in combat with him. I could also see an ability that allows him to decrease any damage received from a psyker unit, though that is a bit narrow in scope.

One more thing I would like to mention is that I don't feel that characters have to have the exact same traits they exhibit in the tabletop or novels as long as the ability still makes sense for them.

I agree with you that fluff should also play a role but at the same time I do think there should be somewhat of a balance between the stats they have for the miniature game and the fluff stats. Basicly because it's a way of adding those stats to a card. Imho most cards are well designed so far but it becomes akward when you have 8/5 Conscripts for example when a Terminator is considerd to be a 3/3. Both ingame and fluffwise the Conscript does not make a whole lot of sence.

Most Marines also seem to be 2/3 (with their Warlords being 2/6) and the Assault Marines/Terminators seem to have a 3/3 type of design. I like this a whole lot since it resambles their resilence as compared to Dark Eldar and Eldar for example.

The same is true for Tau who often rely fully on their equiped in order to survive.

As such I think Kârn and most other Chaos Marines should not drift away to much from 2/3's or 3/3's. I do agree however that Brutal should probably not be on Kârn as that as a rule only. Here's my new design. Thanks for the imput, in special at Prepare for War!


Type: Warlord

Cost: -

Name: Khârn the Betrayer

Traits: Warrior. Khorne.

Forced Reaction: After this warlord commits deal 2 damage to an army unit and ready it.

ATK/HLT: 2/6

HND/RSC: 7-7

The basic idea of this re-design is to put more clear abilities on him that actually would match his "Betrayer" title while also fitting his design to be incredible aggresive and a potent fighter who forces his men, or others to fight with him. However as Khorne would have wanted his ability is a double-edged sword that sometimes does not come in handy or is what you want altough the blood will flow...

The forced reaction in this case represents both his ability to maul anything but also represents that Khârn forces his men to ready for battle at any time even when they are moving with him from HQ. Much like he forced the World Eaters to continue the attack on Skallathrax during a moment where it was far from ideal. Thus representing that his aggressiveness can be used against him aswell.

Cards that could be used with him are also cards who fit his personality like for example:

- No Mercy - Warpstorm and - Murder Cogitator

Type: Army (signature)

Cost: 3

Name: Berserkers of Skallathrax

Traits: Warrior. Khorne. World Eater.

Action : Deal 1 damage to this unit to have it gain Mobile untill the end of the phase.

CMD: 1

ATK/HLT: 3/3

Assault type of Chaos Space Marines who have a death wish, plain simple. They seek to battle constantly.

Type: Event (signature)

Cost: 3

Shield: 1

Name: Unrelenting Assault

Combat Action : Move up to 2 Chaos units from your HQ to target planet. Ready them.

Very much in theme with the World Eaters in general. I feel Prepare for War was right that reanimation is not something that really fits Khorne. Altough the idea came from the fact that Khârn has died a few times and Khorne decided to bring him back for battle anway. Nonthless, this fits the idea better and will also allow Khorne units to fight multiple battles after each other. Which is only to please Khorne and Khârn.

Type: Attachment (signature)

Cost: 2

Shield: 3

Name: Gorechild

Traits: Relic. Wargear. Weapon.

Limit 1 Relic per player.

Attach to a Unique Chaos unit.

Attached unit gains Brutal.

Directly stolen from Prepare for War but fits the simplicity of this weapon really well. It's made for killing and grows while cutting the heads of friends and foes in the midst of a bloodied battle.

Type: Support (signature)

Cost: 2

Name: Throne of Skulls

Combat Reaction: After an enemy unit is destroyed, exhaust this support to draw 1 card and gain 1 resource.

Idea stolen from Prepare for War as I feel it's powerfull for it's effect and also helps. Decided to limit it to enemy units since the idea of Khorne still is to beat it's foes but the ones who bring worthy skulls are rewarded.

Hope you guys dig version 2.0 more. Let me know :D


I would love to see Khorne units that really do not care about who gets injured.

E.g. ability in Kharn: forced reaction - When Kharn attacks deal 1 damage to each unit in the planet (friend and enemies alike)

Berserkers could get something apart from brutal, for example:

forced reaction : when this unit gets killed do damage equal to his attack to the damaging unit.

And on the what I would like to see topic...

* Harlequin Eldar Warlord (Eldar and Dark Eldar)

You may include any Eldar and Dark Eldar only cards.

You may not include Chaos or Tau cards.

When you assign your warlord to a planet you may move any other Harlequin unit you control to the same planet.

Obviously i would like to see more Harlequin cards.

And those cards should be usable by both Eldar and Dark Eldar alike.

Also, more Inquisitor cards, with sacrifice and vengeance themes.

I would love to see Khorne units that really do not care about who gets injured.

E.g. ability in Kharn: forced reaction - When Kharn attacks deal 1 damage to each unit in the planet (friend and enemies alike)

Berserkers could get something apart from brutal, for example:

forced reaction : when this unit gets killed do damage equal to his attack to the damaging unit.

And on the what I would like to see topic...

* Harlequin Eldar Warlord (Eldar and Dark Eldar)

You may include any Eldar and Dark Eldar only cards.

You may not include Chaos or Tau cards.

When you assign your warlord to a planet you may move any other Harlequin unit you control to the same planet.

Obviously i would like to see more Harlequin cards.

And those cards should be usable by both Eldar and Dark Eldar alike.

Also, more Inquisitor cards, with sacrifice and vengeance themes.

Love the idea there of the Harlequin Warlord, in special because it would allready have applications within the faction.

Harlequins so far have been somewhat special. But just like I would love to see more Khorne units Im also really waiting for Banshee units to arrive.

Which also is something worth it's own topic imho, the chances and ideas for Warlords who are limited to certain factions. The "purists" are something Ive also been thinking about. For example an Ordo Xenos Space Marine Warlord who can only ally with AM. So far I would have expected it allready on certain Warlords like Cortaez.

Nontheless great idea!

My card wishes can be summed up with one word: Necrons!

I realise they're coming in the fabled deluxe expansion, which can't come round quickly enough for my liking, so while I'm waiting, I've been thinking about what could possibly be on the way.

Assuming Necrons and Tyranids cards are in the same box, they'd each likely need two warlords to balance with the seven existing factions (assuming the Warlord cycle has ended by the time the deluxe is out - no guarantee, as previous LCGs that have brought more factions in this manner, Invasion & Star Wars, have had their deluxe expansions mid-first cycle). So!

I'm not good at card mechanics, but I'd like to see:

Anrakyr the Traveller (warlord)

Tachyon Arrow (wargear attachment) - powerful attachment that ignores armour but must be discarded after use, maybe?

4x Pyrrhian Eternals - Immortals units

And some sort of event that gives control of enemy wargear to Anrakyr until the end of the round.

I'm assuming Imotekh the Stormlord would be high on the list for being an early Necron warlord, though I'm not all that familiar with his fluff. The lover of shiny new stuff in me really hopes that FFG capitalises on the Shield of Baal stuff and instead gives us Zarathusa the Ineffable...

Great idea and truth spalanzani.

As for Necrons and Tyranids, I also believe we will see two new keywords unique to them. Likely even more.

Chances are also high that Tyranids will also have a nice Token sub-theme in them (much like Orks and IG) and I fully believe that Necrons will all be about the recursion tech. Both will probably have above the curve 1-2-3 drops altough they'd suffer in flexability and card pool compared to the other factions.

Yeah, Tyranids will almost definitely have Ripper tokens, I'm thinking. Hopefully we'll see Scarab tokens for Necrons? Hm.

Some other ideas I've had floating around, in terms of translating fluff to this game, include Lychguard who get a bonus attack if they outright destroy a unit in combat, dispersion shields that redirect the first point of damage at the attacker, a harp of dissonance attachment that gives the unit an area effect of (2) or (3)...

I'm just a huge Necron fan that can't wait to see them enter this game!

Yep it's all possible, for sure besides recursion, a plentora of shields would also make much sence. All in all it should end up to be the swarm versus the incredible hard nut to crack. I kind of like that plan.

At the same time I wouldn't be suprised if Necrons would be the first to get a total board whipe for 7-8 resources, perhaps even 6 if they really want to push Necrons in the Tournament scene.

The same goes for Nids however, I don't think their Warlord will be something like Packmaster Kith, but I can see a Warlord in the future who's just massive. A base statline of 1/7 1/8 or 1/9 Warlords should not be extremely suprising.

Apart from that the buddies that are comming out in the comming Warpacks also fit the Tyranids very well. A +2/+0 when the Warlord's synapse is present.

In both cases I'm looking forward to what the Living Hive and the Living Metal will bring us.

I hope the'yre gonna think about reflecting the devourer of worlds tyranid feature - additional bonuses for winning at planets and/or consuming their bonuses so that no one can benefit from winning command struggles at them.

Ripper swarms are obvious choice for their tokens, but FFG showed that they don't like obvious by introducing Kith with khymera tokens. Gaunts may also be a choice here. Dunno how they're gonna utilize synapse in game though.

So as to necrons I'd like to see units that are deployed pseudo-dead on planets and are activated by warlord ability, properties of some attachment or event card. This can be frustrating for an opponent ("is this monolith on second planet going to activate or not? Should I deploy accordingly or not?") and therefore entertaining for necron player. Then after defeat those units could be activated once more in next battle (and not sent to discard pile). It gives you possibility to loose battle at No2+ planets and still have units there when they become No1. Extremely terrifying mechanic, but hey, this is what necrons are, aren't they?

Edited by Commediante

I hope the'yre gonna think about reflecting the devourer of worlds tyranid feature - additional bonuses for winning at planets and/or consuming their bonuses so that no one can benefit from winning command struggles at them.

Back in the days of 40k 2nd editions, playing against the 'nids came its own special victory conditions. all other objectives were put on hold and teh oponent had to concentrate on just surviving, while the tyranids ahd to kill as much as possible. This combined with that "devourer of worlds" thing made think of this:

Tyranids need 3 worlds to win. They don't need to have 3 matching types, Any combination will work.

But this might be a bit OP. What do you guys think?

Edited by Robin Graves

I was thinking about that, but it would be unfair for nids players. For them the game would be less challenging and plainer then for everyone else. Besides one change is always followed by another to balance the game. What would that be?

I think there could be a huge option for Tyranids to win with 4 planets. Regardless of what kind of planets they are.

As a result they would suffer quite heavily in Command Icons but have insane units for their cost (for example a 3/3 for 1 etc). It does all make somewhat sence though as the Gene Stealers would be likely to have a form of Command but their Warlord only being the other way to compete for it.

However, I do not hope FFG and GW will stray to much into that corner, because while it is nice and sort of fits the fluff it also condems the faction to a very liniar game play which in turn mean they'll be much less competative as say Space Marines or Tau.

My current expectations would be they are discussing this option and might be tempted to go into it. However, just as is the case with Chaos and Orks now, they fit their fluff somewhat in gameplay (with Chaos being a very chaotic deck and Orks being quite predictable) it does lead to less competative options and I am not a real fan of that in any way.

I'm curious to see how tne 'crons and the 'nids will evolve over time. As more cards get printed, the necrons will get an insane amout of flexability, but the tyranids will still be restricted to their own faction's cards.

I'm curious to see how tne 'crons and the 'nids will evolve over time. As more cards get printed, the necrons will get an insane amout of flexability, but the tyranids will still be restricted to their own faction's cards.

Im also really looking forward to that since it will likely mean the Necrons will be much less impressive in terms of stats but gain that in the form of abilities that synergy with all kinds of factions.

On the other hand Nids are indeed likely to have something very different with them and I honestly believe this will be more geared towards combat and less geared towards gaining cards and resources.

Still am looking very forward to what will float up.

Maybe something similar to Sicarius ability: where the nids gain recources for destroying units?

Maybe something similar to Sicarius ability: where the nids gain recources for destroying units?

Could work, an alternative option could also be, when they gain 1 planet they'll gain 1 extra card, 1 extra resource, 2 planets 2 extra cards, 2 extra resources and lastly 3 planets 3 extra cards and 3 extra resources. Because they'd win the game with 4 planets.

This would give the Tyranid the option to claim more with ensuing battles with their Warlord that are not on planet 1 but by doing so also taking a bigger risk. As a downside Tyranids would have far less availablity to high Command units save for the Genestelers and other giant Hivespawns. However it would probably also lead to Nids having units plentora who are incredible for battles.

The reason this idea came into my mind is because FFG allready was willing to give Eldar 2/4's without command for 2. In my mind it could lead to preparing us for even bigger units for cost but without any form of command.

As a lover of Space Marines any other of the named characters would be nice. And more cards for the big named chapters such as the first founding ones. Need me some more space pups. Grey Knights would be cool to.

Have to agre that more Space Wolves would be awesome, same goes for more Blood Angels imho as they allready have two of the most powerfull units in the Core set for Space Marines. So if I where to design the next Warlord it probably will be a Blood Angel one.

Grey Knights also would be awesome to counter an incredible ammount of insane Daemons. However currently I feel Chaos is not that well positioned even with an incredible powerfull Warlord as Zarathur. So hopefully FFG will keep the anti-chaos tech for when it actually is needed.

Yeah like Rafen from the Blood Angels novels would be cool, or Mephiston.


I want Blood angels Death Company!

Maybe something along the lines of 6/4, no comand icons, Bloodlust. If Death company would receive damage prevent one of it.