Release Date

By Zexion2, in Hollow Bastion

Darkwing Duck said:

it has nothing to do with the topic because OP has nothing to do with the release date nor the new set. OP is designed so "professional" TCG/CCG players can make money so i dont see how this fits into this topic so if you want to rant about it then make a topic. And even skilled MTG players cant win those tounys "easily" as you so put it. And as for your question i collect this game i couldnt care less about playing it i collect anything KH so if it didnt have the name KH on it then no i wouldnt collect it.

CCG- Collectible Card Game itd meant to be collected and enjoyed NUFF SAID..

That's the difference, we are competitive players so to us this is a big ball drop, Technically by the way this is supposed to be run it falls into a TCG catergory but it's still just called a CCG, proof of that would be looking at UFS which has a huge fan basis and an OP that runs similar to a TCG's OP. OP has to do with this since we're technically talking about a lack of support from the company to support this game, something you as a collector and not a player would know/care little about, whereas we the competitive players find this to be an outrage and an insult since we depend on the next set to upgrade our deck and play skills so when we're told "oh hey we're going to be releasing the next expansion set in 2 weeks." that registers as two weeks till we need to start looking for a new playstyle.

This is a competitive CCG, it was supposed to have OP which was promised God knows when ago, but the company flaked on that, the POINT being made is that if FFG is going to just blow the game off like that after promising something as huge as that, why support it cause from the eyes of the competitive, it shows shotty handling on their part and the ball is dropped.

Darkwing Duck said:

it has nothing to do with the topic because OP has nothing to do with the release date nor the new set. OP is designed so "professional" TCG/CCG players can make money so i dont see how this fits into this topic so if you want to rant about it then make a topic ill gladly rant on with you. And even skilled MTG players cant win those tounys "easily" as you so put it. And as for your question i collect this game i couldnt care less about playing it i collect anything KH so if it didnt have the name KH on it then no i wouldnt collect it.

CCG- Collectible Card Game its meant to be collected and enjoyed NUFF SAID..

Woooooooooow. You totally missed my point darkwing...again... If you had read the first sentence of the second paragraph of my response you would have realized that again, it was on topic to the point I was trying to address which was relevant to the topic on hand. Saying it was off topic is just dodging my points. pro ygo players don't make money directly off playing the game but they win cards and prizes that make it worth playing to them. The semantical attack on my Magic anogly is pointless, but playing magic is an easier career than most to be fair but arguing that is pointless since it was merely to illustrate a point I was making.

Read the logo next says trading card game but that's pointless and irrelevant to the discussion.

Roxas- you cant compare UFS and KH because UFS had OP and was already well established before FFG bought it. and again they said 2 weeks on day 15 of the COTD which im not so sure its been yet because i dont re-call what date that day 15 was.

Sora- so it looks like were going to play the lets see who can make the other look like a bigger fool game well ok. why dont you look up ccg and tcg and find out that there the same thing oh and before you enter the forums why dont you go click on the TCG button to get here oh wait there isnt one but GG. And yes pro ygo players do win money and other prizesthat can be sold for money Ex. ipods laptops etc. thats why its played. would you play a game that the prize would just be more booster packs? really what would be the point? spend $5 for an entry fee and win 5 booster packs oh heavens how amazing.

And i understand your point youve said it twice. all im doing is defending the release date if you didnt notice and OP has nothing to do with the release date which if you didnt notice happens to be the topic at the top of this thread. but if youd like me to discuss the topic of business, sales and there lack of commitment to a game with no future then please PM me id be more then happy to share my views.

well i sense a bit of hostility but i think that you all have to take into account that i think kingdom hearts was their first tcg and you cant compare wotc and konami or even upper deck to ffg because those companies have been in the ccg/tcg business alot longer then ffg im sure if ffg made a kingdom hearts board game it would be pretty bad ass lmao. just give them time to get the hang of it they will learn how its done watching ufs grow. by the way i dont remember there ever being talks of orginized play from ffg just a bunch of posts on the old forums from the players. at least we have those specialty tournaments. but yea you guys should just cut out this non sense before it gets any worse the last thing we need is these petty arguments like on the old forums. lets just get back to the happy that set 4 is going to be shipped in 10-14 days.

Darkwing Duck said:

Roxas- you cant compare UFS and KH because UFS had OP and was already well established before FFG bought it. and again they said 2 weeks on day 15 of the COTD which im not so sure its been yet because i dont re-call what date that day 15 was.

Sora- so it looks like were going to play the lets see who can make the other look like a bigger fool game well ok. why dont you look up ccg and tcg and find out that there the same thing oh and before you enter the forums why dont you go click on the TCG button to get here oh wait there isnt one but GG. And yes pro ygo players do win money and other prizesthat can be sold for money Ex. ipods laptops etc. thats why its played. would you play a game that the prize would just be more booster packs? really what would be the point? spend $5 for an entry fee and win 5 booster packs oh heavens how amazing.

And i understand your point youve said it twice. all im doing is defending the release date if you didnt notice and OP has nothing to do with the release date which if you didnt notice happens to be the topic at the top of this thread. but if youd like me to discuss the topic of business, sales and there lack of commitment to a game with no future then please PM me id be more then happy to share my views.

Darkwing Duck said:

Roxas- you cant compare UFS and KH because UFS had OP and was already well established before FFG bought it. and again they said 2 weeks on day 15 of the COTD which im not so sure its been yet because i dont re-call what date that day 15 was.

Sora- so it looks like were going to play the lets see who can make the other look like a bigger fool game well ok. why dont you look up ccg and tcg and find out that there the same thing oh and before you enter the forums why dont you go click on the TCG button to get here oh wait there isnt one but GG. And yes pro ygo players do win money and other prizesthat can be sold for money Ex. ipods laptops etc. thats why its played. would you play a game that the prize would just be more booster packs? really what would be the point? spend $5 for an entry fee and win 5 booster packs oh heavens how amazing.

And i understand your point youve said it twice. all im doing is defending the release date if you didnt notice and OP has nothing to do with the release date which if you didnt notice happens to be the topic at the top of this thread. but if youd like me to discuss the topic of business, sales and there lack of commitment to a game with no future then please PM me id be more then happy to share my views.

I can.....and that's probably the only reason why it's survived is cause someone else set it up, god bless that corporation. Mon June 15 it is now Fri July 10th....3 weeks give or take or 5 business days till a month.... so yeah.

The problem with that Mr. Incredible is that they get one more swing at this (if that) and then the game ends.

Mr. Incredible said:

well i sense a bit of hostility but i think that you all have to take into account that i think kingdom hearts was their first tcg and you cant compare wotc and konami or even upper deck to ffg because those companies have been in the ccg/tcg business alot longer then ffg im sure if ffg made a kingdom hearts board game it would be pretty bad ass lmao. just give them time to get the hang of it they will learn how its done watching ufs grow. by the way i dont remember there ever being talks of orginized play from ffg just a bunch of posts on the old forums from the players. at least we have those specialty tournaments. but yea you guys should just cut out this non sense before it gets any worse the last thing we need is these petty arguments like on the old forums. lets just get back to the happy that set 4 is going to be shipped in 10-14 days.

And I remember those petty arguments as character building moments in all of our lives <3

However, FFG have actually promised us an OP. It was not rumour and speculation. IT WAS A PROMISE



P.S - We need more arguments. It makes the place a bit lively. When I first joined the old forums, I joined at the start of the "Ulq vs Veno over the OrgXIII" argument and it was quite refreshing.

its been 2 weeks and 3 days since they said 2 weeks. oh no 3 days lets burn them at the stake. and you never know troth they can still keep there promise as long as they never gave a date to when there would be OP lol.

Darkwing Duck said:

its been 2 weeks and 3 days since they said 2 weeks. oh no 3 days lets burn them at the stake. and you never know troth they can still keep there promise as long as they never gave a date to when there would be OP lol.

But their "Two weeks" message was on the promised date.

And they won't. I've been screwed over in relationships before T_T Every gaming company in the world thinks I'm just a piece of meat to be torn apart...

by my count that's 3 weeks and 4 days.

I agree with ya Truffles. OP should have been started a long time ago

"Sora- so it looks like were going to play the lets see who can make the other look like a bigger fool game well ok. why dont you look up ccg and tcg and find out that there the same thing oh and before you enter the forums why dont you go click on the TCG button to get here oh wait there isnt one but GG. And yes pro ygo players do win money and other prizesthat can be sold for money Ex. ipods laptops etc. thats why its played. would you play a game that the prize would just be more booster packs? really what would be the point? spend $5 for an entry fee and win 5 booster packs oh heavens how amazing.

And i understand your point youve said it twice. all im doing is defending the release date if you didnt notice and OP has nothing to do with the release date which if you didnt notice happens to be the topic at the top of this thread. but if youd like me to discuss the topic of business, sales and there lack of commitment to a game with no future then please PM me id be more then happy to share my views."

No you may be playing that game but I am trying to share my thoughts on the topic at hand, the one waytothedawn brought up. Are you trying to get your e-hard on by "owning me" with useless and ridiculous semantical arguements? pro ygo players win prizes which they are free to do what they wish with but the company itself is not giving out cash prizes which is what I said. point about op was to help drive my point home about how FFG has been dropping the ball with this game. a quote from my first post

"Shoddy set release dates? No OP? practically zero company involvement? Ya I consider that dropping the ball."

clearly states the point of why I mentioned OP and you have just been harping on about it has nothing to do with topic but it actually does since someone asked about it. being late without communication is unprofessional and this isn't the first time they have been late with this game.

Also, How can you not compare two games that the same company owns? They had UFS before KH and could have in turn used the same OP program for it...what an idiotic statment.

Yeah, what are they gonna do? Have OP after Set 6 (JP 7) releases? Then there really is nothing left to look forward to for the game. Not unless FFG gets creative...which is unlikely seeing the past sets have been delayed.

Card_Breaker said:

Yeah, what are they gonna do? Have OP after Set 6 (JP 7) releases? Then there really is nothing left to look forward to for the game. Not unless FFG gets creative...which is unlikely seeing the past sets have been delayed.

We probably wont even hit a Set 6, I'm still not holding my breath on a Set 5.

So what you're all saying is...

No Vexen player card....


Trothael said:

So what you're all saying is...

No Vexen player card....


It's okay big guy *comforts Truffles =(* She wasn't good enough for you anyway.

Depending on the cards we get in this set, we may only go to Set 5...Then that'll be it.


Roxas said:

Trothael said:

So what you're all saying is...

No Vexen player card....


It's okay big guy *comforts Truffles =(* She wasn't good enough for you anyway.

But when she releases Rogue Trader then it'll be the same thing over again...

"It'll be different this time"
"Okay, I'll come back to you <3"

now THAT is off topic LOL... I agree waytothedawn. they have.

Trothael said:

Roxas said:

Trothael said:

So what you're all saying is...

No Vexen player card....


It's okay big guy *comforts Truffles =(* She wasn't good enough for you anyway.

But when she releases Rogue Trader then it'll be the same thing over again...

"It'll be different this time"
"Okay, I'll come back to you <3"

*manly hug* It's okay, we"ll get through this. Somehow despite FFG cheating on us.....we"ll be alright.

I don't know what I'll do if FFG get their hands on Triple Triad licenscing rights...

Trothael said:

I don't know what I'll do if FFG get their hands on Triple Triad licenscing rights...

Oh, you didn't hear about this morning?

Card_Breaker said:

Trothael said:

I don't know what I'll do if FFG get their hands on Triple Triad licenscing rights...

Oh, you didn't hear about this morning?

Don't make me cry tears of pain. DON'T.


*searches for me raincoat 'n umbrella*

Looks like there'll be some 'rain of tears' in the forecast. Now where are my galoshes...

Choitz said:

*searches for me raincoat 'n umbrella*

Looks like there'll be some 'rain of tears' in the forecast. Now where are my galoshes...

DUDE WE LOST THE PANCHOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Think fast! What would Batman do? Hmm....



Aha! He wouldn't do this!!

*runs away to stay dry*

I am completly apalled. I have been playing this bloody game since it came out. I was content with the first two sets, had to wait forever for the third, but this set 4 is pissing me off. I watched for the card of the day like clockwork. I saved ungodly amounts of money and FFG total dropped the ball. I emailed the company and got a response from Jaffer saying, that it takes along time for things to move around and that i need to be patient and bring it up with my local retailer. that was two days ago. Me and my retailer were waiting today for the shippment. I called him today and he told me that i had to wait another 1-2 weeks. It said expected june 2009, i waited all bloody june and now i have to wait all july? Hell they should at least keep going with the card of the day. Oh wait, they couldn't do that, cause by the time the set came out the whole thing would be spoiled. Honestly i gave up Yugioh for this? I really like KH and this card game made that love grow even more. But to be screwed over like this? I don't think FFG knows how much money and how many fans they are going to lose from this. I play with a group of about 6 people, who have all come up with hundreds of dollars and they are throwing their fan base away. I realise that YES they never gave an EXACT date, but thats the point, they SHOULD have. My card group and i have started buying the JAP packs and are trying to learn japanese just so we can play this bloody god forsaken game. in the last two weeks i have bought two boxes of JAP cards, with money i saved for Set 4 in ENGLISH!!!

Honestly i don't care how young a company is, or how much anyone wants to defend the company. I want my set 4 and i want it now! 2 weeks from now is too late! They can be a young company all they'd like, but they'll never grow if their not going to be successful. Sure they have other games, but why shun this one? the one that is fighting to stay up. Its like body slamming someone and then standing on their head!

If any other company, like Konami for example, I know they just went through some tough stuff, and they STILL just released a new set with two more on the way. With dates, and pre-releases. Where is my OP and my Set 4?

I really am upset about this and have been waiting patiently like every other player for this game. But my patients is running low. Even Jaffer couldn't give me a reasonable answer. I want a SET DATE!!!